posted on Jan, 5 2018 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to:
I still have no idea why Oscar was mute. He didn't act or seem feral at all, didn't run from people/wasn't skittish, didn't cower for any reason. He
definitely tried to meow, but barely anything would come out. He wasn't emaciated in any way, and I think he might have been abused.
It's funny how cats love to bring you their 'gift.' They want you to see or have them, lol, a headless mouse or squirrel.
That's a shame you lost track of Cujo, but I guess you two were similar creatures just doing what you could to survive at similar points in life, and
happened to find common ground and reciprocity. Sucks you couldn't find him and take him with you. I guess in instances like that animals are a rare
comfort and make things easier to handle.
You relationship with him reminds me of another cat we had, Ms. Doobie. Given to us as a kitten by an uncle, she was a long haired beauty but hated my
dad. After we moved she stayed inside for a while but started pissing on things, more specifically my dad's stuff. The final straw was when she soiled
his leather jacket. She went outside and never came back in. That's when she started becoming feral. She would not approach anyone of us for petting
or anything, and grew even more distant, just coming around to eat.
After a few years I tried to befriend her, and it took months for her to trust me and start petting her. She was still apprehensive about coming
close, even after that. Eventually we ended up moving again, and after several loads of our personal items, as I was about to leave the house the last
time, I couldn't leave without her. I spent hours looking for her. Finally, I found her, and after coaxing her snatched her and put her in the truck.
At the next home, she wouldn't let me out of her sight. Eventually, I let her inside, and that was that.