posted on Jan, 6 2018 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to:
Agree with everything you said. There can be ONLY 3 things going on with these continued witch hunts of the Clintons.
1. The Clintons are the most intelligent criminals in the history of the planet to be able to get away with the hundreds of crimes the right continues
to claim they perpetrated.
2. The republicans are the dumbest, most inept group of people the world has ever seen. They've spent 30 years and hundreds of millions of taxpayer
dollars investigating the Clintons, and have nothing to show for it.
3. All these claims by the right, mostly from right wing media sources, not corroborated by any reputable news source, are nothing but lies, to
distract from the real criminals in DC, namely, the entire republican party.
In short review, I think Occam's Razor tends to look at the right wing media empire (most media) as the liars, and getting tens of millions of people
to buy into it. Keep repeating the lies, make them big enough, and people will eventually believe them. The third Reich would be proud of todays right
Mueller is getting close, so to distract, and the media will gladly fall all over themselves to report on it, we have yet another waste of tax payer
money. Had the media done it's job in the first place, and properly vetted Trump, we probably wouldn't be where we are today.