posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 11:49 AM
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He stole my heart.
Spent the first 18 months of his life being shuttled from rescue to rescue, barely avoiding euthanasia on 3 occasions. When we saw him in the humane
society, they told us they would discount him 50% (the costs offset chipping, neutering, shots, and flea dip) because he'd been passed around so long
and they wanted him placed in a home soon.
He was cowering in the back corner of the kennel, sharing a space with a pit bull terrier that seemed to bully him pretty badly.
We tried to adopt another rescue a couple of weeks ago, and the humane society (we are in a new town) decided they wanted us to bring Samby up to meet
his potential new friend. Samby, being traumatized by his early life experience, could only stand and shake uncontrollably while he was there. Heart
breaking to see my sweet boy go through that. So we passed on a new adoption for the time being.
Sorry for the off topic...i love that dog so much it just comes pouring out.