a reply to:
Some brief commentary on your list....
1.Fax Machines - Who cares really? The legal reasoning for the very existence of fax machines was eclipsed more than a decade ago already. The
bigger question is, why they even exist at all today(?) Rarely used anymore.
2.Delivery jobs - Doubtful. However, in order to fully answer this we'd have to break down the words "delivery job" much more carefully. For
example, is a remote drone operator a 'delivery job'?
3.Cords and Chargers - I would agree, No. Also, depends on what kind of "cord" you're talking about. If you mean only 'cords' which connect chargers
to battery operated devices such as a cell phone, I'd say they're already obsolete what with induction charging and all. However, your stove or
refrigerator for example will always be connected to a 'cord'. Wireless power only exists in the form of...lightning.
4.Credit Cards - The physical card maybe, but not the banking concept. In fact, I'd argue there is going to be a full-court press for the elimination
of cash itself in the next 10 years.
5.Checks - I agree, likely yes. However, this is actually pretty disturbing too on a legal level. If one understands how a check actually works,
then the notion of eliminating it creates some serious legal entanglements going forward.
6.Having a different remote for every device - Yes. There is no need for multiple remote devices right now with universal remote and smart phone
7.Landline phones - Probably not by 2025, but certainly within the next 20-25 years. This subject is one of those "
what out what you wish for"
topics. Cellular phone technologies have numerous vulnerabilities in a world where "Communications is King"
8.DVD Players - No. The physical form of the DVD may change, but the notion everything will be streamed in the future won't happen, not in that time
frame anyway. The media empires would LOVE this to be true, and for that reason alone it won't happen. (Note: research the history of the cassette
tape to understand why).
9.Movie Theaters - Maybe, and this is kind of a sad social statement too. When the 'golden' age of the big silver screen dies, so does a rich part of
our history.
10.Analog TV's - Yes, absolutely. They're already dead right now.
11.Digital Cameras - This is an interesting subject, one which could go either way. "Photography" is in a paradoxical stage right now (I am a
photographer). The digital photography world has already largely replaced the 'analog' film world, but with so many digital manipulation tools
available out there it's nearly impossible to tell if a 'photo' is real anymore. This subject, more so than any other item in this list, is one I,
and many others, could write books and books on. There are countless social, philosophical and legal implications. One where both ends of the
discussion push towards the middle so hard the whole discussion wants to go super-nova. One is left to ask..."
Is it real...or is it MEMOREX
12.Supermarket Cashiers - Could go either way on this one. I would say likely, but not by 2025. Maybe shortly thereafter though.
13.Print Newspapers - Absolutely. Right now print newspapers are fighting for their last breath across the globe. I'm surprised they exist right
now. By 2025...absolutely, dead as a door nail. Sad, but likely true.
14.The Yellow Pages - Yep, I'm surprised they still exist now. White pages is a different story, but yellow pages are pretty much dead now.