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Who wants to WIN???

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posted on Dec, 28 2017 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: introvert

I'm done reading you because I'm not falling for your bait, to feed you, because that's all you ever do around here.

In this thread I'm trying to get us to stop see each others as enemies, to point out who the true enemies of our society / humanity really are, how to see above and beyond their agenda to divide and rule and enslave and addict us.

And you're just here to wreck it.

Any chump can do that.

Now get the last word and you "WIN"!!!

posted on Dec, 28 2017 @ 08:51 PM

Cooperation is key.

posted on Dec, 28 2017 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

How can the distribution be so skewed to the top 20%, after 8 years of a Democrat President?

posted on Dec, 28 2017 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: silo13

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

The path to victory is tearing apart the War on Drugs as we've known it. It always has been. Its the SYSTEM thats screwing all of us. You see the whole design has been a farce its been driving the wars, and the System is desperate to cover its own ass and the way to do it is by setting US all against each other.

Republicans you want to save the economy, right? Well how much have the wars the past 40 years cost us? Hows that national debt looking?

Well guess what, my new analysis makes clear that Bosnia, the War on Terror, even Vietnam wouldnt have ever happened if not for the CIA's drug network agenda. Why do you think they came after Trump? He was saying all the wrong things for that agenda. You wanna beat them? This is the way. And those of you who hate Trump, and think the CIA is your friend because they ame after him and the MSM says they are: well guess what they aint. Nobody has done more to undermine them than the CIA. They were completely responsible for unleashing the initial heroin epidemic on the black community in the 60's and 70's, and were all up in the guts of the initial crack epidemic of the 80's. Those patterns never did cease, while their renewed partnership with Al Freaking Qaeda of this decade was an in your face brazen return to the days of old.

Meanwhile, the costs of the WOD, hows that doing on on the annual budget? A TRILLION dollars spent so far with ZERO results. Now Trump is doing a lot of the right things to deal with it externally, as my fresh analysis has shown:
A Treatise on the Wars of Drugs

But its still costing money we dont have, and its still the entirely wrong costly internal approach. Its time to legalize. Not the hardcore narcotics; we need to get all the pot / police / prison pressure off our citizenry and divert all that energy / resources / etc at the drug routes / borders / cartels. Make pot America First, for the little people, restore social mobility, drive innovation, see capital flow every which way across the board, and save the economy once and for all.

Now it'll take more convincing to bring this all to others, and my new guide on the the ultimate evil that is the 'War of Drugs' is the way. I'm literally risking my life with this thing, but I know it can work. Everyone just has to decide that they want to stop being part of the problem, and dig into this thing and together we can take down this great evil that has set us at each others throats.

Fret not, we get this life-destroying diabolical cuts-every-which-way costly BS out of the way and everyone can go back to the good old days of skewering each other over stuff like abortion.

Still, quite a lot of cut paste glitter - how about, in your own words, giving up your condensed version?

This is the new ATS after all.

edit on 0741Thursday201713 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2017 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

I'm done reading you because I'm not falling for your bait, to feed you, because that's all you ever do around here.

What bait? Are not doing exactly what you complained about in the OP?

The point I am trying to make is that you have no place to point fingers at anyone, let alone the Left, about social justice and social engineering when you are a product of your own definitions of social justice and social engineering.

In this thread I'm trying to get us to stop see each others as enemies, to point out who the true enemies of our society / humanity really are

People are their own worst enemies.

how to see above and beyond their agenda to divide and rule and enslave and addict us.

Ya. Your OP helped with that division, did it not?

And you're just here to wreck it.

Any chump can do that.

You're not very good at handling opinions different than your own, are you?

Now get the last word and you "WIN"!!!

Yay! What do I win?

More insults?

posted on Dec, 28 2017 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: silo13

Dude this thread is the condensed solutions versions from my insights into 'wrapping up' compiling that entire book this week. Then I cut out all the appeal to 'lets quit fighting each other' stuff down to the solutions bits in my "copy paste" back there.

Our problems, besides ourselves and each other (ourselves with each other), from The System / The Machine, tearing down the War on Drugs / Wars of Drugs is how we can all win together, the only way we can win is together. Its all about the drugs bebe. That's how they've got us by the balls and kicking each other in them.

posted on Dec, 28 2017 @ 09:20 PM

edit on 28-12-2017 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

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