posted on Dec, 28 2017 @ 01:13 PM
Most of what is happening in the world that is referred to as an awakening should not be classified as such, rather it should be referred to as more
and more people getting a clue. Getting a clue about the truth of power, control and manipulation in our world; and perhaps choosing to rise and meet
it at different degrees in thought or action. Yet, this is not awakening in the truest sense as awakening is the gradual realization of deeper levels
of truth about the nature of Self and Creation, even though at times some levels of awakening may accompany a process of getting a clue. Interesting
enough, the opposite may also be true, where one may actually be experiencing some level of awakening and still be clueless about the ground level
reality we live in. Further evidence that these are two separate processes that may or may not accompany each other.