posted on Dec, 29 2017 @ 11:24 AM
Europe and the people in the western world don't have any such karma coming. The elites have only karma coming, but it doesn't exist or the baby
eating murdering cannabils who enslave everyone and steal all the land and resources that belong to us, wouldn't be living in the lap of luxury.
Europeans, the people, are very evolved loving, kind and support equality and freedom.
And their houses, countries, with advanced constitutions and rules (not talking EU here either) is an outcome of their soul grade and development.
For example, many of them reincarnated out of worse countries were they were abused by the corporate elites and heads of the world, and EARNED the
houses they are in.
What is happening has NOTHING TO DO WITH KARMA. What is happening is a pure satanic evil elite are trying to destroy the higher grades on earth and
their constitutions by reducing everyone to the dark ages.
Some of them are compartmentalized, and actually believe that sending humanity back to the dark ages of fundamental violent religions and throwing
burqa's on women, who most of the tax dollars has gone to equalizing and supporting single family homes, and much resources in providing decent homes
and appliances for, so they want to destroy this and some think its for earth's good.
When in reality, they are sitting on a gold mine of CLEAN TECHNOLOGY, cavtiation and implosion, such as Keely's Secret, Tesla, the Pistol Shrimp, the
Star in the Jar experiment, and sonoluminescence, the ability to grow crafts from seeds, like on a vine, homes, vehicles and bases in the cosmos.
Being able to leave the solar system and take ET home.
Every person on earth should have their own land, gardens, create abundant energy, using the top technology have life extension and 2 kids, so lots of
time to develop themselves in a thousand year life, with beamships in their backyard.
Not a single animal slaughtered, cloned meat from animals, not the whole animal mind you.
We are already able to do all this and more.
The only reason they want to reset the planet to the dark ages: is to allow them to secure their elite positions over the world.
None of it is going to happen however.
The grade 1 classes are not going to remake the grade 12 classes in their images.
Such is not allowed in the universe.
The grade 12 classes will wake up soon enough because they do love their constitutions and children.
Don't see the EU, hitler's pet project, surviving though.