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POLITICS: Shiite's political plan

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posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 01:20 AM
The new Iraqi governing Shiites plan to have a diverse government. They plan to have representatives from all three major groups in Iraq. The new plan will ensure that for each governing official, whether that be Shiite, Kurd, or Suni, they will be backed by one of the other two groups. Also, the aids will be from all walks of religion. This plan would appear to be workable.
But if one listens to what the Shiite slate has been saying, there has been a reassuring consistency: Its members are not bent on dominating the political scene, even though Shiites are a majority in Iraq and were long repressed under Saddam Hussein. Rather, they want to cooperate with Iraq's minority groups, including Sunni Arabs, favored under Hussein, and ethnic Kurds, most of whom are also Sunni.

Instead of trying to cobble together enough allies to form a strong parliamentary majority to ram through legislation, he said, the slate is seeking to create a government that would include all, or as many as possible, of the 12 electoral slates that won seats in the assembly — plus some Sunni groups that did not participate.

For instance, if a government minister is a Shiite, his or her two deputies might be a Kurd and a Sunni, and their assistants might be Turkmen or Christian, he said.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

I believe that this might be able to work, if the insurgence can be stopped. One concern, however, is the Suni's lack of interest in participating in the new government. During Sadam's reign, the Suni's were the favored sect, now, however, the Shiites are in rule. This could cause a lot of tension, considering the Suni's are backing the insurgence.

Many of the Suni's in Iraq are the wealthy leaders, therefore they have the finances to back insurgence attacks. There are currently negotiations underway to try and pursuade the Suni leaders to participate in the new government. Shiite and Kurdish leaders are currently in negotiation with Suni Arab leaders to get help in writing the new constitution for Iraq.

One very encouraging fact is that the new constitution must be approved by 16 of the 18 providences of Iraq to be accepted. This is encouraging since both the Suni and Kurdish groups hold at least 3 providences each. Another rule states that the president and 2 vice presidents must be approved by at least 2/3 vote.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 01:25 AM
The Sunnis for a variety of reasons chose not to vote. More to the point many of thier religious leaders urged an election boycott. Also many of the Sunni's (but not all) are supporting the insurgency.

If they wise up quickly, they will realize that they still have some cards to play politically as the Shiite groups failed to get a majority and will have to forge a coalition government.

However, this may be difficult for us American in the MTV age, , we have to take a long view on these elections and give democracy time to work. Remeber that the US constitution took years to fully ratify.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 06:46 AM
Now its not worth the paper its written on

It will take time but with the words the Shiites have been saying its encouraging that a worthy government will arise.

Funny how Shiites dominate Iran as well. My best friend since I was in Grade School is Iranian and him and his family are the friendliest, trust worthy and honourable people im yet to meet. If that and the Iraqi Shiites are anything to go by I think Iran has been painted as something it is not for a very long time now by completely bias US media.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 09:01 AM
Yeah, it is a possibility, subz. It is sad to say that most people make the judgement, without knowing anyone from over there.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 09:24 AM
Well the Shiites has not choice they will fallow Al-Sistanis, lead and they will establish a type of government like the one in Iran, combine the three mayor leaders from each of the tribes.

Iran is very successful in the type of structural government it has. But one thing is for sure, theocratic government will be the rule, and it will be Islam, no doubt about it.

Al-Sistani already said so.

But it's hard to swallow after all US is selling the to the public that Iran has an evil government.

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