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Two serious UFO articles in Famous British mainstream newspaper on same day - with a twist...

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posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 09:39 AM

Here in the UK we have one newspaper group which consistently refuses to get political, which never tells its readers how to vote, and which features journalists, columnists & editors with a range of viewpoints from across the political spectrum, including those who are avowedly non-political too. That newspaper group is called the Johnston Group, whose flagship newspaper is called, suitably enough, the Independent. There is also a compact daily which is very popular, named the 'i', which is a printed word paper, which I read regularly. It is an excellent paper, keeping readers very well-informed on a wide range of newsworthy stories from all aspects of life both nationally & internationally.

I purchased a copy yesterday, and as I read through it in the evening, I was shocked to come across not one, but TWO articles of a very lengthy & detailed nature, both of which related to the UFO enigma, and the likelihood of alien, intelligent life, from out there in the universe, which appears to have taken an interest in Humanity. On seeing the titles of each story, I expected that the typical fare would be served up - tongue-in-cheek witticisms, even direct ridicule & mockery of the sources/ 'conspiracy theorists', etc. I was in for a surprise on both counts.

Not only did the journalists/columnists responsible report the stories in an excellent amount of detail, but they not once gave any indication that mockery/ ridicule was part of the agenda. The stories were handled respectfully, in a serious tone, and the matter-of-fact presentation, together with excellent quoted sources, in fact gave the opposite impression. These stories were being reported as legitimate evidence of the UFO phenomenon, and the editorial slant was nothing short of a de facto admission that the US government, and the governments of many developed nations, knew that the phenomenon was real, and strongly suspected (knew) that aliens were responsible for at least some UFO events. The presentation suggested that the time had come for a more serious presentation of the facts, and discussions concerning their implications for Humanity.

The first article detailed the event which we on ATS have been looking at over the past week or so, that being the Tom de Longe 'To The Stars' footage which was released by the US military, concerning two UFO events in 2004, filmed from cameras mounted on jet aircraft. Here on ATS we had collectively come to a fairly cynical view on the footage & its release by TDL, I think you will agree. However, hold onto your hats, because a twist will become evident in a moment. The second article* referenced the strange oblong cylinder 'asteroid (craft?) which had entered/ traversed our solar system recently, spinning on its longitudinal axis, with various astronomers having been quoted as saying it suggested its behaviour had suggested that the object was under intelligent control, possibly a robotic probe, or even a piloted transport vessel carrying living biological aliens.

* Note - the second article linked below is linked only to demonstrate that i news covered the story. However, the linked article is NOT the article which appeared in the printed word i newspaper yesterday. The article online was written by a journalist named Serena Sandhu, and she takes the traditional line of tongue-in-cheek mockery. HOWEVER, the newspaper article itself, was written five days after Serena's junk article, by Professor of Astronomy, Alan Fitzsimmons. Who is remarkably more qualified to comment on the subject than journalist Serena. His viewpoint is entirely open-minded as to the fact that the Oumuamua 'asteroid' could very well be a spacecraft under intelligent control. I think we can safely ignore Serena's take on the matter. I bring this up because I have been thus far unable to upload my photographs of the articles in the newspaper itself due to some sort of error with the ATS image uploads system. As soon as this glitch is resolved I will upload photos of the original printed articles, and will ask the mods to add them to the OP as necessary.

Both printed articles were presented in serious tone, as stated, suggesting that a paradigm shift is now starting to unfold, and that yes, finally, a planned disclosure event is underway. The twist comes in the fact that the first article, detailing the events highlighted by TDL's 'To The Stars' foundation, basically presents the information as originating within the US government, with a former government agent (who appears to be still sanctioned by the US government) stating that there is "..compelling evidence that we are not alone.." The twist? Tom de Longe is not mentioned anywhere at all.

The article is therefore presented as a de facto admission by the US government, that yes, UFOs exist, they perform manoeuvres which cannot be matched by known human technology, and that we are not alone in the universe. Ergo, this is tantamount to the first steps in a legitimate DISCLOSURE sequence of events. The second article features a number of quotes from reputable astronomers, describing their belief that this oblong cylinder 'asteroid'/ probe/ transport vessel which they have tracked along its path traversing our solar system, could be of alien origin, under intelligent control even. They highlight its unnatural spin along its longitudinal axis, which as many here will know, would produce the effect of artificial gravity within the inner edges of the cylinder, if indeed it were hollow & in some way adapted or designed for intelligent life.

But why is Tom de Longe not mentioned at all in the first article?

Well, because he had served his purpose in this round of the chess tournament. He was utilised to gauge public perceptions of the subject, to massage the masses & inject some hopeful optimism into the worldwide community of UFOlogy, both professional & layman. While we at ATS had taken a rather cynical view of the latest release of videos & testimony via TDL - with the plan now apparently in motion, TDL is cut out of the loop for the time being, having provided a platform by which to calibrate the approach of those who will perhaps ultimately guide us into a full & candid admission by our leading political figureheads regarding the absolute fact that intelligent lifeforms other than humans exist, and that they have taken an interest in Humanity for a very, very 'Longe' time.

I expect we will see more of this type of reporting in the near future, and that TDL will once again - perhaps several times - be called upon to provide calibration services for those in charge of the process. And finally, I believe that Donald Trump will be selected to break the news to the world. I mean, it's already crazy enough that he became president, so why not 'make it so' via the Donald? I think people will accept it more easily if it comes from him. Indeed - perhaps this was the plan all along..

But we're probably three or four steps away from that final event, depending on how the calibrations & statistical research via TDL, and elsewhere, progresses. Is this all a cynical plot to lead us towards a fake alien invasion, per the oft-quoted depopulation agenda of the Elite? Or is it a genuine release of truthful information by concerned insiders, which will serve ultimately to enlighten & evolve the mind of Man?

These are most certainly Interesting Times.

edit on DecemberFriday17012CST09America/Chicago-060040 by FlyInTheOintment because: phraseology

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Thank you for sharing this. I get weary of digging through the managed media here in the U.S. and appreciate the view from another angle.
I dearly hope that we are all getting a chance to see the bigger reality and get at the truth.

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment

* Note - the second article linked below is linked only to demonstrate that i news covered the story. However, the linked article is NOT the article which appeared in the printed word i newspaper yesterday. The article online was written by a journalist named Serena Sandhu, and she takes the traditional line of tongue-in-cheek mockery. HOWEVER, the newspaper article itself, was written five days after Serena's junk article, by Professor of Astronomy, Alan Fitzsimmons. Who is remarkably more qualified to comment on the subject than journalist Serena. His viewpoint is entirely open-minded as to the fact that the Oumuamua 'asteroid' could very well be a spacecraft under intelligent control. I think we can safely ignore Serena's take on the matter. I bring this up because I have been thus far unable to upload my photographs of the articles in the newspaper itself due to some sort of error with the ATS image uploads system. As soon as this glitch is resolved I will upload photos of the original printed articles, and will ask the mods to add them to the OP as necessary.

Just a by note, it's not that unusual to have a story headlined in a newspapers online, (especially a controversial one) which never appears in print, so it looks like The Independent is going the whole hog with this piece...good on them.
Come to think of it, I must check out what the Guardian might be saying!

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I certainly believe we are not alone, however, I also believe the governments of this world are not beyond using our beliefs and fears of not being alone to their advantage, especially as they have been manipulating our view on aliens for a long time (just think of the number of 'it came from outer space' scary movies compared to the few 'nice alien' movies).

So, for me, any disclosure followed by 'invasion from outer space' just backs up the Von Braun prediction of this being the last lie/manipulation made by the elite in order to usher in the repressive New World Order. If we have disclosure plus multiple videos & witnesses of actual aliens meeting & greeting from all angles (especially close up so we can check they are not men in Hollywood hyper-realistic costumes) then I will believe in full, and hope they don't turn out to be sneaky sleekit bastards like in the series 'V'

On a side note, if you are having trouble uploading pics to your folder in ATS, try reducing the size of the file, often the problem is the file is too large. Hope that helps

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 10:21 AM
I'm thinking full disclosure 2018.

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 10:22 AM
Hi, Fly. Excellent OP and dot connecting. This "Push" is unparalleled and will be favorably treated across the "5-Eyes."

Does it mean Disclosure? Will we be able to accept the big "reveal" at face value? These are the questions.

Something's coming.

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

It kind of looks like flare exhaust of a jet engine.

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 10:26 AM
Thanks for sharing this. And it's good to know that its finally taken seriously by more reputable newspapers .

Although I still read controversial statements by science that its just a strange asteroid or comet that has been tracked the last couple of weeks now.

But Stephen hawking still thinks it's Alien in origin so that's a good sign, or not from his point of view and statements he made about alien life in the universe.

I've got to say that it's a rollercoaster I'm now living in with many questions about this whole thing.

Amazing times

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

First, let me say thanks for a great post. Really interesting.

Here in the UK we have one newspaper group which consistently refuses to get political, which never tells its readers how to vote, and which features journalists, columnists & editors with a range of viewpoints from across the political spectrum, including those who are avowedly non-political too.

We have nothing like that in the US. All media outlets here are propaganda/mis-information mills. Odd thing, it seems the longer the US the US maintains the "Empire" the more it comes to resemble the USSR.

So this type UFO reporting follws quickly on the heels of the NYT article and others like it here in the US. I don't know what to make of it other than to posit that its become a very slow news cycle. From what I've seen in the US, when the news is slow the Media outlets resort ever more to yellow journalism, following on to their ultimat end, i.e., the National Enquirer. Disclosure? Maybe, but the thing is.......who you gonna believe? The Government? The NYT? I'll believe it when I see it for myself.

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

I see you calling out for this almost every thread I encountered lol

Shhhh don't let the dogs out because they could change their minds if we're pushing to hard..

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 11:29 AM
Interesting topic! I happened to find this again the other day.. could be relevent to the topic (staged ufo invasion) or not.. who knows? This deck came out in the 90s.

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

# DeLonge. First he proves he's a lying snakeoil salesman, now he gets rewards for his "work"? Bestseller in the UFO world of lying pricks.
Everything he touches is an attempt to sell you something. That kind of person. "Does it cure cancer?"
And he'd probably say: "If you believe really hard."

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: zosimov
Interesting topic! I happened to find this again the other day.. could be relevent to the topic (staged ufo invasion) or not.. who knows? This deck came out in the 90s.

Between those freaky cards and the graphic novel The on the little blue marble is getting awful strange.

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: 0bserver1
But Stephen hawking still thinks it's Alien in origin so that's a good sign, or not from his point of view and statements he made about alien life in the universe.

Any reference on this? It's mentioned in the media over here, but not really in detail. Headlines in our news outlets like 'asteroid covered in alien ice' make me cringe a bit to be honest ...

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: TonyS

We have nothing like that in the US. All media outlets here are propaganda/mis-information mills. Odd thing, it seems the longer the US the US maintains the "Empire" the more it comes to resemble the USSR.

I thought that too. "If this level of free capitalism is what it comes to."
No thanks. Back to socialism.
Because I don't see the difference anymore too.
But with more attention towards "the hapiness of the people", Bhutan style.

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 12:06 PM
There is definitely something interestingly afoot, those with knowledge of ufo gossip over the years has certainly heard the rumors that humans have been contacted by aliens, and that they have asked certain governmental bodies to disclose their existence. Problem is these governmental bodies were more concerned with keeping control of the masses and continuing their corrupt system than disclosing the truth, which would inevitably usher in a paradigm change for humanity. So they pushed disclosure back as long as possible until they didn't have the power to do it any longer.

Under a new administration who seems to be bucking the historical status quo, we finally have partial disclosure. While at first glance it may seem insignificant, however the admittance of a secret governmental program to research ufo's is opening a door that has been firmly shut.

I'll admit I am giddy at the prospect of full disclosure and everything that comes with it, in the past our tyrannical leaders have forced a narrative that implied doom and gloom, and the public's inability to deal with such a scenario. I believe the opposite is true, I think the public is desperate for a connection to the universe, and when it is evident that benevolent beings are here to help us out of the proverbial muck and mire a new day will be upon us. Cheers!

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Yea, I kinda doubt it will go the Bhutan way, or, maybe it will.


At the end of 2017, the federal government’s official estimate for deficit spending is $666 billion. For all kinds of reasons, this is a really scary number, and not just because it causes one to think of the mark of St. John’s envisioned beast. Rrroawr! $666 billion is a number so terribly large that it is difficult for any of us—even those of us not suffering from innumeracy or apocalyptic dread—to comprehend. And, of course, this is just the recorded and admitted deficit spending for one year. That is, it accounts for those things the government admits to, on the books and on budget. As Tom Woods and all sensible economists have recently claimed, the United States of America is simply insolvent. The only shocking thing is that no one in the mainstream media or financial institutions seems to care.

Makes me this new interest in reporting on UFO's, or speculation about Space Aliens another example of "planned and orchestrated" media slight of hand, i.e., "don't look over there, look over here"?

Another wonder is.........Is it possible that these news corporations have suddenly awakened to the fact that so many fail anymore to believe much of anything they publish?

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

God no, why did you have to bring the Donald, into this??? Star anyway, but man, way to bring it down. I would rather Prince Harry announce it.
Awesome if we finally get some kind of acknowledgement of it!

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 01:12 PM

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