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AlienCon 2018 or Contact in the Desert 2018

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posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 05:23 PM
Anyone planning on attending either of these? I've never attended any UFO / ET conference. Seen some videos from the UFO congress..but never attended that in New Mexico...though the thought has crossed my mind off and on.

Speakers look to be similar at first glance...AlienCon has David Childress, William Henry, Jason Martell, Rabbi Ariel, not CID, or at least their photo isn't in the lineup yet - but CID has a bunch more generally speaking. CID also has David Wilcox - who I think is way over his head (Read: don't care for his speculation which he spouts as truth).

AlienCon tickets seem fair at $99 at the moment - before they go up to ???

Contact in the Desert (CID) - is priced at $210 now, going up to $285.

I would only attend one, not both. CID seems more independent whereas AlienCon is tied to Ancient Aliens specifically...

Indian Wells hotel is a better venue than Pasadena Conv Center (Been to both cities). Seems a lot more relaxing. Flying into Ontario or Palm Springs airport is preferable over LAX. LAX / Pasadena traffic is a clusterf***. Can see plenty of stars in the desert at night, easier, unlike Pasadena.

Already reserved hotels in both locations (w/ points) that is a wash. But...I prefer the hotel I have arranged in Palm Springs area. Cheaper that helps offset conference price.

CID is higher priced - so will attract more serious minded folk? Versus less newbies / those buying into Ancient Aliens hype too much?
AA is great...but my rough estimate 50% is garbage, 30% is kind of there, and 20% is spot-on. My semi-random plucking of percentages.
Of course...YMMV depending on your knowledgebase.

Your opinions?

What other conferences are there anyway? AlienCon, UFO Congress, CID, UFO Con?

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 05:27 PM
While i enjoy the subject I dont seeing myself ever giving a penny to the hacks that plague the topic.

Greer going to be there, I heard he is a repturd. :p

Oh AC is AA lol, you can touch Giorgios hair!

At least your not a TROO believer.

I'm sure given enough time and booze one could produce great tales of intrigue.

Let us know how it goes? Maybe take some video? or nah.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: dontneedaname

Will there be alien chicks there with 3 breasts? I saw a picture once and was instantly intrigued. $99 cheap at twice the price. Will there be lap dances, I hope! and discount bar tickets?

But if Noory is going to be there, It's best if I don't attend. I don't think I have ever despised another human in the same manner of that [very profane name deleted] use your imagination.

I'm lookin forward to attending....believe me!

edit on 21-12-2017 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Dude, i like your version of AlienCon much better.

Always had a thing for the 3 boobed ladies of Mars.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: Lysergic
a reply to: olaru12

Dude, i like your version of AlienCon much better.

Always had a thing for the 3 boobed ladies of Mars.

I know 2 large ones are fantastic but when you include a 3rd one, size just doesn't really matter....I'll leave the Viagra at home.

I once had a GF who's chichi's were on her back. Looked odd but a lot fun to dance with. She might come if theirs a live band; quite the music lover as you can well imagine.

Oh, and I think I can modify my Creative Anachronistic garb from the Ren Fairs, to look alien with some duct tape and plastic hose.
edit on 21-12-2017 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: dontneedaname

I don't know why but I just feel 2018 is going to be the year of full disclosure. Something profound is going to happen.

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 04:11 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: dontneedaname

I don't know why but I just feel 2018 is going to be the year of full disclosure. Something profound is going to happen.

And they said that last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, etc. - All the way back to the year 1000 -And some said that was also supposed to be the end of the World.


The question is who is going to disclose what to whom?

Your 'genuine' alien life forms know better - Disclosure will be supressed until the species Human is capable of dealing

with it. - As of today the species Man is not capable of effectively dealing with his own species

- Would you expect a highly advanced species of being to disclose its existence openly to the still very primitve

Human race?

Merry Christmas
- Then remember previous attempts at disclosure

edit on 22-12-2017 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2017 @ 07:09 PM
i see what they did here

posted on Dec, 23 2017 @ 03:40 AM

originally posted by: humanoidlord
i see what they did here

Hidden in plain sight.

posted on Dec, 23 2017 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: gortex

lol yeah
i wonder why no one made this joke before

posted on Dec, 23 2017 @ 02:29 PM
based on some of the replies here...I wonder why one even bothers to read....but then I've read enough responses in this forum to get a general idea of who visits... reminds me of the documentary MIRAGE MEN.

But, yes there is a CON in AlienCON. Read a few of the bios...on CID website...and some just don't sound completely right to me. What they are saying. the Internet in the beginning...something emerged from the ashes and crash. Nature of the beast....when something "totally new" comes about. Or in this case...a baby trying to get out of the darkness of the to speak. Or like misinformation at the beginning of some major news story....confusion, pandemonium....fear, like 9-11 among other events.

Bet you never noticed these CONs (Lies) -- CONgregations (church), COUNtries, CONfession, CONsecrate, CONgress, CONfidential (Secrets - which almost always lead to lies), CONspiracy, CONclave, Emperor CONstantine, CONtracts, CONvert, CONsumer, and the eCONomy!

hahahahahahaha...and since we are all part of the CON...who wants to escape? Helps to not be a CON man yourself. How do you UN-CON yourself? How do you get yourself not to lie under any circumstance about do you not lie to yourself....that's the worst lie.

Say...what was that whole genesis story about anyway?

well..not going to learn that at CID or that is my domain...already on my way....

...but maybe I can learn something from someone at either one of these. I've decided on CID....with AlienCon as the backup. Heck...if I get a wild hair..maybe I will go to both. AC going up to $125, and CID going up to $225 in 2018. But both are probably more pricey factoring in the workshops...we'll see. Hell..why do they gotta be during the summer...wish they were in the fall/winter. A better reason to travel to Cali.

Looks like 2018 will be the 6th CID. And we're on the 2nd or 3rd AC?

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 10:52 AM
well..just saw an episode of Ancient Aliens - latest season 12 - episode Majestic 12. They were talking with some guy
named Corey Goode - who is one of the headliners on CITD. And I have to say - *human* super secret mars and moon bases? This sounds like complete crap to me. They had interviews interspersed with David Wilcocx which further added to my sense that it was all BS. Both of them have noses that show they are liars too.

Majestic 12 being true, that sounds fine to me.

Of the top 4 CITD Speaker Headliners

George Noory - level headed, covers a lot of ground so maybe not enough thought at times..

Giorgio - credible, and usually cautious, sometimes a little over enthusiastic, but he's covering a lot of ground.

David Wilcocx - sometimes says ok stuff, but majority of time - interspersed with BS or too much speculation. Also has what appears to be more flared, possibly pointy ears...

Corey Goode - 99.9% BS from what I have seen (I'll leave the 0.1% in case I am wrong). I can see how his "charisma" would fool people

Of the others...that I have some familiarity -

Erich Von Daniken - got the ball rolling and has great insights, but prone to spewing BS (Or believe his or other people's lies). Just look at his more pinocchio like nose. bulbous nose.

Linda Moulton Howe - seems level headed and credible. Honest nose.

Nick Pope - also seems level headed and cautious

Freddy Silva - credible. I read his crop circle book and liked that a lot.

Mike Bara - mostly credible and level headed, but maybe too gullible at times or wanting too much to believe something. Not cautious enough?

I have almost no familiarity with any of the other speakers.

As for others not at CITD but at AlienCon:

David Childress -- a little too enthusiastic at times which causes him to "appear to believe on TV at least" things that
are too speculative / BS sounding. But very knowledgable, and for the most part I welcome his views / opinions.

Jason Martell - good perspectives. Sometimes believes too much fantasy, but generally ok IMHO.

Jonathan Young - appreciate his perspectives. Credible. Focused myth insights. No need to go out on a limb much.

Rabbi - appreciate his viewpoints. doesn't really go out on a limb..focused insights.

William Henry - positive view, but need to hear his views more.

* a lot can be gained by just looking at people's noses and other facial expressions...if you know how to face read. Which I look forward to doing in person rather than scripted 2-D TV.

edit on 11-1-2018 by dontneedaname because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2018 by dontneedaname because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 11:02 AM
and any discussion about aliens / our creators *proactively* working with US or any other government in any capacity...that doesn't sound credible at all to me. Gifting technology (or dead alien bodies) indirectly by "accidentally" crashing a UFO, etc...sure... but overt meetings...that doesn't jive with my view.

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 01:27 PM
David Wilcocx is well versed in mixing truth with BS / over speculation...which to me makes him "dangerous."

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 10:00 PM

originally posted by: dontneedaname
Anyone planning on attending either of these? I've never attended any UFO / ET conference. Seen some videos from the UFO congress..but never attended that in New Mexico...though the thought has crossed my mind off and on.

Speakers look to be similar at first glance...AlienCon has David Childress, William Henry, Jason Martell, Rabbi Ariel, not CID, or at least their photo isn't in the lineup yet - but CID has a bunch more generally speaking. CID also has David Wilcox - who I think is way over his head (Read: don't care for his speculation which he spouts as truth).

Your life must be at an all-time low if you're considering going to pay for just-awful content from a bunch of anal cavities that you get free on TV.

posted on Jan, 12 2018 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: Lathroper

originally posted by: dontneedaname
Anyone planning on attending either of these? I've never attended any UFO / ET conference. Seen some videos from the UFO congress..but never attended that in New Mexico...though the thought has crossed my mind off and on.

Speakers look to be similar at first glance...AlienCon has David Childress, William Henry, Jason Martell, Rabbi Ariel, not CID, or at least their photo isn't in the lineup yet - but CID has a bunch more generally speaking. CID also has David Wilcox - who I think is way over his head (Read: don't care for his speculation which he spouts as truth).

Your life must be at an all-time low if you're considering going to pay for just-awful content from a bunch of anal cavities that you get free on TV.

yes, I am a pathetic low life. Catch me on a good day though...

and not sure which ring of hell you are on, but to say such a thing and post on ATS in a UFO forum... man you should just chop yourself up and throw yourself in the loony bin. Mine will be down the line a little.

reality of 2-D vs 3-D. Many people in today's world feel they are so smart, just by reading books and watching TV or videos on the Internet. Missing the power of real life VARIED experience. And some who travel only go to the few same places which further narrows the view. Of course, well traveled people can also have narrow viewpoints. The only solution is to be humble, but that's just a word anyone can invoke and has multiple meanings.

alrighty then...I've blabbed too much to a faceless bot who has added NOTHING to this thread with his/her worthless post. Or maybe you are just part of the CONspriacy of lies in our world. Let it out man -- CONfess to all those you have lied to! Stop being CONdescending to others.

My goal is to see how these people are in real life vs on a 2-D screen where things are more rigidly scripted. Besides, it's a mini vacation in the Palm Springs area.

party on!

edit on 12-1-2018 by dontneedaname because: (no reason given)

PS: So many people think they are so smart and maybe (powerful)...but they don't even see the code embedded in the words they use everyday.....
hahahahahahahaaha...the mark of our Creators is all over the place.
edit on 12-1-2018 by dontneedaname because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2018 @ 11:40 AM
Who would want to go to something called AlienCon

Why not just call it alien conference.

posted on Jan, 12 2018 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: dontneedaname

The one I would respect most is William Henry. An honest and knowledgeable guy.

posted on Jan, 12 2018 @ 02:07 PM
Maybe CID. Very maybe. regardless of the personalities i'm just not much of a fan of the "UFO convention" setup. I'd rather go to a festival. Like, more about people getting together to enjoy some music and see the Californian stars and talk about some ufo experiences, if you bump into george aliens guy then that's cool but I'm not there for him or ageing military chief. But certainly, norweigan airlines fares from London to LAX definitely put it within reach this year. if nephratari is going i might be persuaded. and if robbie williams is going to turn up i might be persuaded.
If I had to name a name I would want to see it'd be david marler cos I'm interested in his triangle UFO research and I don't see his name there. For everything else though, the appeal just isn't really there for me personally, though I definitely understand why it is for a lot of people. I'm more interested in "UFOs" than "the personalities behind UFOs" myself lol. Granted, their knowledge is very much appreciated, and I'm sure it would be fun regardless of how I feel about it right now. Yet I still feel more tempted in attending high life 2018...all that weed, lots of music AND some UFO's to boot!!! ;D

LA is the place to be. And I intend to be there for one reason or another sometime in 2018. Mostly because of the Norweigan flights deals, many of them direct, from London to LAX, NYC and Tampa Florida And hey my ETSA or whatever it is came back and I'm allowed into your country as provisionally as the ETSA allows so I'd like to visit again hehe
edit on 12-1-2018 by markymint because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: dontneedaname

originally posted by: Lathroper

originally posted by: dontneedaname
Anyone planning on attending either of these? I've never attended any UFO / ET conference. Seen some videos from the UFO congress..but never attended that in New Mexico...though the thought has crossed my mind off and on.

Speakers look to be similar at first glance...AlienCon has David Childress, William Henry, Jason Martell, Rabbi Ariel, not CID, or at least their photo isn't in the lineup yet - but CID has a bunch more generally speaking. CID also has David Wilcox - who I think is way over his head (Read: don't care for his speculation which he spouts as truth).

Your life must be at an all-time low if you're considering going to pay for just-awful content from a bunch of anal cavities that you get free on TV.

yes, I am a pathetic low life. Catch me on a good day though...

My goal is to see how these people are in real life vs on a 2-D screen where things are more rigidly scripted. Besides, it's a mini vacation in the Palm Springs area.

party on!

I don't consider you a low-life. The definition of such is awful and we can criticize each other without meanness. My opinion was based on what almost every member here has to say about the "celebrities" you're going to see and hear. Also, on my seeing them and hearing them on the TV show "Ancient Aliens" as these are the people that have made a joke of UFOlogy with their unbelievable bs. They must laugh on the way to the bank while looking in mirrors and talking to themselves as they think of their viewers in the unkindest terms.

You might say: "Well, you're a viewer". Yes, I am but only because they travel to places I wish I could go to such as South American ruins where they still spew bs.

But I would never insult you and, thankfully, I didn't call you a low-life.

But, hey, whatever floats your boat.

Besides, it's a mini vacation in the Palm Springs area.

Now we're talking! Have a good time and bring me back a shock of Giorgio's hair. I want to use it in my voodoo doll.

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