posted on Jan, 25 2018 @ 10:22 PM
i've researched that event for weeks now and i have a theory that works but can not be proven being doubt
of course we can say it's aliens and we close the books, everyone is lying and we close the books or it's an illusion seen by tired pilots, but that
would be too lazy explanations
I think it's a live test of a classified craft (not yet weaponized), a test only known by the highest-ranking officers present to make sure of
real-life condition, like a live ammunition test if you want
the main thing here is you have to consider every thing USS Princeton said is a lie so the pilots do no think they are testing a real black project
craft or Lockheed Martin prototype.
They really saw something, a white solid Tic-Tac the size of fighter, maybe 4 witness, at least 2, and the radar contacts from the Princeton are only
there to steer them here and there along the test. Of course, everything was highly classified not because it is alien, but because it is a new
technology to be hidden from Chinese or Russians.
It is easy to dismiss what Princeton does as blatant lies because they have the most extraordinary accounts, radar returns going from 80000 feet to 50
feet in seconds, things disappearing and appearing mysteriously at human CAP points, wow the aliens really know every slang from the Navy, let's go to
the CAP point, gogloud... yes, oubletard, i'm pushing plasma propulsion to mach 50, brace for the breaking, nonsense