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Five Reasons to Be Skeptical about that New York Times UFO Story

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posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: dfnj2015

There is not elite shadow government controlling the media

You really need to do some research. Its not my job to teach you. As the adage goes you can bring a horse to water you cannot make it drink.

Its up to you if you want to challange your belief system.

Again, you can't ignore stories the media run that are counter to your argument. So by ignoring evidence that would be counter to your beliefs then you are just being superstitious.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

Again, you can't ignore stories the media run that are counter to your argument. So by ignoring evidence that would be counter to your beliefs then you are just being superstitious.

Really ATS is not what is use to be. I knew a UFO story was going to break over a week before it did. It is a distraction. Any news you get from the msm is complety controled to control you. Really cant be asked to type an essay for every new member that joins.

Who controls the media?

Who controls films in USA?

If you want to wake up

Do so.

If you want to stay asleep

Enjoy your dream.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

I just don't believe in an elite shadow government controlling the media

Not a question of belief. Remain Ignorant or research.

Your choice

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: WeRpeons

I agree. If we are being studied by extraterrestrials for real, then they would probably be on the order of a million years more advanced in technology that we are now. With that level of technology, the extraterrestrials could probably melt through walls or be observing us from inter-dimensional quantum rooms completely invisible to us. Even just light pass-thru stealth technology would make them practically invisible.

I imagine if extraterrestrials are real they would be studying us like the way we keep zoo animals. We are probably sacred creatures to them. If you've ever seen zoo-keepers at work, the animals are really treated well. The same way scientists study wild-life on this planet. Of course, there's a lot of dissection too. I just think if we are being analyzed there's really nothing we can do it about it. Million year old technology is probably bordering on God-like powers.

edit on 21-12-2017 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: purplemer

Then provide proof to your conjecture. Oh wait, you can't because you are just making stuff up in your imagination.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: dfnj2015

I just don't believe in an elite shadow government controlling the media

Not a question of belief. Remain Ignorant or research.
Your choice

"Ignorant", funny, you only criticize and hate in other people what you do not like about your own character. Maybe there's something else going on here that you are not aware of. For example, consider the following:

Hannity warned his listeners about “globalist” “mind control.” Hannity used the October 18 edition of his radio show to sound the alarm about how “we’ve been lied to” and “manipulated” by the “corporate establishment, “the Republican establishment,” “the Democratic establishment,” and “the globalist establishment” that is “reminiscent of former Soviet Union propaganda and mind control.” [Premiere Radio Networks, The Sean Hannity Show, 10/18/16]


Hannity claimed Obama was leading a “shadow government” against Trump. On March 6, Hannity fearmongered about “the database that Obama’s put together” for his 2008 election and 2012 re-election, which “sounds like a shadow government.” According to Hannity, "The database that Obama's put together will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it's never been done before and whoever runs for president on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. That sounds like a shadow government. Sounds like Sean Hannity's not the great conspiracy theorist that some people may think I am." [Premiere Radio Networks, The Sean Hannity Show, 3/6/17]

Now why would Hannity talk about the "shadow government" and "globalist" "mind control." He does this because it makes his audience enraged over the idea our government has been taken over. And once the audience is enraged Hannity gets good ratings. And good ratings equals MONEY.

If by asking "who controls the media?" and "Who controls films in USA?" you are referring to the Jews, I'm not going to disagree. I still stand by what I've said is there doesn't seem to be an agenda. There are too many threads in the media stream conflicting with each other. If it were truly a single purpose propaganda there would be more conformity. As far as I can tell it's all chaos.

I'm not saying propaganda doesn't exist. Propaganda definitely exists:

The only way to defend yourself from the propaganda tactics is to be aware of their existence. I get that.

I'm just saying the news outlets are just money grubbing whores with no meaningful purpose.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: elevenaugust

Three quarters misdirection and an eighth of nonsense. It will blow over like it always does.

Salut 11Aug for your wisdom. Clear heads prevail.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 02:00 PM
I find the ever sceptical stubborness of many here laughable. The hubris shown even after being spoon fed information from credible witnesses (with video, ground radar, airborne radar, gun camera footage and high ranking officer testimony) just leads one to doubt the very intellectual depth of the sceptic. Reasonable doubt is one thing and religious zeal is quite another....seems our sceptics here at ATS have crossed over from logic to theology (using Occam's razor, of course).

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: purplemer

Propaganda isn't unidirectional. There are almost three dozen principal propaganda influencers working through various media in the west. Occasionally, two or three at a time work together, but generally they each have their own agendas. The US is no longer considered a lynchpin.

There is no one unified truth to "wake up" to. There is no universal embassy for contact with UFO's or ET's. The elements within the US power structure who were at one time in contact with something "alien" compartmentalized and privatized decades ago. The Russians have just reverse-engineered a human created prop and they don't even know it. The Chinese are being told by their contacts that the west is in bed with "bad aliens."

Everyone is terrified that the US just elected it's last President. Those in the know are worried about what would happen if news about Operation: Happy Meal got out. The Bigfoot delegation is restless. The end of the beginning was a week ago, last Thursday.

Pop goes all the weasels.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: KeithCooper

I agree. But, let's face it, not everyone who posts here has the best of intentions.

I want the truth unvarnished. Other people want their biases confirmed. Still others want to muddy the waters so no one knows what is what.

I think the laziest approach is sucking up and spitting out terms like "false flag" and "misdirection" and " sheeple" like a malfunctioning mental rhoomba gone haywire.

This is what we have been waiting for. Personally it's like slow motion for me. I want it to come out like a bang. How many people have gone to their graves oblivious to the truth while a small portion of Earth's population have known the real story about the kind of magic that is out there? That's disgraceful. We deserve answers.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: elevenaugust

I think its really only cognitive dissonance that makes people think that extraterrestrial life is SOOOO unlikely an explanation for cases like this.

They scratch and scramble pasting together ANY other explanation no matter how ridiculous and then pin their hat to it to make themselves feel better.

With a sky full of trillions of galaxies, somehow they continue to doubt that its even possible that aliens are visiting and occasionally being spotted by Earthlings.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 02:57 PM
And who knew there were so many T.S. Eliot fans in UFOlogy? I keep running into him over and over lately.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: shawmanfromny
a reply to: elevenaugust

Plausible explanation? Statements like this really irks me. I'm an air force brat and believe it's shameful, to discredit and doubt military pilots, on what they observed, on a perfect, "clear" day. I understand that we need to step back sometimes and take a deep breath, before concluding that a UFO sighting/footage is authentic. With all the hoaxes and CGI crap on YouTube, we need to be sceptical. But c'mon, these pilots are trained to think and react quickly in tense situations and possess acute situational awareness that increases their safety in flight. When one of them states, that the targeted object broke known laws of physics and that he thought it was not from this world, why wouldn't I believe him?

Skeptics rightly question what they've seen but don't deny the obvious. Debunkers go to any length possible to deny what we see regardless of the credibility of witnesses or video. Unfortunately, debunkers will never be satisfied with any amount of evidence. They desperately try to dispel the obvious and knee-jerk claim everything and everyone who has witnessed UFOs are mistaken, untrained, lying, etc. They deny the first-hand accounts of highly trained observers such as military pilots. The denial will continue and there's nothing we can really do about it except laugh at them because they are so pathetic. This is as much a sociological phenomenon as it is a (possibly) scientific one. Sure, we'd like hardware that everyone can see, touch, handle, that comes from "elsewhere". But, I'm certain a native tribe in the Amazon, with no contact with the outside world, would also like a piece of an airplane that they only see once every few years and have no idea what that flying thing actually is. We're able to keep that from them, just as these unknown visitors are able to keep their hardware from us. It doesn't mean they don't exist, it just means they're better at maintaining their distance and secretive presence than we are at making discoveries of their physical evidence.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: Urantia1111
a reply to: elevenaugust

I think its really only cognitive dissonance that makes people think that extraterrestrial life is SOOOO unlikely an explanation for cases like this.

They scratch and scramble pasting together ANY other explanation no matter how ridiculous and then pin their hat to it to make themselves feel better.

With a sky full of trillions of galaxies, somehow they continue to doubt that its even possible that aliens are visiting and occasionally being spotted by Earthlings.

It really is a pathetic thing to watch. They have no shame and no barrier to their insistence that "we're it" and no one else is here but us.....

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: 0zzymand0s

All the news that comes on your tv comes from the same source set and thats a fact.. If you are interested look into it.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

Cause the pilot didnt understand what he saw with his limited set of knowledge we should jump to aliens. Also ever consider the pilots been approached by his bosses to make the statement he is because it furthers their intended goals.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: Visiting ESB

Skeptics arent opposed to the idea of alien life and some even welcone it. But this sure doesnt add up to alien life. To jump to the conclusion that it does is a logical fallacy.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 04:41 PM

originally posted by: Urantia1111
With a sky full of trillions of galaxies, somehow they continue to doubt that its even possible that aliens are visiting and occasionally being spotted by Earthlings.

originally posted by: Kapusta
After years of research I have concluded that there is intelligent life out there and that it appears they are observing us .
So weather or not this particular video is authentic or just a Hoax it makes no difference to me.

Luis Elizondo seems to be genuine to me and when he said "we may not be alone" he just affirmed what I already knew and so many of us know.

As for me I do not say “we may not be alone”, but rather “we are not alone”, that’s for sure. Besides being an intimate conviction since my youngest age, the recent and permanent discoveries in the exoplanet field constantly reinforce my conviction.

I can’t wait the day when the future spatial telescope will detect life components (or even intelligent life) at the surface of another planet. It will happen, the question is “will we get the chance to see it during our lifetime?”.

However, believing that aliens are visiting us is totally another (harder!) question.

Let me explain why I do think that it could not be the case (see I’m cautious, I do not say “it can’t”).

Without revealing big secrets, I can say that, working as a photo/video analyst for both public and private organizations and for individuals, there are (well… almost) NO unexplained photo/video cases in the French files.

If aliens are visiting us, where are the photos/videos that can be authenticated and stay unexplained without a doubt?
Especially when you know that now everyone has a smartphone and can take photo/video in seconds.

originally posted by: shawmanfromny
[…]But c'mon, these pilots are trained to think and react quickly in tense situations and possess acute situational awareness that increases their safety in flight. When one of them states, that the targeted object broke known laws of physics and that he thought it was not from this world, why wouldn't I believe him?

Yes, I understand what you are saying and, believe me, I really agree with you when pilots are saying that they have seen something that they can’t explain. But is it because they can’t explain what they saw that it is automatically unexplained?

Let me give you two examples.

The first is very similar to this case and is well known from the ATS community and from the UFO community in general, it’s the 2014 Chilean case promoted by Leslie Kean as well. Pilots were from the Chilean Navy and they were fooled during minutes by … a distant airplane.

The second is from my personal files and happened also in 2014 above the French territory. I do not have the authorization to reveal details, but French military pilots were flying in helicopter and they “chased” during more than 2 hours an unknown object, which was captured with a MX15IR WESCAM FLIR Camera during more than ten minutes.

This object was proven without a doubt to be the Antares star…

Surely, when you do not recognize an object, you can qualify it as “not from this world”.

originally posted by: WeRpeons
You can't ignore the numerous documented credible cases surrounding UFO sightings in the U.S. and around the world.

There are many credible military whistle blowers, pilots, and engineers who have come forth with first hand accounts of reverse engineering projects and UFO incidents. These all can't be hoaxes and misidentified objects. If you think military personnel couldn't identify parts of a weather balloon or mannequin from the Roswell Incident, then we're not giving much credit towards the intelligence of those officers who serve in our military.

With all due respect, it’s not because you are military personnel that you can’t be fooled by something that you never saw before, or by something that you know, but observed in special conditions.

I was myself fooled many times by what appears at first glance to be an extraordinary unexplained phenomenon in a photo that appears to be later, after scrutiny, to be ordinary. I can give you lots of amazing examples if you want.
edit on 21-12-2017 by elevenaugust because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 05:44 PM

If aliens are visiting us, where are the photos/videos that can be authenticated and stay unexplained without a doubt? Especially when you know that now everyone has a smartphone and can take photo/video in seconds.

I'm thinking this phenomena has little to do with Aliens, and is a lot stranger than that. Whether it's time travel, interdimensional, military mind experiments or something else totally, the fact that photos/videos are hard to come by infers either they can blink in/out of view and are not simple aircraft flying around.

At least part of this phenomena might just be mental manipulation by an intelligent source. There have been instances where several people both saw an object but it appeared different to each, so it may be our perception affects how we see these things. And perhaps they are just an illusion

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: elevenaugust

I hear ya, but a star doesn't hover over the ocean in broad daylight and appear to be a solid 40 ft., "tic-tac" looking object, to a trained pilot's eye. A star doesn't accelerate as fast as this object did and out maneuver fighter jets. A star doesn't slow down in mid flight and change it's orientation, before shooting out of sight "like a bullet." Why can't we analyze what's actually being said by the witness, instead of injecting one's self-doubt, or "conspiracy" angle to every sighting. Do we have evidence that this pilot was "approached by his bosses to make the statement" up? Of course not, so lets find absolutely ANYTHING we can to discredit this military officer. If anything, these pilots were probably heckled and were made fun of by their peers, yet they stuck to their stories, because they knew what they saw. Not everyone can be a combat, military pilot and like I stated earlier, these guys are intelligent, possessing lightning reflexes and great observational skills. These guys aren't your average citizens, who post crappy videos on YouTube, claiming they captured a genuine alien craft. But you guys continue to question these pilot's integrity and veracity, even though they're highly trained professionals, who witnessed something on a CLEAR day with 50 mile visibility!

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