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The US government on Tuesday lifted a ban on making lethal viruses ???

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posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 10:30 AM
What is going on lately and how exactly is creating lethal virus's beneficial to anything ?

The US government on Tuesday lifted a ban on making lethal viruses, saying the research is necessary to "develop strategies and effective countermeasures against rapidly evolving pathogens that pose a threat to public health." Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, made the announcement, in which he outlined a new framework for the controversial research. The work with three viruses can now go forward, but only if a scientific review panel determines that the benefits outweigh the risks. "We have a responsibility to ensure that research with infectious agents is conducted responsibly, and that we consider the potential biosafety and biosecurity risks associated with such research," Collins said in a statement. The decision brings an end to a three-year moratorium on research involving the influenza virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (known as SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (or MERS). Critics say the research could unleash a new germ that threatens millions if it is not properly stored or if it escapes from a lab. The government paused the research in 2014 to review the practices in handling and storing infectious agents. At the time, Collins said that biosafety and biosecurity risks needed to be "understood better."

edit on 12/20/2017 by Gargoyle91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 10:36 AM
Fake news...

edit on 20-12-2017 by ATSAlex because: Added link

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 10:45 AM
This is absolutely crazy.

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 10:49 AM
Oh my! First they steer our bodies defense systems to fight certain viruses by giving vaccines. That lessens our power to fight unknown viruses or ones not vaccinated against. It also keeps our immune systems innate immunity from working as it should.

Then they decide to make it legal to create viruses that can kill us all in the guise of saying they want to be able to kill these if someone else infects us. We all know how their security systems work in some of those research places, there are mistakes made once in a while and if a virus that can't be killed gets out, it can zip through this country in months and kill a lot of people. I put more of a chance of that happening than in another country creating a virus to do it. With international travel, that virus could kill three quarters of the world population. The ability to fight properly would be epigenetic, meaning certain populations could either be spared or destroyed. Virus immunity could be utilized for genocide to some extent.

If there weren't these mistakes being made quite often by these research facitities, I would not be worried at all.

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 11:03 AM
leave it to CNN to sensationalize a topic for views......

For the record, I dont know how far I would go calling the flu and SARS Lethal........ I mean sure, there's only a 97% survival rate (only)... MERS is a little more extreme, so I'll give em that.

But no biggie, just lifting a ban on research and prevention from back in 2014 when a bunch of goofballs exposed themselves to Anthrax.

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: ATSAlex
A great first reply, but as I can see already people are only reading the headline of the thread and posting emotionally.
How does one believe flu vaccines are made every year? Not that I take them, but it is something to remember.

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I'm not afraid of the Flue Vaccines , These guys play with anthrax and virus's like small pox not to mention experiment/create new viruses and the security is only human A ban was placed for a reason.
edit on 12/20/2017 by Gargoyle91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: dothedew
leave it to CNN to sensationalize a topic for views......

For the record, I dont know how far I would go calling the flu and SARS Lethal........ I mean sure, there's only a 97% survival rate (only)... MERS is a little more extreme, so I'll give em that.

But no biggie, just lifting a ban on research and prevention from back in 2014 when a bunch of goofballs exposed themselves to Anthrax.

If anything CNN has gone into the background far more than that given on the government site.

Strewth, here you have one of the very few worldwide independent media organisations in the US giving you a load of information in a lump, and you want to scream fake news?? wise up.

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 11:23 AM
Weaponized virus can target people with a particular dna sequence. What's not to like?

The business of war is looking up and it dovetails nicely with the trickle down economic model we will soon enjoy. It's an established pattern.

MAGA MAGA and Merry Christmas

edit on 20-12-2017 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: ATSAlex
Fake news...

More reading needed...there are links to background from your link.

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 11:38 AM
CNN junkies are probably hoping for a Trump voter targeted virus.

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 12:19 PM
Probably because the Military Industrial Complex needs it. They are ramping up due to competition in Russian and China.
One source alluding to it

This PDF from the source mentions Zoonotic(animal to human) Disease

Framework for Guiding Department of Health and Human Services Funding Decisions about Research Proposals with the Potential for Generating Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Viruses that are Transmissible among Mammals by Respiratory Droplets 2 . Th e HHS P3CO Framework ensures a multidisciplinary, department-level pre-funding review and evaluation of proposed research meeting the scope outlined herein to help inform funding agency decisions. In so doing, the HHS P3CO Framework seeks to preserve the benefits of life sciences research involving enhanced PPPs while minimizing potential biosafety and biosecurity risks.


posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 01:07 PM
This is how the zombie apocalypses begins people.

Prepare now before it's too late!

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 03:34 PM
I suppose it's necessary to look at how these common viruses might evolve to have more lethal characteristics. If we can understand what type of genetic modifications lead to higher levels of victim mortality, we'll be more prepared for when it eventually happens in nature.

On the surface, it looks like there is a significant process involved in getting approval for these experiments. One would assume that only adequately constructed and secured facilities would get that approval and funding.

If I recall correctly, this "funding pause" came about because a few scientists figured out how to make one of the influenza bugs airborne; and they were ready to publish their findings. Which included enough information for other researchers to reproduce their experiment. In the end, they published their results while withholding the actual DNA recipe.

Unfortunately the old adage about any potentially deadly research of this nature applies: "If we don't do it, somebody else will."


posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Gargoyle91
What is going on lately and how exactly is creating lethal virus's beneficial to anything ?

Viruses are the best tool to defend against other viruses.

Especially, lethal viruses that kill cells.

With a simple modification to the DNA code, the geneticist can alter a known lethal virus so that it attacks and kills only certain malignant cells in the body.

So, for example, we could train a virus to just attack and kill "cancer cells", and then infect a cancer patient with the new modified lethal virus, which then spreads and attacks just the cancer, curing the patient.

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 06:13 PM
If this happened under any other administration, this place would be on fire.

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: Gargoyle91
What is going on lately and how exactly is creating lethal virus's beneficial to anything ?

The US government on Tuesday lifted a ban on making lethal viruses, saying the research is necessary to "develop strategies and effective countermeasures against rapidly evolving pathogens that pose a threat to public health." Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, made the announcement, in which he outlined a new framework for the controversial research. The work with three viruses can now go forward, but only if a scientific review panel determines that the benefits outweigh the risks. "We have a responsibility to ensure that research with infectious agents is conducted responsibly, and that we consider the potential biosafety and biosecurity risks associated with such research," Collins said in a statement. The decision brings an end to a three-year moratorium on research involving the influenza virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (known as SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (or MERS). Critics say the research could unleash a new germ that threatens millions if it is not properly stored or if it escapes from a lab. The government paused the research in 2014 to review the practices in handling and storing infectious agents. At the time, Collins said that biosafety and biosecurity risks needed to be "understood better."


Sounds like a good idea to me. Lift the ban and get to work.
The benefits outweigh the risk.

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: Gargoyle91

What is going on lately


how exactly is creating lethal virus's beneficial to anything ?

This is their answer.

to "develop strategies and effective countermeasures against rapidly evolving pathogens that pose a threat to public health.

I would think that would be a good reason to lift it.

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 10:27 AM
The flu is not dangress ???? the flue has and will kill millions only virus more dangress is the plagues .
Thing is we have had a nice long run with no major out brakes and have forgotton just how bad bad can get .
as for the lab stuff yea sooner or later some will get out .
But even if it does not sooner or later a virus will mutate into a billions killer could be now .

posted on Dec, 21 2017 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: Gargoyle91

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