posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 01:41 AM
Immediately a majority of you will instantly think about the slippery slope argument against such an idea.
Which is understandable on the surface, as it’s a common concern for many issues brought to the fore, but because the slippery slope argument is not
a guarantee but instead an assumption, often a paranoid one, try to consider the argument in favour of such a Law.
So why would anyone advocate for this.
& how would you prove it to even convict if such a Law was implemented.
Well with many paedophiles, maybe even the majority, it will probably be impossible.
But what about the brazen ones, who have no shame and do not deny or even hide their perversions?
Like NAMBLA, for instance. Or the myriad of groups like them across the Planet?
Oh yeah, by the way, I definitely think it’s should be a Planetary Law. Sort of like International Law and the way Nations act against War
Now, the only true argument you will have against my position is the notion of “they’re not hurting anyone, so to punish them would be
There isn’t many things I can say to counter that argument, but there are a few things I can say.
Firstly, how do you know they do not hurt people already, and just haven’t been caught or exposed for whatever reason, whether use of a position of
power, influential friends or the use of fear to silence a victim?
It’s not far fetched to believe that someone who has these thoughts and beliefs (like NAMBLA) isn’t already acting upon them.
Secondly, and my most important argument (imo) for such legislation, is it really worth taking the risk of leaving these people in amongst society,
based on an illogical trust, or perhaps even complete ignorance of what they are capable of, that they won’t act upon their deviancy one day?
I don’t really like the risk factor involved in this...
Because the consequences of the risk becoming a reality is ultimately the worst consequence to society/families/potential victims that we can
imagine... that being the destruction and violation of the most innocent among us, who rely on us as adults and society’ builders to protect
Well, I’ll leave it at that.
& hopefully I’ll return soon to engage.