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The Fragile Generation

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posted on Dec, 19 2017 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: roadgravel

Congrats if that what you took from my response.

posted on Dec, 19 2017 @ 03:42 PM
I think the most fragile generation is the 40 and up crowd. They get outraged by everything. They refuse to listen to reason when talking about anything meaningful and political...they think they know everything. They're more likely to listen to a journalist over a scientist on any scientific matter. They're the snowflakes. There are a few that rise above this (myself included, but I think most of my peers are stupid. LOL) . I think it's the media they listen too...they grew up on CNN, FOX NEWS, MSNBC, Chris Matthews, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Jerry Springer etc. AS a result, they never learned to think for themselves and are weak minded and open to suggestion and brainwashing and easily swayed. They're the ones that keep voting along party lines and keep voting in the same people day after day, year afte year. They're the ones that ill tell you to never trust a lawyer and then vote for one to go to congress.
edit on 19-12-2017 by amazing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2017 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: DictionaryOfExcuses
a reply to: dug88

Hearing your story humanizes you and I feel perhaps I've been a little cavalier. I apologize for calling you weak...sounds like you've had a go at it and work hard. I stand by my basic point. The narrative I told is meant to illustrate the damage that's done needlessly by the reflexive dismissal of the "younger generation". If we're limiting the discussion to observation in the workplace, anyone can find examples to confirm or deny that bias, but I think it's too is society wide phenomena.

But aside from that, I would argue that you are still too young to be criticizing younger generations. You and I both are still pretty fresh in the big scheme. Cheers.

I've experienced the same 'needless dismissal' of my generation. I just don't care. It makes it even better when I prove them wrong. In general I've really stopped caring about anyone elses opinion on anything I do and it's made my life better. If I succeed or fail I have no obe to blame but myself. Sure society sucks, it's rigged against us and everyone thinks we're a bunch of babies so what? # em all.

posted on Dec, 19 2017 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: dug88

I dig the sentiment, but I don't necessarily agree 100% that whether we succeed or fail only we are to blame. It seems to be a popular idea that is mostly from our culture but I don't think it makes it true. When we succeed we can't take 100% credit, and usually people have the humility not to. We are the result of our environment, which is built into our likelihood to succeed or fail. I guess the revision I would make is that even if certain things aren't our "fault", we still bear responsibility for improving our situations. Perhaps I could've made this clearer from the get-go. Also, it is liberating to realize that I can define success or failure in my own terms. I think that's something you acquire with age and, like many things, I am a latecomer to it.

posted on Dec, 19 2017 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: amazing
I think the most fragile generation is the 40 and up crowd. They get outraged by everything. They refuse to listen to reason when talking about anything meaningful and political...they think they know everything. They're more likely to listen to a journalist over a scientist on any scientific matter. They're the snowflakes. There are a few that rise above this (myself included, but I think most of my peers are stupid. LOL) . I think it's the media they listen too...they grew up on CNN, FOX NEWS, MSNBC, Chris Matthews, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Jerry Springer etc. AS a result, they never learned to think for themselves and are weak minded and open to suggestion and brainwashing and easily swayed. They're the ones that keep voting along party lines and keep voting in the same people day after day, year afte year. They're the ones that ill tell you to never trust a lawyer and then vote for one to go to congress.

It will all make sense when you hit 40...

posted on Dec, 19 2017 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: amazing
I think the most fragile generation is the 40 and up crowd. They get outraged by everything. They refuse to listen to reason when talking about anything meaningful and political...they think they know everything. They're more likely to listen to a journalist over a scientist on any scientific matter. They're the snowflakes. There are a few that rise above this (myself included, but I think most of my peers are stupid. LOL) . I think it's the media they listen too...they grew up on CNN, FOX NEWS, MSNBC, Chris Matthews, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Jerry Springer etc. AS a result, they never learned to think for themselves and are weak minded and open to suggestion and brainwashing and easily swayed. They're the ones that keep voting along party lines and keep voting in the same people day after day, year afte year. They're the ones that ill tell you to never trust a lawyer and then vote for one to go to congress.

It will all make sense when you hit 40...

I did a decade ago! LOL

posted on Dec, 19 2017 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: DictionaryOfExcuses
a reply to: dug88

I dig the sentiment, but I don't necessarily agree 100% that whether we succeed or fail only we are to blame. It seems to be a popular idea that is mostly from our culture but I don't think it makes it true. When we succeed we can't take 100% credit, and usually people have the humility not to. We are the result of our environment, which is built into our likelihood to succeed or fail. I guess the revision I would make is that even if certain things aren't our "fault", we still bear responsibility for improving our situations. Perhaps I could've made this clearer from the get-go. Also, it is liberating to realize that I can define success or failure in my own terms. I think that's something you acquire with age and, like many things, I am a latecomer to it.

I like the way you word this. This is more along the lines of how I think. It's more I try not to worry about the things that are out of my control and do the best in the things I can. It's true you can try harder than anyone and life can still # you. I guess I also didn't make it clear I also understand how lucky I am. There were a lot of things in my life that only happened because of an exact set of circumstances that juat happened to be occurring. Both good and bad things. As much as I've workes hard I also realize someone could work just as hard or hardet than me and just due to blind luck nothing will work out. I just get frustrated by people that can't be bothered to try, young or old. As much as I bitched about young people I've met plenty of older people that lack any drive or ambition in life, expect everything in the world and freak out when they don't get it. I just find a lot of younger people yo be exceptionally self entitled and lazy in most aspects in life whether it's work, social interactions or just generally trying to be a reasonable member of their society at least enough to look at those around them with some kind of respect or decency.

I include myself in this. I had to learn the hard way. I've expected things I shouldn't have, not appreciated things I have had and definitely wasted more than one opportunity to do something better in life. I've made terrible choices based on nothing more than feelings and just generally been a lazy angry prick at times. I like to hope I've learnes from this and don't do these things as much but there's definitely those times I feel like blaming the world and everything else for the state of my life and sure I'm sure if there were different circumstances out of my control my life may be better than now or it may be worse. Much of my life also came from my own choices whether I understood the implications or consequences of my choices or whether it would even be possible to doesn't really matter.

posted on Dec, 19 2017 @ 07:36 PM
Oh my, I'm a real old one in this thread. My grown kids are 25 and 32, respectively.

I can tell you right now it's not the kid's fault, and it's probably not even the parents fault of today's kids.

What has changed? Let's education system that doesn't teach independence, individuality, and doesn't let kids get hurt. A bunch of litigious idiots who sue over every little thing, so that schools, playgrounds, stores, you name it, are terrified to let kids run loose in case Little Johnny falls and scrapes a knee, and the parents sue. An out-of-control, poorly trained agency called Child Protective Services, who can take a child away if they're walking by themselves to a park a few blocks away, or if the kid gets a swat on the butt for being a brat in a store or restaurant. Pop psychology morons who attempt to soothe their own hurt from their own childhood by making sure nobody gets bullied by going really far in the opposite direction so that we might as well wrap all kids in bubble wrap. Divorces in which the parents have to watch every step so the other parents doesn't call CPS and get the kids removed. Idiotic sexualization of small children and pushing alternative sexual lifestyles to little ones. Taking a parent's right away to send what they want in a kid's lunch bag, because some other kid is allergic to peanuts or whatever the hell is their excuse.

In a nutshell (pun fully intended), I blame our government for ripping apart the family by using the court system and the schools and CPS as punishment. Parents have become terrified of being accused of something stupid and having their lives destroyed because of.....fill in the blank.

So parents have gone over the edge, being helicopter parents, fussing over all the things they are told to, otherwise they are 'bad parents' and don't deserve kids.

This happened so quickly, and we are fed so many horror stories of abused children, that we let the government take over. This is the result. The NIH says to keep your kids out of the sun, don't let them get dirty, don't feed them honey, don't give them nuts, but please oh please, let us shoot them up with massive doses of vaccines starting in pregnancy all the way until age 18 now. Let us feed their brains with weird sex education and strange ways of common core crap so the parents can't even assist with homework. Let us send your kids home with laptops which can spy on them while at home.

People are encouraged to rat out their neighbors if they see kids playing outside without a parent hovering over them.

We have given away our power as parents, and given our children over to the state, where we have insane responsibility but no say.

If I am to blame anybody, it is the idiots who cowered and let this occur. It will only get worse. Count on it.

posted on Dec, 19 2017 @ 07:43 PM
Meh, out of all the millenials & older that I know, only a handful of them bubble-wrap their kids. And the worst ones at it are those in their 40's, so it's not JUST millenials doing it.

FYI, I tell my kids to GTF outside and stay there when the weather permits. Git yer damn exercise! If they want to have a mud fight while they're at it, whatever, they're washable. And if my youngest kid wants to dig up every worm & track down every slug in the yard and call them "pets", that's fine -- she's doing a great job making some of the boy neighbors look like squeamish sissies that way

posted on Dec, 19 2017 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated
It will all make sense when you hit 40...

uhoh i turn 40 next month, time to register as a republican and get a MAGA hat

posted on Dec, 19 2017 @ 11:01 PM

posted on Dec, 19 2017 @ 11:22 PM
I wear my scars with pride. Issues were settled.
Nobody ever wanted seconds.
If you can't take an honest beating without whining, off to the woods with you.
edit on 19-12-2017 by skunkape23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 12:25 AM

originally posted by: FissionSurplus
Oh my, I'm a real old one in this thread. My grown kids are 25 and 32, respectively.

I can tell you right now it's not the kid's fault, and it's probably not even the parents fault of today's kids.

What has changed? Let's education system that doesn't teach independence, individuality, and doesn't let kids get hurt. A bunch of litigious idiots who sue over every little thing, so that schools, playgrounds, stores, you name it, are terrified to let kids run loose in case Little Johnny falls and scrapes a knee, and the parents sue. An out-of-control, poorly trained agency called Child Protective Services, who can take a child away if they're walking by themselves to a park a few blocks away, or if the kid gets a swat on the butt for being a brat in a store or restaurant. Pop psychology morons who attempt to soothe their own hurt from their own childhood by making sure nobody gets bullied by going really far in the opposite direction so that we might as well wrap all kids in bubble wrap. Divorces in which the parents have to watch every step so the other parents doesn't call CPS and get the kids removed. Idiotic sexualization of small children and pushing alternative sexual lifestyles to little ones. Taking a parent's right away to send what they want in a kid's lunch bag, because some other kid is allergic to peanuts or whatever the hell is their excuse.

In a nutshell (pun fully intended), I blame our government for ripping apart the family by using the court system and the schools and CPS as punishment. Parents have become terrified of being accused of something stupid and having their lives destroyed because of.....fill in the blank.

So parents have gone over the edge, being helicopter parents, fussing over all the things they are told to, otherwise they are 'bad parents' and don't deserve kids.

This happened so quickly, and we are fed so many horror stories of abused children, that we let the government take over. This is the result. The NIH says to keep your kids out of the sun, don't let them get dirty, don't feed them honey, don't give them nuts, but please oh please, let us shoot them up with massive doses of vaccines starting in pregnancy all the way until age 18 now. Let us feed their brains with weird sex education and strange ways of common core crap so the parents can't even assist with homework. Let us send your kids home with laptops which can spy on them while at home.

People are encouraged to rat out their neighbors if they see kids playing outside without a parent hovering over them.

We have given away our power as parents, and given our children over to the state, where we have insane responsibility but no say.

If I am to blame anybody, it is the idiots who cowered and let this occur. It will only get worse. Count on it.

Funny how during the cold war, this was thought to be the Communists M O.... Oh how things have reversed.

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