Hilary is a criminal and murderer you should be happy that her connections in government bailed her out. WTF is anyone trying to make excuses for
her. Even liberals hate her guts. lol
So first some old case of abuse by a wrestling coach is pinned on Jordan because he was at the same school as the coach and is accused of knowin about
it - being investigated by Hillary Clintons go to law firm. Now one of Jordan's family members has a car crash and dies. Hmmm, methinks that someone
doesn't want him digging.
edit on 8/7/2018 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)
Explains why the press is going after Jim Jordan now. I pray to our Dear God that these satan rats distorting the reality of Jordan's experience get
their day of justice. How coincidental a family member dies in a car crash around the time of threats to him.
edit on 8-7-2018 by
thepixelpusher because: (no reason given)