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Tax cuts-my way

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posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 02:36 AM
I'm not sure exactly which forum I should post this in so I apologize if this is the wrong one.

Money always trickles from the poor to the rich. The poor people are the pond. The rich people are the ocean and somehow, even if the two aren't connected, water always finds it's way to the ocean.

I have a theory that billionaires are such because they don't pay their employees enough money.

When I hear that Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerburg are going to give away most of their profits to (dis)organized charities, I can't help but wonder why they don't donate the money to the people that helped make them filthy rich, their own employees.

Politicians spend millions on elections that pay less then $1,000,000 a year yet when they win, the leave office with tens of millions of dollars. That is the "non-profit charity" money you sent them hard at work in their personal bank account, compliments of your own bank account.

While I think a company founder should be free to make as much money as he can, I firmly believe non-founders should have a capped salary of no more then $12,000,000 a year in this economy. Nobody on this Earth needs to make more then $1,000,000 a month for any reason.

They are taking money away from the minimum wage worker who works his tail off and puts up with all the customer abuse. While you might think they are inexperienced workers, the fact that they don't go to work and shoot everybody in the face is a strong testament to their advanced skills in handling customers on the front lines.

So, how can we help the little guy without putting the big guy under a bridge?

A company's highest paid employee should not make more then 100 times the salary of the lowest paid 40 hour (minimum) employee and that should be a federal law. So if the cashier makes $25,000 a year, the CEO should be capped at $2,500,000 a year and that includes bonuses.

If the highest paid employee wants to make $25,000,000 a year, the lowest paid 40 hour a week employee should be paid $250,000 a year. Is that really so unfair?

Let me take this to the next level. Anywhere within the company hierarchy, a person in charge of a department should not make more then 25% of the lowest paid employee's salary under their supervision. These are good wage rules to keep companies in tow. If companies tried to avoid these rules by keeping employees just below 40 hours a week, an estimate to 40 hours could be used.

I even have a plan for vacation time and sick pay. Employees with 12 months of seniority get 1 week off (typically 5 paid days). These are their own personal paid days off and they can use them as they wish. After 24 months, they get 2 paid weeks off. After 36 months, they get 3 paid weeks off. This time off includes vacations, sick leave and holidays. Companies could offer a more generous plan at their leisure.

For federal holidays, employees who had to work that holiday would get an additional day off. So let's say you get two unpaid days off per week. If you can't have the federal holiday off (1 paid day off), you would get an additional paid day off added to your time bank (2 paid days off).

In addition, if you make less then $50,000 (I'm in the US), the first $25,000 is earned tax free. If you make $50,000-$100,000, the first $12,500 is free.

I think a system like this would allow people to come off a number of welfare programs.

The marriage tax, the death tax and any tax related to the welfare of a child less then 12 months old should all be tax free.

In my opinion, there should not be a tax on anything earned. All taxes should be on purchases but that would require an increase in purchasing taxes.

I suppose I could sit here all day and come up with new tax laws and in the end, we would be right back where we started.

But with each passing decade, the middle class shrinks and the poor class increases.

Today, a half way decent home in a half way decent area will run you AT LEAST $200,000. And a modest family sized vehicle will run you at least $30,000.

We have an entire class of people who can't afford college so they are stuck in the service industry forever. The you have young adults with over $100,000 in student loans and so many people have degrees now that they also are stuck at the bottom of a company.

We have a very broken system.

The biggest mistake we make is electing the same people to the same position, term after term after term and wondering why nothing ever changes. We don't need term limits. We need voters using common sense. No elected official should hold the same office for more then 2 or 3 terms. Move up, move down or move sideways. But after 3 terms, move out of the way.

While this is certainly an example of painting with a broad brush, what is you opinion on the concept?

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: Genfinity

I think these are great ideas. Run for president.

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: MOMof3Genfinity 2020!!!

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: Genfinity

The biggest mistake we make is electing the same people to the same position, term after term after term and wondering why nothing ever changes.

This is the reason for Trump's popularity with voters. The more the Establishment attacked him the more appealing he became. Sometimes you are better off with the right enemies than the right friends.

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 03:28 AM
a reply to: Genfinity

When I hear that Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerburg are going to give away most of their profits to (dis)organized charities, I can't help but wonder why they don't donate the money to the people that helped make them filthy rich, their own employees.

That is an observation that should be promoted to be discussed nationwide. Excellent.

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Genfinity

Excellent Post!

A company's highest paid employee should not make more then 100 times the salary of the lowest paid 40 hour (minimum) employee and that should be a federal law. So if the cashier makes $25,000 a year, the CEO should be capped at $2,500,000 a year and that includes bonuses.

I'm so happy to see this! This is called a "proportionate wage model" and it's one I've advocated for a very long time... including here... but it hasn't been received well previously. Here's to hoping that changes!!!

Where I disagree with you is with a sales or VAT taxes. There should be no taxes at all on earned income -- there I agree. We all have a right to provide for ourselves, and no one -- NO ONE -- deserves the fruits of our labor and sweat and tears. No one. And especially not first, and especially not the government. But we, the consumers, pay every damn cent of taxes paid by businesses and corporations, which factors their taxes into the prices we pay at the checkout counter. It's just another business expense...

Well, except for the damned corporate welfare that actually pays corporations our hard-earned dollars in deductions and credits and all kinds of loopholes.

Incorporation laws need to be reformed and refined. Corporations are fictional legal entities created entirely out of whole cloth by government, with all the attendant entitlements and privileges that give gross advantages to something that only exists on paper by virtue of government. Their "rights" are really just entitlements, and do not supercede our natural rights.

Well, they shouldn't.

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Genfinity and her/his mate Boadicea has my vote.

Why can’t our elected representatives read stuff like this and do it?

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: Genfinity

What an excellent thought and well written OP. S & F!

I really like your ideas. And I do think we need to look into something like this.

Your plan allows the company to stay competitive in the work space. They get to make the decisions on where within the ranges employees would fall but limits their overall power.

Ever though of entering politics?

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: MOMof3

Three's charm! We're on a roll!!!

Seriously though, I think we the people as a whole have been fed such crap from the PTB that most people don't understand there are other options, other ways to approach these issues, and most importantly, better ways to address and resolve these issues.

Educating and informing people and getting them out of the echo chambers the politicians (and corporate mouthpieces) have created. When we know better, we do better.

Let's hope this is a start to society rejecting the same old crap that got us here, and embracing new and better ideas.

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: Genfinity
I'm not sure exactly which forum I should post this in so I apologize if this is the wrong one.

Money always trickles from the poor to the rich. The poor people are the pond. The rich people are the ocean and somehow, even if the two aren't connected, water always finds it's way to the ocean.

I have a theory that billionaires are such because they don't pay their employees enough money.

When I hear that Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerburg are going to give away most of their profits to (dis)organized charities, I can't help but wonder why they don't donate the money to the people that helped make them filthy rich, their own employees.

Politicians spend millions on elections that pay less then $1,000,000 a year yet when they win, the leave office with tens of millions of dollars. That is the "non-profit charity" money you sent them hard at work in their personal bank account, compliments of your own bank account.

While I think a company founder should be free to make as much money as he can, I firmly believe non-founders should have a capped salary of no more then $12,000,000 a year in this economy. Nobody on this Earth needs to make more then $1,000,000 a month for any reason.

They are taking money away from the minimum wage worker who works his tail off and puts up with all the customer abuse. While you might think they are inexperienced workers, the fact that they don't go to work and shoot everybody in the face is a strong testament to their advanced skills in handling customers on the front lines.

So, how can we help the little guy without putting the big guy under a bridge?

A company's highest paid employee should not make more then 100 times the salary of the lowest paid 40 hour (minimum) employee and that should be a federal law. So if the cashier makes $25,000 a year, the CEO should be capped at $2,500,000 a year and that includes bonuses.

If the highest paid employee wants to make $25,000,000 a year, the lowest paid 40 hour a week employee should be paid $250,000 a year. Is that really so unfair?

Let me take this to the next level. Anywhere within the company hierarchy, a person in charge of a department should not make more then 25% of the lowest paid employee's salary under their supervision. These are good wage rules to keep companies in tow. If companies tried to avoid these rules by keeping employees just below 40 hours a week, an estimate to 40 hours could be used.

I even have a plan for vacation time and sick pay. Employees with 12 months of seniority get 1 week off (typically 5 paid days). These are their own personal paid days off and they can use them as they wish. After 24 months, they get 2 paid weeks off. After 36 months, they get 3 paid weeks off. This time off includes vacations, sick leave and holidays. Companies could offer a more generous plan at their leisure.

For federal holidays, employees who had to work that holiday would get an additional day off. So let's say you get two unpaid days off per week. If you can't have the federal holiday off (1 paid day off), you would get an additional paid day off added to your time bank (2 paid days off).

In addition, if you make less then $50,000 (I'm in the US), the first $25,000 is earned tax free. If you make $50,000-$100,000, the first $12,500 is free.

I think a system like this would allow people to come off a number of welfare programs.

The marriage tax, the death tax and any tax related to the welfare of a child less then 12 months old should all be tax free.

In my opinion, there should not be a tax on anything earned. All taxes should be on purchases but that would require an increase in purchasing taxes.

I suppose I could sit here all day and come up with new tax laws and in the end, we would be right back where we started.

But with each passing decade, the middle class shrinks and the poor class increases.

Today, a half way decent home in a half way decent area will run you AT LEAST $200,000. And a modest family sized vehicle will run you at least $30,000.

We have an entire class of people who can't afford college so they are stuck in the service industry forever. The you have young adults with over $100,000 in student loans and so many people have degrees now that they also are stuck at the bottom of a company.

We have a very broken system.

The biggest mistake we make is electing the same people to the same position, term after term after term and wondering why nothing ever changes. We don't need term limits. We need voters using common sense. No elected official should hold the same office for more then 2 or 3 terms. Move up, move down or move sideways. But after 3 terms, move out of the way.

While this is certainly an example of painting with a broad brush, what is you opinion on the concept?

While I am sure your heart is in the right place, your head is in another. You clearly have zero understanding of economics, business, or even social behavior. Where to even begin...

Money always trickles from the poor to the rich.

Seriously? When was the last time you got a job from a poor person?

I have a theory that billionaires are such because they don't pay their employees enough money.

What data do you have to support this drivel? Most of the billionaires nowadays are in tech which is an industry that pays it's employees very well. So Bill Gates is a billionaire because he doesn't pay Microsoft employees enough? Are you serious? Do you have any idea how many millionaires and other billionaires Bill Gates has created in the 40 years since he created Microsoft? The company employs hundreds of thousands of people, the bulk of which probably make six figures. You cannot possibly be this daft.

If the highest paid employee wants to make $25,000,000 a year, the lowest paid 40 hour a week employee should be paid $250,000 a year. Is that really so unfair?

Not only is it unfair, it is retarded. Not all jobs are equal and salaries. Under no circumstances would a janitor warrant making $250,000/yr. Top level management often commands that much because there are few people qualified for the positions and often their compensation is tied to company performance / stock options. You can replace a janitor or a guy driving widgets in an afternoon. You cannot replace your CxO overnight and the CxO not doing their job properly can cost a company and it's investors hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions in shareholder value.

In addition, if you make less then $50,000 (I'm in the US), the first $25,000 is earned tax free. If you make $50,000-$100,000, the first $12,500 is free.

You obviously are unfamiliar with the current tax code if you think anyone making less than $50k is paying a lot in taxes.

The biggest mistake we make is electing the same people to the same position, term after term after term and wondering why nothing ever changes. We don't need term limits. We need voters using common sense. No elected official should hold the same office for more then 2 or 3 terms. Move up, move down or move sideways. But after 3 terms, move out of the way.

Finally said something reasonable...

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 02:35 PM
In your dreams... we are a capitalistic society-not a socialistic one. We earn our keep-with the exception of paying for the lazy or the poor.

Take away incentives to earn more and you get stagnant economies.

I love your some of your ideas; they just won't work in the USA. We fought for freedoms of economies-even though the government continues to attempt to control the details though taxes, etc.

We are not built for your idealism-wrong country-wrong century.

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