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Introducing Virginia area poet.

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posted on Dec, 16 2017 @ 04:45 PM
I'm K.B. Updike, from Highland Springs, Va. I have been published in the Atlee High School lit rag Elements, Word Riot, the Freezine of Fantay and Science Fiction with cyberpunk pioneer John Shirley, Circle Magazine, and Black Petals.

Franz Kafka's short stories are introduced by famous artist John Updike Franz Kafka's unfinished novels all star K
from Amerika, my place of birth
involved in the the Trial, I have been arrested
Kafka pronounced Cough Kay, the Castle in France - that my step dad's side of the family owns partial estate to.

Genesis Chapter 4 goes (paraphrased) "If Cain 7 Lamech 77," after the fall of Cain ending two verses read "After Seth and Enosh began men to encounter the Lord." A Cain is a cane or a staff, the event foreshadows the fall of the staff of Moses in my Exodus. His staff becomes a serpent.

In Revelation Chapter 5, the Lamb of God has 7 horns of war, 7 eyes of clear vision, the 7 spirits of God.

I live in La Mech or Va Mech if the L is turned left. C or see Mecha if the L is turned to the right and the a thrown forward. Kaaba is how my name is pronounced. Kaaba in Mecca or Maker may be used to describe Tiphareth the sun as the son of God in Kether, the Father.

When Moses in the Exodus Book 2 of the Torah received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, he was standing in the symbolism of (Exodus + Book 2 rearranged) 2eus do X - pronounced Two Zeus do X. False idols other than God. Moses broke the ten commandments, there is a crack in the stone of Kaaba in Mecca. The lightning bolt is the staff of Zeus, Moses is symbolically Zeus delivering a serpent when his staff transforms into one. The crack in the stones is formed of the 7s if connected bottom tip to leftmost of two tops. The lightning bolt is a serpent.

After Seth and Enosh as the ending line delivers Egyptian Set from the fallen Cane of Zeus.

Aleister Crowley's Liber Al Vel Legis contains a comment curse: Aum. Ha. preceeds the curse, Aum means contemplation, Ha contemplation of a joke. Comment rearranges Ment Com, shorthand for meant comedy.

The Book of the Law opens the Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs. Three Ks like in Kafka, Khabs spells KB has. Khabs is, if the capital H turned on its side b= d turned around, as KId. as joke.

II:76. 4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L.

836 counting back, 8, 2 counting back from the end, 1+4 to get a 5. 836-8215 (please don't call) is my cell phone number. ABK is KAB, ALGMOR is GLAMOR, RPSTOVAL is Role Play (RP is short for) Saint (ST is short for) of (ov sounds like) all (al sounds like). The crack in the document is the three sevens as lightning delivering Set.

III: 74 the sun of midnight is ever the son.

posted on Dec, 16 2017 @ 05:54 PM
Allow me to be the first.


posted on Dec, 16 2017 @ 06:02 PM

originally posted by: Kiblah
I'm K.B. Updike, from Highland Springs, Va. I have been published in the Atlee High School lit rag Elements, Word Riot, the Freezine of Fantay and Science Fiction with cyberpunk pioneer John Shirley, Circle Magazine, and Black Petals.

Franz Kafka's short stories are introduced by famous artist John Updike Franz Kafka's unfinished novels all star K
from Amerika, my place of birth
involved in the the Trial, I have been arrested
Kafka pronounced Cough Kay, the Castle in France - that my step dad's side of the family owns partial estate to.

Genesis Chapter 4 goes (paraphrased) "If Cain 7 Lamech 77," after the fall of Cain ending two verses read "After Seth and Enosh began men to encounter the Lord." A Cain is a cane or a staff, the event foreshadows the fall of the staff of Moses in my Exodus. His staff becomes a serpent.

In Revelation Chapter 5, the Lamb of God has 7 horns of war, 7 eyes of clear vision, the 7 spirits of God.

I live in La Mech or Va Mech if the L is turned left. C or see Mecha if the L is turned to the right and the a thrown forward. Kaaba is how my name is pronounced. Kaaba in Mecca or Maker may be used to describe Tiphareth the sun as the son of God in Kether, the Father.

When Moses in the Exodus Book 2 of the Torah received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, he was standing in the symbolism of (Exodus + Book 2 rearranged) 2eus do X - pronounced Two Zeus do X. False idols other than God. Moses broke the ten commandments, there is a crack in the stone of Kaaba in Mecca. The lightning bolt is the staff of Zeus, Moses is symbolically Zeus delivering a serpent when his staff transforms into one. The crack in the stones is formed of the 7s if connected bottom tip to leftmost of two tops. The lightning bolt is a serpent.

After Seth and Enosh as the ending line delivers Egyptian Set from the fallen Cane of Zeus.

Aleister Crowley's Liber Al Vel Legis contains a comment curse: Aum. Ha. preceeds the curse, Aum means contemplation, Ha contemplation of a joke. Comment rearranges Ment Com, shorthand for meant comedy.

The Book of the Law opens the Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs. Three Ks like in Kafka, Khabs spells KB has. Khabs is, if the capital H turned on its side b= d turned around, as KId. as joke.

II:76. 4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L.

836 counting back, 8, 2 counting back from the end, 1+4 to get a 5. 836-8215 (please don't call) is my cell phone number. ABK is KAB, ALGMOR is GLAMOR, RPSTOVAL is Role Play (RP is short for) Saint (ST is short for) of (ov sounds like) all (al sounds like). The crack in the document is the three sevens as lightning delivering Set.

III: 74 the sun of midnight is ever the son.

That's nice.
Welcome to ATS!

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 11:41 AM
To get to my phone number (above) from line II:76 of the Book of the Law,
836 counts back from the first four numbers
8, 2, counts back from the last two numbers
1 to get to a five is the first number 4 + 1 for first.

Jesus Christ is not the Lamb of God if Lamech is the Biblical Son of Man. It is one of the first Gospel lessons on Christ that he was the Son of God, not man. Ezekiel instructs the Son of Man to besiege the city with a tile (a portable computer in modern time).

March 23, 1985 is my birthday, the Spring Equinox: the celebration of the rebirth of the sun. One year and month before I was born, on Valentine's Day, Babaji, highest ranking yogi in India according to Paramhansa Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi, winked the instant before his heart stopped.

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 11:43 AM
i'm a fan of
The Old Man on the Mountain as a historic figure Hassan I Sabba reminds me of saintly Moses unleashing the Bible jihad.
The Assassin video games give up esoteric secrets.
The underground's Hakim Bey's name seems to suggest (letters rearranged) Hakim Be y. His support of the anarchists is for Hakim, and so that Hakim lives forever.

I suspect an immortal Hakim silent and subtle so as to provide the appearance of a conspirator. Actually an immortal Muslim Sufi unleashing a sincere Islamic jihad.

A psychic audience could scry impersonal margin by Hakim's safety. Islam forbids shirking God, which means giving anything less than the impersonal. Hakim's safety so scried for becomes Muslim law.

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 11:45 AM
I consider God justified by the Holy Spirit also called the Holy Ghost, dead yet alive. Unconditional love as the nature of love apart from emotional interactants provides all information, energy, and places a heart, an emotional impetus, a will and metaphoric consciousness.

I believe the Old and New Testament, and the Koran, to be authentic if understood as originally intended.

One of the most striking points of theological grounds for Book skepticism concerns the Bible's seeming bigotry toward homosexuality. It is my opinion that homosexual gratification is banned only by a strict Muslim discipline which bans doing anything for fun, including sex with a wife or husband. Perhaps an original intended symbolic importance to Biblical circumcision.

I study the Old Testament as the history of a people since Egypt during the Exodus to wander under the tutelage of the sun culturally isolated from amoral animal social instincts. The New Testament as an expansion of the faith. The Book of Revelation as an invitation to interpret scriptures symbolically, and understand the less veiled passages of the Book by struggling to unveil one obvious example of metaphor.

I see the One God law of the Bible intended to liberate the moral anchor of the people's heart from selfishness. A totem and political leader that can't be corrupted nor wrong, only misinterpreted.

I am a born again Christian who has converted with sincerity to Sunni Islam, and I am a Sufi.

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