posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 08:52 AM
psychosgirl says:
"...that is the meat of my query. why weren't both sides equally documented."
Probably because the conpiracy assertion folks don't have much to document. There was this French guy who came out with a site called "Find the
Boeing" but it was picked apart by the scientists and engineers as having a bunch of flaws. The Frenchman never bothered to respond and defend his
Besides, it's not really about documentation; such documentation (e.g., fire company reports, video shots, eyewitness reports) are available
to everyone who wants to find out. What it's really about is the interpretation of the documentation.
The scientists and engineers (including the guys who designed the buildings and the aircraft) say something like, "the aircraft, travelling at
"a" miles per hour and weighing "y" pounds, struck with an impact force of "c" foot pounds, or "d" pounds per square inch, which exceeded the
shear strength of the wall by a factor of "e". The jet fuel, burning at a temperature of "f" deg F, set other fires which burned at (3"f")
degrees which exceeded the modulus of elasticity factor of the supporting steel members by a factor of "g", which, in turn..." and so on and so
This is not exciting stuff, because it's pretty dry, and most people don't even understand what a modulus of elasticity is, for cripes'
sake, so our eyes glaze over and we look at the conspiracy assertion folks who say really cool and fun stuff, like "well, it's obvious
that the jews and the CIA and the president are all a part of the plot which was first undovered by reading the message on the Georgia guide-stones
backwards while playing in-a-gadda-da-vida on the night of a full moon and a half-empty bong."
"...the majority of documentation was given to gov't officials who debunk all of the theories. it would have been more believable with more from
the conspiracy theorists."
You tell me, psychosgirl. No one's holding the conspiracy theorists in a cave somewhere. My belief is that the conspiracy theorists haven't
produced any documentation because all the documentation that would convince most people also contradicts what they're saying, and
they're certainly not going to shoot themselves down.
" i like to see both sides of an order to make my own conclusion."
You can't blame the scientists and engineers because the conspiracy guys don't have any real evidence to offer.
I just go with the preponderance of evidence. i figure if there really were any such scientific or engineering evidence, the conspiracy theorists
would have presented it.
Why haven't they? I'm afraid you'll have to ask them about that!