posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to:
Yes, I heard the cops pitiful excuse for using military hardware to intimidate citizens.
Improper hand signal was what the cop stated why he used his high and mighty militarized vehicle to pull him over.
Improper hand signal. Realizing that he is being recorded he starts coming up with other excuses.
There is no reasonable excuse for cops to be terrorizing citizens with armored personnel carriers. Maybe just maybe that carrier has saved lives, but
there is an absolute fact that police have used military hardware to take innocent lives as well. There is one case where they blockaded the home of a
30 year old father of 2 with all types of military vehicles threw in tear gas which cased a fire and burnt him to death.
What was his crime? None. So sorry wrong guy they fed up, but of course didn't admit it. Police brutality and records of killing innocent people in
this country is a major issue. Maybe they are just incompetent, but giving them military hardware is not going to make them better cops. If anything
it will make them more aggressive which we do not need or want.