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Why millennials are facing the scariest financial future

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posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 09:02 AM
I think the millennial should just relax about the government debt. Trump repubs and the gods guns and Girls party say debt and deficits don’t matter anymore.
Millennials should worry about their own debt and looming old age.

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: MOMof3

I'm just glad we've got Republican's in power so at the very least fiscal responsibility will return to America and we won't be ballooning the national debt like the DemocRATS have done (oh wait....).

I mean, state sponsored nationalism/racism is ok as long as we can get the money machine back in order (oh wait....).

Well, at the very least the ultra rich will get richer. Who cares what happens to the country as long as we can stick it to those Dems! Yee Haw!!!!

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 09:44 AM

As I read through this thread I see a whole lot of blaming, but no real answers. At the end of the day, this is the problem; everybody wants to "blame" someone today. Blame is an entitlement mentality..."It's their fault, and it's not fair, so therefore I should get (x) for free! Because, you know, it never used to be like that, but now I'm the victim." It's pretty disgusting actually.

I see lots of posts about college and college debt (more blame). Wake up, college is a racket; they've convinced people all they need is some watered down college degree and life will be Easy Street. At the same time, colleges have lowered their standards while at the same time trumping up their value. Net degrees required for McDonald's workers, because those degrees aren't worth the paper they're printed on. Now, before you go all koo-koo on me for saying that, understand not all college education is a waste, but what is the point of college anyway? It seems to have lost it's meaning completely.

College is about teaching people how to "think", how to learn, how to solve problems, BUT it is not a meal-ticket in and of itself...which many seem to think it is. And, this is the reason people are duped so easily into taking on that debt; they're being suckered. College never meant upon graduation you could just sit on your ass, do nothing and then magically retire! College never meant you'd never have to get your boots muddy again, or your hands dirty. When I got out of college I was walking high steel on skyscrapers, why? Because that was my "job" as a layout engineer. I was underground choking on rock dust in mines, I was out in the wind, rain and snow. This isn't about me though, it's about the mindset of today's youth. They think just because they went to college, and got some superfluous degree, now they don't have to do any of those things. BS, you say??? Well, I have proof...personal, hands-on "Proof".

We have probably 10,000 job openings on any given day (yes, ten "thousand"), and 3/4 of those jobs we can't even find applicants for. When we do find applicants fully 50% of have zero experience...doing anything, anything at all. It's like they never thought they'd have to work, and they're clueless. Of the qualified candidates, fully 50% of those flat out refuse to do the job. Refuse!!! They don't even have a friggin' job yet, and they're refusing to do it!!!! (Unbelievable!!). "Oh, I'm not gonna' do that! Bottom line...they don't want to work!!! They say they do, but the reality is far different.

Want to see an example, yourself personally? Drive to your nearest major airport and ask where the Uber lot is, then go there. You are going to see a staging lot packed to the gills with Millennials who all just want to sit on their ass and drive around all day in their car! That's all they want to do. It's aggravating to no end to me!! Walk up to one of them and ask them if they want a "real" job, and they'll tell you ""nope, I've got my own hours and easy job and I'm good" They don't want structure, they revolt against order and conformity. They just want this free-form lifestyle where there are no rules. If it's hard...they don't want to do it, because...they "earned" the right to not have to (in their minds). They didn't "earn" S#!!!

That, is the problem! And blame? They have no one to blame but themselves.

This problem isn't someone else's fault, people. It just isn't. There's an old saying about 'blame'...remember, when you point the finger of blame at someone...there are (3) more fingers pointing back at YOU!!

Perhaps the younger generations might take some stock in that statement. Nobody is going to give it to you, you're going to have to "earn" it, and earn it the old fashioned way...WORK!! (roll up your sleeves, put on your gloves and start shoveling...WORK!)

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 10:04 AM
Those who bemoan there not being any jobs are full of it! There are historic levels of excellent paying job openings out one wants them!

- There are historic shortages of airline pilots (we have job openings for pilots, helicopter pilots and all manner of aviation support, and that's just us and can't even find applicants, let alone fill them. These are SIX figure jobs too! And we're not even an airline.)

- Historic shortages of Health Care workers. For every job they fill, they lose three.

- Millions of engineering jobs are unfilled (several thousands with us alone)

- Construction trades can't even come close to keeping up with demand for trades. (I know of no less than 20,000 skilled trade openings across the US alone). Electricians, pipe fitters, iron workers, plumbers, carpenters, laborers. Hell, Electricians alone make over $60 per HOUR...and that's before benefits!!! We can't find anywhere near enough of them.

I could go on and on, and it's just INFURIATING to me to see all these people saying "there's no jobs, and the ones there are pay crap". That's just a crock of unfiltered BS! Grrrrrrr!

Let's face it, the younger generations just don't want to WORK! They just want to sit on their ass, drive for Uber and then go sit on their Mom's couch and play video games. It's pathetic! And there's no one to "blame", but themselves.

edit - Tough pill to swallow, I know. Reality SUCKS sometimes, huh?????
edit on 12/18/2017 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
a reply to: o0oTOPCATo0o

Oh please. Don't act like the success of the boomers is due to good planning. They could get a well paying job in pretty much any field they wanted regardless of their degree.

And don't pretend like the boomers weren't self-obsessed and narcissistic. They were given the sobriquet of Me Generation for a reason.

Quoting for truth.

Who made the piss-poor judgement votes that lead to wolves still preying on the populace in the senate & congress for so long?
Who raised the generation who people now sit in this thread and bitch about?
Who's rosy blinders-glasses lead to today's bleak American landscape the younger generations are trying to grapple with?

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. especially the "who's responsible for snowflakes" angle. Let's not forget that one, because it's important & shows a certain generation will do anything to deflect blame. You. Boomers, you created your own monster.
To be fair, however, every generation has their entitled snots, but let's not forget that minority of entitled brats of any generation doesn't just pop out born with that attitude. They're taught it. Good job, shirkers, we see where they get it from now. Apples don't fall far from their trees.
edit on 12/18/2017 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

Most boomers could get a good job with just a high school education. Wages were in line with the cost of living. Other than war in nam, the draft, the war on drugs, the Cold War, funerals for our friends who got killed in war, civil rights riots, HIV, it was great.

Oh and trying to find day care so I could work was fun too. They were all accused of being satanists. But other than that, life was great. Cancer was a death sentence. But other than that....

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: Wayfarer

Funny, the last time the budget was balanced it was a democratic president and guess who ballooned it into the stratosphere: George Bush the republican

Too bad reality doesn’t match your post

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 11:36 AM
A lot of the job issue is the 3 things, Can you pass a drug test, Do you have a drivers license and can you pass a background test.

80% Of people applying walk out at that point.

Oh well they just don't care it's like that socialism will kick in and they can keep drifting.

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
Those who bemoan there not being any jobs are full of it! There are historic levels of excellent paying job openings out one wants them!

- There are historic shortages of airline pilots (we have job openings for pilots, helicopter pilots and all manner of aviation support, and that's just us and can't even find applicants, let alone fill them. These are SIX figure jobs too! And we're not even an airline.)

- Historic shortages of Health Care workers. For every job they fill, they lose three.

- Millions of engineering jobs are unfilled (several thousands with us alone)

- Construction trades can't even come close to keeping up with demand for trades. (I know of no less than 20,000 skilled trade openings across the US alone). Electricians, pipe fitters, iron workers, plumbers, carpenters, laborers. Hell, Electricians alone make over $60 per HOUR...and that's before benefits!!! We can't find anywhere near enough of them.

I could go on and on, and it's just INFURIATING to me to see all these people saying "there's no jobs, and the ones there are pay crap". That's just a crock of unfiltered BS! Grrrrrrr!

Let's face it, the younger generations just don't want to WORK! They just want to sit on their ass, drive for Uber and then go sit on their Mom's couch and play video games. It's pathetic! And there's no one to "blame", but themselves.

edit - Tough pill to swallow, I know. Reality SUCKS sometimes, huh?????

Of course there are still some decent jobs, but compared to the old days when we still had a decent manufacturing base, and numerous jobs with great benefits, and were without NAFTA and these other trade deals, it’s no comparison.

I’ve worked in the auto industry and watched that get decimated then the IT industry and watched great jobs with great pay turn into few jobs ever since they began outsourcing tech jobs to India, and other cheap paying Asian nations.

The point you don’t get is that in the past we were going forward, progressing into a true great society and all of a sudden conservative philosophy took over and ended progress and hope: destroyed unions, helped outsource jobs, cut taxes massively for the rich, destroyed the infrastructure, gave up pensions for flimsy 401 k plans, created bad trade deals that ONLY the rich benefited from.

And what do we have now, a society that doesn’t have secure jobs anymore with decent benifits where one can one day retire with a decent pension…A society where many have to work 2 and 3 jobs to survive, its called NO FUTURE!
All because the LIE of conservative libertarian philosophy of love and serve the rich.

edit on 18-12-2017 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-12-2017 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 11:58 AM
And get this….

The few industries left with strong unions and decent benefits the elite send conservative leeches after them to destroy them, such as teachers with the advent of charter schools, and the few tech industries like the electrical workers in Verizon and ATT, state workers and the federal jobs the conservative do everything in their power to weaken or destroy.

In the southern and many western states people have a serf/love the rich mentality that’s why they always vote republican in these anti-union right-to-work states. This is what they want to do to the other states who still have respect for middle class progress.

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: o0oTOPCATo0o

A good deal of them played themselves, as well. opportunities are out there, just hard to obtain with a liberal arts degree.

Not for long. AI is coming. We need to overhaul the system.

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: Nyiah

Most boomers could get a good job with just a high school education. Wages were in line with the cost of living. Other than war in nam, the draft, the war on drugs, the Cold War, funerals for our friends who got killed in war, civil rights riots, HIV, it was great.

Oh and trying to find day care so I could work was fun too. They were all accused of being satanists. But other than that, life was great. Cancer was a death sentence. But other than that....

And the gas shortages were quite enjoyable as well. When stations had to dole out gas per-gallon and only to those on the odd/even days based upon their plate number. And, the constant threat of nuclear war and duck-and-cover drills, all wonderful things of the age.

Some people just look back as everything was roses and unicorn farts.

Get a grip young adults that look to others to blame.
Think for yourselves.
Make forward looking decisions, do not fall for the snake oil salesman known as college recruiters.
If you cannot afford to live alone, then get a roommate (or two) that work a regular job and make a regular paycheck.
Consolidate your expenses, shop smart not based upon trendy stuff.

It can be done, as I see it done everywhere from people your age.

It is not easy, and it never was easy. Those that told you growing up you were special and did not allow you to fail and learn from those small failures did not prepare you for the realities of the harsh world. But, blaming will not change your condition....only you can do that for yourselves.

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 01:14 PM
I have friends that complain about college debt and lack of jobs, yet these same people insisted on going to a major college for the entire 4 years paying a ridiculous yearly price refusing to look at fully accredited online college, or community college.

Then on the job front I point out there are jobs available in their career choice and the inevitable answer is I do not like that employer or I do not want to leave this area.

Its insanity, I have a BS that only cost me 28k from a school that was accredited by the same people that did OU.

As I complete my resume I am willing to go anywhere to get a job that will let me take care of my family, as I gather experience ill be able to move to where ever I want.

Choosing to sit in the basement and hope for better things is pure insanity.

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: Krakatoa

Again, its not a question of saying we had a paradise. Its about the fact that we were making progress forward, not going backward like today.

And if you don’t think were going backward, think about the horrible train derailment that happened today.

The antiquated train system in America is a prime example of NO PROGRESS

Certain people no longer believe in investment in the future when they run a scam saying the budget deficit is too big, YET THEY CUT TAXES ON THE RICH, claiming they will invest, that will balloon the deficit over 1 trillion.

You folks, I warn you seriously, better get hip or were done

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Monday's train, which had been scheduled to depart Seattle at 6 a.m. (1400 GMT) for Portland, Oregon, was the first to run along the new route, which uses tracks owned by a local commuter line.

It was not aging infrastructure.

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Kind of. The tracks sure were not meant for speed. The only thing that flies straight in the PNW are crows, as the saying goes.

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: MOMof3

Ill take your word for that, I have only been in that part of the country one time and that was survival school so it is not like I saw much of the area.

My only thinking is if they just built this track then in theory at least it should be at worst relatively new material, and recently inspected before a first run is done.

I will also freely admit I know squat about Amtrak my only train experience is in Europe.

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: Willtell

I'm a Democrat brov, the above post was sarcasm.

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: Willtell

Monday's train, which had been scheduled to depart Seattle at 6 a.m. (1400 GMT) for Portland, Oregon, was the first to run along the new route, which uses tracks owned by a local commuter line.

It was not aging infrastructure.

Yeah sure

Other countries' experience shows that high-speed rail can be even safer than the much slower U.S. trains. The bullet trains that zoom through France and Japan, for instance, testify to the astonishing safety offered by well-managed rail services. Each nation's system has been in operation for more than 30 years and provided billions of rides.


The real obstacle today is a lack of political will to plan for the future, especially from the Republicans who torpedoed President Obama's high-speed rail plans in his first term. Those plans were far from perfect, but they would have been a great start. Come 2040, the United States is still going to be putting around on mid-20th-century infrastructure while countries like Japan, China, and Germany marvel at our backwardness.

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: Wayfarer

Nationlism is much better than globalism and international socialism which is the root cause for Millennials dire future. Globalism will just reduce America's standards to match that of third worlds. It's like all the American haters knew they couldn't beat America so they had morons on the left in America push Globalism and International Socialism so they can self-sabotage America's wealth to be redistributed around the world.
edit on 18-12-2017 by amfirst1 because: (no reason given)

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