posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 02:07 PM
originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: SlapMonkey
Heh, well, I'm pretty sure if you go back and read some of my history here you will quickly find I'm anything BUT a 'snowflake'!!! LOL!!!
Yeah, I meant to parenthetically note that I wasn't saying that you are one...I do know you well enough for that.
[qutoe] Yes, I've carved this particular phrase out of many others as a hot button for me. I stand by my assertions on this thread, yours not
withstanding. Perhaps I place a higher value on 'slang' terms being used for taking someone's life than you do. I don't know, just me I
I'm also known to have my pet peeves in regards to phrases--just because I called you out doesn't mean that I'm not culpable at times as well.
One thing to keep in mind that many people don't consider is that "good shoot" can also be a way to consolidate someone how is emotionally distraught
(and rightfully so) over having to take someone's life. It's akin to saying, "It was just her time, there's nothing that you could do," when someone's
family member dies.
"Hey, man, there's nothing that you could have was a good shoot."
I lament the thought of EVER being in the position to take someone's life. Up until my enlistment in the Army at 19 (pre-9/11, barely) and then during
and immediately after, I had heavily considered being a police officer or a CHP (back when I lived in California). But marriage and life in general
took me in another direction, albeit still in a similar field (just not enforcement). I'm glad for that, because I have a CCDW license now and abhor
the idea of ever having to use my firearm against another human being--I can't imagine leaving for work and thinking that it might be a possibility
every day that I'm on the job.
I'm off to a "good shoot" later this evening, but I'm pretty confident nobody other than inanimate clay pigeons will be shot!
Enjoy the shoot...if I lived near you, I'd goad you into taking me one time. I tried it in the Army a few times, but never with any instruction. I was
okay, and it was fun, but I've never pursued it since.