a reply to:
If police and their fan boys were forced to use terms like "justifiable" or "self defence" kill, then terminologically speaking, they would get justly
ragged on for it.
First of all, shooting an unarmed person is never justifiable, unless they present an ACTUAL threat to someones life, not an imagined or possible
threat, but an actual one. Reasonable people accept this, others do not. The same applies for the term "self defence kill", because again, if there is
not an actual threat, you are not defending your own life by shooting a person, only taking someone elses.
Going on what an officer THINKS is going on, in any given situation, rather than what is actually the case, is what has led to this mess. Its wrong.
If officers can ever be acquitted when its their rounds in the defenceless corpse, when the unarmed person was not capable of presenting an actual
threat to the officers life, when their fear and imagination are what caused them to fire their guns, not their quick wits, their sharp eyes, or the
sorts of skills that people assume should be present in officers but are not (like the speed of reflexes necessary to permit them to, with ease and
without overmuch increased threat to themselves, establish for certain that a threat exists before actually firing their weapons, for example).
All sorts of people, including police officers, have been throwing out excuse after excuse, pathetic appeal to this and that, whining, bleating and
hiding behind the law (the idiot cousin of justice), all to avoid one crucial point.
If an officer cannot make better calls than this, they should not have a job which requires them to carry a gun. Many, including former and current
law enforcement officers on this very site, will argue the point, take offense, get snowflakey about this, but its true. They can bleat about how
little training time they get on the state, how much it would cost to properly train them all to the standard necessary to avoid these situations, and
they can do it until they are blue in the face...
If a person has the CORRECT respect for life, for law and order, and for justice, the sort of respect for these things which qualifies them to
contemplate a career in enforcement of the law, then they should be more willing to hand in their issue gun and their badge, than they are to go to
work without the necessary, incredible amounts of training required to make perfect performance in situations like these, and many others, a reality.
And why? Because to turn up to work intent on anything other than perfect performance where human life is concerned, is criminally insane. Being
prepared to brush something off because you cannot train for it is a cop out. Being prepared to hide behind a technicality is a cop out. Being
prepared to argue that a shooting of an unarmed man is justified, legitimate, fair, right, good, supportable in the slightest, makes a person nothing
more than a damned savage, unfit to coexist with regular society, a damned animal, no better than the criminals who rot in prisons the world over, and
worse than some.
Those defending this stuff should be ashamed of themselves, but I am sure they lack the capacity to feel any such thing.