Metal organic framework!
Transition metal dichalcogenides!
Graphene doped with gold nanoparticles!!
Porous carbon aerogels!!!
Amine soaked water like a giant bong! The CO2 will stick to the ammonia which can then be heated to a couple hundred degrees, the ammonia
re-solidifies out (precipitates) and can be re-used.
Those are ideas of creating and using power company's flue gas to capture CO2 (plus a couple other technologies that sound cool to say!
). The last
one is how it is done more of the time. It is like CO2 scrubbers on Stargate Universe (when they had to find a planet to replenish their supply to
keep flying through space). It is proven technology. I believe that plant in Europe (Swiss IIRC. ATS search is wonky. Thread is something like
"Machine sucks CO2 from the air") is doing just that: sucking the surrounding atmosphere in, running it through a filter, capturing the CO2, and
feeding a greenhouse while using residual heat from some commercial power plant.
Thing is, that takes energy to do. And when you tie it to a commercial power plant, you may be looking at 15 - 20% of your power generation. Not
Basic science to the rescue!
[Salting out] is an effect based on the electrolyte-non electrolyte interaction, in which the non-electrolyte could be less soluble at high salt
concentrations. It is used as a method of purification for proteins, as well as preventing protein denaturation due to excessively diluted samples
during experiments. The salt concentration needed for the protein to precipitate out of the solution differs from protein to protein. This process is
also used to concentrate dilute solutions of proteins. Dialysis can be used to remove the salt if needed
Wikipedia -
Salting out.
OK. True. They are talking about proteins, not molecules but the idea is the same. CO2 is passed through a solution and reacts with salt to create a
molecule and precipitates out. You can boil away the water and you are left with a powder. Another proven technology. Now check this out! ETA, I did
not pick the titles (both have the toxic, "climate change" in their title. Going with the less politically charged one...)
[Ethan] Novek made the discovery that would lead to his potentially game-changing technology in his high school chemistry laboratory. CO2 capture
technology has traditionally drawn on a substance such as amine that selectively reacts with just CO2 as other gases escape. The substance is then
heated to break the chemical bond for a release of the greenhouse gas that can be converted into products. But the amines used are expensive, and it
takes a lot of heat to break that bond. Novek’s discovery could overcome these issues.
In his high school laboratory, Novek was hoping to utilize a technique known as salting out to cheaply produce urea, a nitrogen-based
fertilizer. He realized he could actually use the process to separate out and capture CO2 after fossil fuels are burned.
Here’s how it could work: at a fossil fuel plant, exhaust gases could be piped into a mix of water and ammonia. Inert gases like oxygen would
escape as ammonia reacted with CO2, forming a salt. A solvent could break the salt back into CO2 and ammonia. Distillation could separate the ammonia
and solvent mix so each component could be recycled. And the CO2 could be transformed into chemicals like acetic acid or synthetic gas. The CO2
capture process needs 75 percent less energy than others., Dec. 8, 2017 -
18-year-old invents
cheaper CO2 capture tech to fight climate change.
You can save a ton of money by doing it this way! And use the energy instead of heating up your solution. Lord knows there are plenty of chemicals
around so why not put them to good use?!
There is a contest called the Carbon X Prize where they have competing teams trying to figure out what to do with CO2 from flue gas. One team wants to
turn it into concrete pre-cursors, another to carbon nanotubes, I've mentioned the guy from Harvard with the pilot plant north of Vancouver already
testing this out (MIT Tech Review, July/August 2016. ETA:
online link - only 5 free views!). That guy
wants to turn it back into fuel pre-cursors.
The thing is, they are all supposing the CO2 capture part! Kind of like: Step 1, collect underpants; Step 2, ??; Step 3, profit!
Now there is a cheap method to actually capture the CO2 from a flue stack.
I would take it one step further. Take the CO2 from the flue stack, turn it supercritical, pump it through an SCO2 turbine a few times, then turn it
into whateverz. That is what I have been referring to as "upcycling" where a waste product is turned into at least one useful product. In this case,
you get the original electricity, some extra electricity, whatever product you want to make, and as a bonus, the CO2 is scrubbed from the exhaust
before being pumped into the atmosphere.
I don't care if you think it is some tree-hugger, AGW, leftists, liberal, Gore loving, anti-Trump, blah-blah-blah, it is about doing something for our
civilization and our environment. The environment does not care about your political labels. She is perfectly set to continue without us. Me, I just
want to not add to the problems.
And it all started with basic science!
For the sappy, feel good story (caution, TL;DR), see -
The teenager inventor who could change the
way the world fights climate change.
Should we at least try? Who cares? Go back to the Mud Pit, liberal!! Thoughts? Better solutions? I miss Stargate U!?
I know there is a lot to discuss on this!
edit on 12-12-2017 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: add url