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Weird Goings On

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posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 03:54 PM
Tonight (20:00, 13th of February) My friend ('MancombSeepgood' on ATS) and I were looking at a Satalite image of the Area around my house, and Noticed a mysterious house in the middle of nowhere in the middle of a wood with no path or road appearing to go to it, the only thing that went past the wood was a Tram Track, So 'MancombSeepgood' and I decided to check it out, thinking of the things that might happen, we decided to go in all-black clothing as being seen would be a bad idea (1 bad thing would be its illegal to walk on the tram tracks).

So we got all out stuff, torches ect.. and made it to the Tram Tracks and started walking down them towards where the wood was, but on the way there, walking down the tram tracks 'MancombSeepgood' said "I have a bad feeling about this" and started begging me to put the torch on... So I put the torch on and drew our knifes, and decided against our original plans and comletely abondened them, and adopted the idea of getting back to my home by walking along the tram tracks, and getting to a road crossing and following the road back to my home.

We were just getting past the part of the track that was along side the wood with the wierd house in; we looked up ahead and there was what looked to be a pile of sleepers or something ahead behind one of the posts inbetween the 2 tracks, but when we reached that post, it appear that the pile was actually behind the next one infront, and this happened 2 more times every time we reached the next pole, then we actually started catching up with the "pile" and it looked like a crowd of sheep, which wouldn't be unusual as the area around was often used by farmers.

They seems to be running away from us, this again would be normal for sheep. As we started to get closer I actually had second thoughts about them being sheep, even thought they were white and appeared to be shaped like sheep and moved like sheep, however 'MancombSeepgood' kept saying that why were sheep and to just carry on walking as normal. I however still didn't belive that they were sheep so I ran after them, and they ran; as sheep do. So I stopped, and thought, and then I sprinted after them. When I actually go up to them, about 2 metres from them I noticed they couldnt have been sheep; as what I thought was wool was not, it was actually some sort of white skin, and normally sheep are up to my waist, these were about up to my knee, and as they ran they seemed to leap, So I let them run off and I stopped chasing them as I had reached the road crossing, so we went down the road back towards my house, as we were walking back to my house down this road we kept hearing weird noises in the distance, and a sort of clipping noise all around us, and birds started to flee from the tree's they we're roosting in.

Any Thoughts?

The Squid

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 04:46 PM
Yes it was extremely strange. I suggested it was a mass hallucination combined with the paranioa both me and The squid were getting.

[edit on 13-2-2005 by MancombSeepgood]

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 04:58 PM
I doubt It was, It was too real

It wasn't just a paranoid illusion because I wasn't really paranoid until this happened.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 08:29 PM
Thats interesting. But its hard to tell much from your description. You should definitely bring a camera with a flash with you next time so maybe you can get a shot of these things. Bring it in any event, if only just to document what that building could be.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 08:35 PM
This may sound a bit morbid or obscene, but didn't you have a knife? You probably could have grabbed one of these mystery creatures and hamstrung it in order to study it better.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 08:38 PM
Some type of rabbit perhaps? or maybe some kind of freak science experiment they let loose?

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by The_Squid
were looking at a Satalite image

Where/s the image? Can you upload it?

we decided to go in all-black clothing

Good way to get mistaken for a theif or someone trying to sabotage the tracks.
Its not illegal to walk next to tracks normally, just on them.

So we got all out stuff, torches ect

This is all in the UK right> torches, tram etc?

We were just getting past the part of the track that was along side the wood with the wierd house in;

How do you know this? How did you match the parts from the sat image? Might it have been a building that was used in track service?

it was actually some sort of white skin

Shorn sheep? Pale pigs?

Any Thoughts?

Do you have anything to back up any of this story? Have you checked old maps to see what the building was? Asked the train company about it? How many farms are in the area, and have any reported any animals getting loose? What about the train co, have they reported any herds of animals rooting about the tracks?

I suggested it was a mass hallucination

But squid is saying he got to right ontop of these things, not that they were at a distance. What were you doing when he was running after them?

You probably could have grabbed one of these mystery creatures

Indeed, they don't sound dangerous, they at least seem very unusual from teh description and it would be worthwhile to have them.

Also, would not a domestic herd have markings and collars and the like?

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 05:56 AM

Some type of rabbit perhaps?

Shorn sheep? Pale pigs?

Too Tall for a Rabbit, Too Short for a Pig or Sheep

Its not illegal to walk next to tracks normally, just on them.

It is Illegal over here I belive... But the trams arn't running this time of year.

Where/s the image? Can you upload it?

Umm, Their on my PC downstairs, I don't know if I can... But I can try!

This is all in the UK right> torches, tram etc?

This is in the Isle of Man, Which is apart of the British Isles

How do you know this? How did you match the parts from the sat image? Might it have been a building that was used in track service?

Yes, We had printed off the satalite images of an area around it to use as a map, so we checked them and we also saw a bit of the building through the woods as we passed; and no it wouldnt have been used for track service, there was actually a building near the road crossing used for this, and this building that we were looking for did not have any connection to the tracks

Indeed, they don't sound dangerous, they at least seem very unusual from teh description and it would be worthwhile to have them.

They were running away from us, yes but when I actually got up close, they were behaving very strangly, especially this leaping thing, it wasn't expected; especially since I thought they were farm animals (namely sheep) I also didnt manage to see their heads, as I only saw them from the back, So I was still weary if I grabbed hold of them.

Also, would not a domestic herd have markings and collars and the like?

Yes they would, But I couldnt see any from where I was, Also now I think about it, sheep this time of year usually have some sort of dye on their backs put on by the farmers or something, That wasn't there...

Also, 'MancombSeepood' was about 2-3 Metres behind me, Also running, But he didn't start running at the same time as me, and didn't get as close as I, He also stopped at the road crossing, where as I carried on running for a bit.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 06:21 AM
I feel like going there again, for some unknown reason.
If i do i'll definately bring a camera.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 09:17 AM
uhhh have either of you seen a goat before?

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 09:25 AM
Yes it definitly wasnt a goat

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by minniescar
uhhh have either of you seen a goat before?

Exactly my thought!

The movement and behavior is very typical of goats. Depending on the variety, milking goats can be only knee high (angora goats are about sheep size or a little larger.) While they're not the most common farm animals, they are getting more popular.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 11:50 AM
Yeah I originally thought it was a goat. It had all the characteristics: the same height as half way up my shin, all the roundness of a fatass sheep. And most likely they came from the nearest goat farm 100 miles or so from a different island.
Ok mabye I was being too sarcastic but i'm fairly sure what I saw wasn't a goat. Mabye some sort of Genetically Modified Goat released on the Tram tracks of the Isle Of Man to attack all the farmer folk and sheep (lovers). But then again I like suggestions and I suppose it could fit in someones mind of what we described.

[edit on 14-2-2005 by MancombSeepgood]

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 12:17 PM
just me or are u way taller then squid? he said up to his knees and u said half way to your shin????????? is there somthing im missing?

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 12:25 PM
lol, no were about the same size. But he did get closer to them then I did I just took a rough guess from what they were relavent to the posts which hold up the lines.

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 06:57 PM
Hey it would be
if you guys took pictures if you aren't tramitised enough
but it would still be
, really I would do it but im no were near their.

[edit on 9-3-2005 by Roberto Flores]

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 07:45 PM
That's unusual, but they were probably something harmless. Maybe they'll come again tomorrow and you can tkae a pic of them.


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