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At What Age Does It Stop Being A Pedophile Issue?

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posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 12:49 PM
If the man is 59 and the girle is 19 is that bad?
if He is very rich is it bad. or She is very rich?

if the man is 19 and she is 59?
you would say thats creepy? why?
becuse he goes with a Old woman!

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 01:14 PM
When I was 15 I was dating a 26 year old. I really wasn't old enough to navigate that sort of age gap very well, and he definitely was manipulative and toxic; not physically abusive but emotionally abusive. I do think that most older people that are drawn to adolescents usually are up to no good. Most of them justify their behavior and don't have the self awareness to be honest with themselves about why they are pursuing such a relationship or how much harm they are doing. They want someone malleable and they may be skirting the edge of pedophilia in one way or another. If you are considering dating someone much younger, you should probably do some considerable self examination.

I am female by the way.

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 03:59 PM
he was married to one of the kardashian sisters they had 3 or 4 kids togethor and split up because he is a raging alcoholic...why would sophia get involved with him.......he is older and should know better.....not exactly a pedo in the strict sense of the word.....but she is young and at that age the age difference can be pronounced

originally posted by: gort51
Perhaps some people here would be Horrified at the latest B Grade Celebrity news.......

Lionel Richie's 19 year old daughter Sofia, is the "Girlfriend" (yes kissing and stuff) of 34 year old Scott Disick (whom ever he is), and yes there are pictures to prove it.

I wonder if he will sign her HS yearbook?

Is he a Pedo then or not? Apparently he went out with a Kakazanian or someone once....

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 02:48 AM
Just ask the Podestas and James Alefantis what age they like the children to be . Just don't ask what they do with the bodies.

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Dutchowl

Yeah, that’s for an entirely different thread....

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