originally posted by: Thorneblood
Which made me wonder.....what are the chances that a company started two years ago, run by a man named Michael Erickson would both be related to
aviation/drones in an area that have links to Dupont and the CIA.
Is this all just random luck or did the CIA through an Agent in Wilmington, DE set up the main stream media outlets with the help of "multiple
sources" who just happen to have confidential information about Wikileaks (which we all know is often linked to Russia)?
What are the chances of the same man owning two drone aviation businesses, in a city where a massive government organization that utilizes drones is
present? I'd say the chances are extremely high. I think you're connections here are way too tenuous.
Are you saying that Michael J Erickson is one or several of the unnamed sources? I don't see any reason to assume that. It seems that he just wanted
to tell Trump about those leaks, and then later someone put the media up to reporting it with the false date. I'm not saying your'e wrong though; it
could have been some brand of spooks, that might be part of the reason why the media doesn't want to talk about it; if the sources are CIA or FBI it
would put them in a bad light, not to mention whatever sanctions they might be facing for betraying that trust. Personally I don't believe those
agencies would want to pull a trick like this.
And on the other hand, the sources could just be some nobodies; then the various newsrooms would be embarrassed to admit that they used such
unreliable sources for their big story; easier to just bull# about "several sources", stonewall and sweep it under rug, further eroding the public's
trust in our media.
I do think it was a successful attempt undermining the MSM, not that that excuses the media itself. It's hard to say exactly how negligent they where,
without knowing the details. It's bizarre, when you think about it, that this even happened. I guess they must have been provided a version of the
email where the date was tampered with or blacked out? Or they weren't given the actual email?
If I had to guess I'd say this was started by someone whom the media insiders trusted at least to some degree. Someone who either wanted to embarrass
them to further his own agenda, wanted to expose their bad journalism, or maybe just wanted to troll people, who knows.
In any case the MSM needs to learn from this and check themselves. Greenwald puts it well:
So continually awful and misleading has this reporting been that even Vladimir Putin’s most devoted critics — such as Russian expatriate Masha
Gessen, oppositional Russian journalists, and anti-Kremlin liberal activists in Moscow — are constantly warning that the U.S. media’s unhinged,
ignorant, paranoid reporting on Russia is harming their cause in all sorts of ways, in the process destroying the credibility of the U.S. media in the
eyes of Putin’s opposition (who — unlike Americans who have been fed a steady news and entertainment propaganda diet for decades about Russia —
actually understand the realities of that country).
It does make you wonder if there's some hidden mutual interest between Putin and the deep state. But I still think it's just the media being what it
is; a myopic industry that profits on clicks and ratings, not truth or common sense.
Crowdstrike finds Russians hacked into a Ukrainian artillery app (Crowdstrike)
It thought the artillery app thing was real, anyone have a link to this being debunked?