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US Uses Drones to Spy on Iran (from ATSNN)

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posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 02:11 PM
US officials have admitted using unmanned drones to search for nuclear facilities in Iran.

Drones have been flying over Iran since December, causing a spate of UFO reports.

WASHINGTON (Feb. 13) - The United States has been flying surveillance drones over Iran since last year to look for evidence of nuclear weapons programs and probe air defenses, The Washington Post reported Sunday.

Citing three U.S. officials with knowledge of the effort, the Post said the small, pilotless planes use radar, video, still photography and air filters designed to pick up traces of nuclear activity to gather details not accessible by satellites.

When Iranians living along the Caspian Sea and on the Iraq border began reporting sightings of red flashes in the sky, streaks of green and blue and low lights that disappeared moments after being spotted, Iranian air force commanders concluded they were spy drones, the Post said.

It noted that many Iranian officers were trained more than 25 years ago in the United States and are familiar with U.S. tactics.

The Post quoted an unidentified senior Iranian official as saying Iran's National Security Council decided not to engage the pilotless aircraft rather than tip off its air defense capabilities.

The Iranian action to hold back is considered a major policy decision and reflects Iran's belief that an attack is unlikely anytime soon, the newspaper said.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Unmanned drones have been used frequently for surveillance in war-zones, but this is a new twist. Were these drones pretending to be UFO's to fool the civilian population? The descriptions of flashing colored lights are odd behavior for a 'secret' drone..


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