posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 05:58 PM
Go to downtown Seattle. Go in the morning, go to a Mc Donalds, Sub Way, Starbucks. I # you not, Chances are, you go to the restrooms in one of these
places, and if you wanna use the toilet, you have to literally drag the drooling junkie off the pot, out of the stall, just to use it. Pikes market,
pioneer square, its exercsie tripping over the addicts passed out, and all they do all day is pick pocket and harass people for ciggarettes. Its a
public nuisance.
Heres a plan that can counter that. The junkies wont be hogging up stalls in the bathroom, wont be buggin people, passin out and pissin all
overthemselves. It gets em off the street, keeps them from annoying people, and maybe even with nurse ratchet standing over them they might even give
up and check into rehab. I think its a great idea, hell, i think they should have sections of the town to quarrantine drug addicts to keep them from
pestering people. The war on drugs was lost long before it started, as drugs have been a heavy part of American history long before the 60's. They
will never go away, will stay here as long as people inhabit this place, so why the hell not? At least make it less detrimental and less annoying for
the rest of the population.
I seen these places in Europe, and you didnt have druggies pestering you all the damn time over there. get em off the streets and into buildings and
clinics so they can let themselves commit slow suicide. Its thier choice, respect it, and in the meantime, minimize the risk to the rest of the