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Amazon Shipping, Where 2 day shipping really isn't 2 day shipping

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posted on Dec, 8 2017 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
I'm a long time Amazon user. I've used prime on and off for the last couple of years. The first year of prime they would do anything to make sure you got your package in 2 days. Now good luck, they have changed the meaning of 2 days. So now if you order, it's two days from whenever they want to update it on their tracking website to look like 2 day shipping. I know first world problems, but there is a deeper issue here. When I was in college I got into a huge arguement with my professor about Marketing, and how companies lie to get you to buy the product. Has anybody every ordered food from a fast food place that looks anything like the marking photo? Professor said companies are honest, if it show two buns and one patty, it's the truth. I think it is bait and switch. But I digress, there was a time when people wouldn't stand for this kind of stuff. Have we gotten to soft as consumers because of our throwaway society? It is either two days shipping or it isn't, there shouldn't be anything in between. If they can't do that call it something else, "fast as we can shipping", "faster than if you don't pay for extra membership fees" etc. Just venting because I see so many lies everywhere in marketing now. Even in stores, I've noticed that they are putting product in places to trick you to think it is on sale when it isn't (talking to you Hobby Lobby). I'm old, my eyes can't see that tiny tiny find print sometimes.

This is a complete joke; I use Amazon Prime and what's happening to you, is you're purchasing things that aren't "Prime" merchandise.

Been using prime for like 3 years now and always get my stuff in 2 days or less. I had one package come on day 3 and that's because the fedex truck broke down.

I get like 4-6 packages a week for ~156 weeks now.
edit on 8-12-2017 by SRPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2017 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: SRPrime

It is not a joke and I don't like the insinuations that I am lying or making this stuff up. I am purchasing things that are prime and has a checkmark and says prime and shipped by Amazon! Just because you happen to be lucky and get stuff quickly does not discount others that don't. Heck, just read some of the comments on this page! Just do a quick little google search, you will see thousands of other Prime members ordering prime items (yes we know to look for the little prime mark with the check, being shipped by Amazon). What is even more frustrating, is that items I've ordered from a third party seller are ariving on average two days quicker, explain that?

posted on Dec, 8 2017 @ 01:57 PM
I have come across a few Amazon Prime products that take 1-2 days extra to ship. Amazon Prime has saved me loads of money on automotive parts. I was able to purchase all 4 shocks for my vehicle on Amazon for the price of two of them at a local parts store. I've probably saved close to $600 on automotive parts in the past 2 years, thanks to Amazon Prime. I always make sure every product i buy on Amazon is sold and shipped by Amazon. That helps to avoid market place price gouging. You will have a hard time finding a better return/exchange policy than what Amazon has for Prime products.

posted on Dec, 8 2017 @ 02:19 PM
In the UK I get all my prime purchases the next day. Never had one come late.

posted on Dec, 8 2017 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: Echo007

I had a weird experience..I have prime and I order prilosec on the pagfe for the ad....arrive same day...the pack with 43 is much less expensive on amazon than in the real store...we were just about out and needed it quick...into the basket go to check out... I don't remember the exact wording it says they are not allowed can not be sent same day takes 2 days....some kind of rule...they were not out of the product ,there was no weather problem...

I am on the west coast usa and they sent it 1000's of miles east...I do have an alternate address there that I send something once in a while but I had ordered 2 different in this order and I know I used my proper address came here and one went across the states!!

edit on 8-12-2017 by research100 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2017 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

I can tell you that is horsesh** if amazon even comes in after we are already out on the street we come back and get it no matter what.

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