Thanks. Looking forward to your comment in the other thread. Someone posted a different video in that thread I commented on. There is better footage
of the same looking thing after the 11:00 min mark.
Already had my fair share of grief over FE. No intention to post about it. anyone who wants to know what all the fuss is about can find enough info
from the gloriously obsessive Rob Skiba for sure.
i didn't come here to talk about flat earth, fortunately. i just mentioned it.
any shiny dark surface will do as a scrying mirror, it doesnt have to be something you buy in a new age shop. fortunately I don't use them anyway. if
you're actually interested in what I meant i suggest richiefromboston on youtube as a starting point he has a great vid about what tvs are actually
doing to you.
i have heard of this guy, but he is just an spreader of conspiracy disinformation and boring political drama
i can see what you mean, but i think scrying is just an legend