posted on Jan, 18 2018 @ 09:58 AM
Up untill 1902 the mountain Gorilla was a mythical hair ape man of the jungle .
Which does show a large animal such as that could very well remain unknown only 100 years agaio .
But thing is we are not talking about a isolated animal in a remote area we are talking about a animal that has myths in darn near every corner of
the planet .
Which in of its self is almost unbelievable as very very few animals have a world wide range even birds are confined to country's area wise .
Now I do know there was a REAL Giant ape
and I have seen some evidence there may have even been a few left as little as 10,000 years agaio .
So more then likly man in his expansion ran across this ape and being very very impressed with it size passed down the knowledge thus big foot was
real and not real at the same time as over time the ape not so myth became a ape of myth as the story moved from place to place .
Now giant apes aside many area were big foot is said to be it would just be impossible for a large enough population to be . I live in Florida here
they are called skunk apes But I assure you there is NO pare large enough for a group of 100s to remain unknown and the reality is 100s is not enough
to keep making little foots you need alest 2000 - 6000 big foots or they die out .
So tell me just were you think even half that number could remain hidden in the US ? Keep in mind even 3000 would need to be close enough to find
each other a 100 in each state would be extinction in 20 years .