posted on Jan, 21 2018 @ 01:31 PM
...Has put me in a very, very, very, very bad F’ing mood.
Ya know...
I almost wish I was in a position to say I will not accept this news... at all...
It is totally unfair.
Ultimately, that is a selfish outlook... But I don’t care at the moment...
Kali, you’re always going to be important to me... and ATS.
All I can do now is send all of my love, thoughts, prayers and condolences to your wonderful family.
I can’t even begin to imagine.
In all my time here, I cannot think of any person more influential to me...
You set that bar too high...
And we only ever disagreed once!
The morality of punching Nazis I think it was. Good times. Better times.
Times, that I/we will never enjoy again, and I’m very mad about that.
The end of your pain absolutely surpasses all of that though, so I’ll use that to try and grieve healthily.
Words. Useless words. All combinations therein feel inadequate and insufficient to eulogise your presence here, how it shall be honoured, and missed
until I/we join in the ether.
This... Is down right bollocks news to come across!
And I have no doubts that Kali wouldn’t mind me saying so.