I'm having fun watching the newest chosen movies on Netflix right now. I'll share mine if you will.
Antonio Banderas is one of my favorite Actors, so i thought i'd take my change on this one, and i am content in my choice to do so. This film was
everything i thought it would be.
And older movie by Antonio Banderas some may not be comfortable watching because it's .. explantory. But real and worth watching. I liked it. It's
about a man that rapes a woman so, is taken by karmatic indignation, a man who wants revenge on him. He kidnaps the guy and transforms him into a
Woman. I know right.
edit on 27-11-2017 by Sapphire because: (no reason given)
I love Antonio-especially since he divorced that horrid actress wife (Melanie Griffith-yuk). However, he is short and getting old. They (TMSM) say
he is quite a nice guy and perfect gentleman. That makes him worth watching-besides being talented and attractive. Thanks for the recommendation.
edit on 27-11-2017 by Justso because: (no reason given)
Thank you for commenting. Short or tall, he's a perfect gent and I admire him for it. I wish all Men were like him to be honest, a rarity to behold,
of such we see little of these days.