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Aliens are actually humans

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posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 09:56 AM
technically we are aliens as it is - if you believe in the big bang theory or not.

as for aliens coming back in time and checking up on us or exprimenting on us, this could very well be possible. but for them to come back in time to expleriment on themselves why not go further back and experiment on our earlier evolutions?

perhaps they already did...

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 10:09 AM
I'm with Deep on this one, wouldn' t the aliens already know everything about us? And if they didn't , wouldn't the few elder/elite aliens hide the past to prevent another catastrophe that caused them to lose their records???

Say the aliens/evolved humans had totally eradicated all crime in their future civilization, there will always be a few that know what crime really is and how it it feels to be in charge and the greatness of scandals, greed, and the accumulation of money, and wouldn't they act the 'human' way and hide crime from the people to prevent crime from starting over again?

Just like the way our governement hides stuff from us...
Because after all, they're still human...

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 10:16 AM
but if aliens were humans and if they already knew everything about us why would they alter our world?

if anything they would leave the world untouched for the sole reason of experience. but as you said they/us/we are only humans therefore perhaps all these strange occurences and past events could be slight mishaps of their own accord.

i like you rexmaple of crime/greed, but i don't agree that they would hide it from us, as i stated above - as humans it is a requirement for us to experience in order to evolve. if we had these things hidden away from us then i find our purpose of being results in it being void.

[Edited on 1-7-2003 by exwunpi]

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 10:28 AM
Oh, sry, I wasn't clear enough.

The elite aliens/humans would hide the past history of crime and mistakes from the people of their time to prevent chaos and disorder in their evolved civilization...

and they couldn't tell us, because then we might leap ahead of where we should be and skip that stage of evolution and technological advancement and completely erase them from existence, and that would also mean they never met us, so we couldn't have gone ahead of them, so we wouldn't exist either..

It's just your basic time travel, loop time, destroy reality paradox all over again.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 10:34 AM
ah i see now, excuse my ignorance earlier - i was unable to grasp your statement clearly.

so if these elite/human future self aliens were to hide our current past from their kind in the highly evolved future would this not be as you pointed out a paradox? for if we were to evolve in to THAT future then surely we should know of our own past...

but i see what you're getting at, only it is very complex. however in sparing their highly evolved people from knowing the past i still stand by my earlier statement, they would not be able to evolve through experience [more than one way of experincing things from the past, present etc...]

this this make any sense? perhaps not... heh

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 10:41 AM
No, I see what you mean, but wouldn't the their futuristic, *already evolved* people not need to evovle because they already have evolved?

If you go for the whole evolution thing, algae-worms-fish-lizard-bird-monkey-human thing, we've made it this far w/out help (or at least that's what I've been told). Why would we need our future descendents to come back for us to get green skin, and obtain telekinesis or whatever else we evolve into?

We built the A-bomb on our own, (I'm talking humans as a whole, not America). We built spaceships on our own.

I really don't go for the whole aliens are humans thing.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 10:50 AM
ah no i was referring to evolution in terms of intelligence, because you referred to technological advancement. in general when i refer to evolution i mean in a general sense - not necessarily Darwin's theory, of course this is an important factor as well.

i don't think we would need our future selfs to come back to help us, so i agree with you on that point - otherwise if they did it would put the entire reason behind human evolution to fault.

what is probable is that they have come from the future to observe us/themselves, sort of like a school trip to the national history museum

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 11:38 AM
Everyone says "If time travel is possible in the future then why arnt we seeing ourselves from the future now". We are.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 11:52 AM
The main failing of this as I see it is if aliens are our future selves why are they abducting people and why are they carring out medical procedures on the abductees ?.
Why are they carrying out cattle mutilations or is this a seperate issue ?

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 11:57 AM
for experimentation and research perhaps. afterall aliens may be intelligent lifeforms and may be much more technologically advanced than we are - but if they were our selfs of the future than naturally we would want to investigate our past in every and any way possible. also it could be they need something from the past?

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by whifffffff
Aliens are actually us in the future coming back in time to study our selfs, sounds dumb but let me explain. Over the years humans have evolved to what we are from apes we have lost all that hair we've gotten a thousand times smarter so what i think is that aliens are an evolved form of us in the future. Think about it

Interesting theory...but I'm not in agreement because for one-I don't think, no..I refuse to believe humans were ever apes. If we evolved from apes then why are there still apes running around? And two-we aren't necessarily "a thousand times smarter" There is no real proof that I've seen or heard that supports this assumption.

But..I do however think there is a huge possibility that *some* aliens are coming to earth in the form of humans. What better way to know the human race? Go live in the jungle like a monkey and you'll know more about monkeys then anyone who hasn't. Same concept here with 'aliens' if only we could become alien and go live amongst them..that would be ironic! I believe..with some very strong personal proof, that there is an alien/human race form right here on earth..even if humans are programmed by aliens then in a way, they would most certainly be living amongst us.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 03:33 PM
quite a bit of discussion of this in the past on this forum... There's also a coherent theory that there are actually two subraces of humans that evolved, after a great catastrophe befalls Earth. One subrace went to Zeti Reticuli, and the other went underground. Anyways, in this scenario, the Earth is a wasteland, and both races, long using cloning to reproduce, now find something missing in their genetic makeup, so they perfected time travel, came back, and are utilizing us to "fix" the problem. It's not a theory I personally ascribe to, but it is fairly logical. I'm sure someone has a link maybe, I simply won't be on much longer search for one...

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 03:36 PM

If we evolved from apes then why are there still apes running around?

We didn't evolve from apes. We evolved from an "ape-like" ancestor. Humans and apes are two branches that split off the same evolutionary limb.... The "apes" that we evolved from look nothing like the modern apes of today. Theres a reason that humans and chimps are only like a percent or two different in genetic's no accident, or act of divine's evolution....

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 09:22 AM
I think some scientist opened a dimension through time, and thats why aliens are here! they could just be evolved humans

posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 04:25 PM
thats cool whiffffffff you are a genious

[Edited on 7-7-2003 by joshter]

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