posted on Nov, 26 2017 @ 06:20 AM
hey - i was unsure where to put this [ hint we need an " outdoors activities " sub
i noticed that GE viewshed data had " errors " - so looking for a solution - i was directed to an online app
here is the online app :
it does exactly what it says - and has several cool features [ look at all the options and sub menus
its relevant " survival " relevance =
will my LOS radio - ie VHF give reliable comms between 2 points ?
can my secret bunker / camp // bug out spot be seen from < insert location > ?
explore and enjoy - its a niche " product " but can be used for entertainment purposes too
and of course - on ATS it will be usefull when the next flat-tard comes up with a " new " curvature of the earth delusion as " proof " that teh earth
is flat
edit on 26-11-2017 by ignorant_ape because: (no reason given)