Every damn year, they start playing Christmas music ONE day after Thanksgiving. By the time Christmas actually gets here, I'm ready to drive spikes in
my ears.
Well, many years ago I was passing through Texas - as you do. Me, a quite Englishman going from A to B. In a bar in some place where I stopped for
an over-nighter, blaring out was a Christmas song in August. I can only remember the lyric "Here comes Santa with his sack of s#it", or words to that
effect. It's these little remembrances that makes a life.
Normally, Christmas is my second favorite holiday. It was my first when the kiddos were little and the world was still magical and exciting.
I lost the three most important women in my life in the fall/winter three years ago. My Mother in August, my birth Mom in November and my Sister in
Law that January. I thought that I was doing fairly well and the pain was subsiding but, this week it hit me like a sledge hammer out of nowhere.
Maybe it's because I have no one to take care of anymore, I've always been one of those people. Lengthy enough (boo hooey enough LOL) prologue.
These songs remind me of them, the amazing women that I was graced to be in their presence.
/pity party
I hope everyone finds some joy this Christmas.