posted on Jan, 3 2018 @ 09:29 AM
I'm watching The Mist, TV series.
The most recent episode (I believe)....the guy and his family are ordered out of the mall (at gunpoint) and into the mist (where everything kills
you)...for something the head of the mall actually, secretly did.
they all run for the car he used to get to the mall in the first place....
I'm thinking to myself....that car is like a tank (it's an older SUV, solid steel, etc.), if I were him, I'd back right the hell into those glass
doors and let the mist in on all those MF's....
Sure enough, as they are leaving, it's as if he heard me! He pauses, and then tells the family to buckle up, and does just that! I'm just cheering
at my TV (something I haven't done in a while), and laughing my ass off. It's just too funny. The mall mob basically dies in lots of horrific
ways...and yet it's satisfying because it's justice.
I mean, it's only been 5 days, and these folks have lost their damn minds..... That was some great television right there.