a reply to:
Woah there, big fella! Give yourself a break!
Let Ole Uncle TrueBrit give you a piece of advice, before you give your blessed self an aneurysm!
All kidding and japes aside, the future is a vista which stretches before you now, and although it might seem to be rushing up fast, in reality,
there are going to be many periods in the next phase of your life, that are going to drag on for what feels like forever. Waiting for a call about a
job, waiting for a call from your doctor, waiting to speak to your bank manager about financing for a project, or for a home. Its not rushing up on
you fast, trust me buddy, its not.
It just feels like that. But it is not actually like that at all. We all have moments like that, where we feel the weight of the years behind us,
propelling us ever quicker into the future, despite our discomfort with what we can see of it from here, despite our trepidation about it, our feeling
unprepared for it, and sometimes even BECAUSE of the level of preparation we have done for it.
But the time you have before you to operate is, as long as you play your cards right, and you draw well from the deck, long, not short, and getting
where you fear being the most, will take a long damned time. I am only thirty two years old, and when I look back at being twenty three... It feels a
lifetime ago from here. Don't let yourself get caught up in your fear about moving forward. Theres really no choice in the matter anyway, and you will
make a better fist of things if you keep your head level, and abandon that fear.
Its when your farsight, and your confidence come into alignment, that good things happen friend... So ball up that fist, swallow the fear, and smack
the next decade in the throat!