posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 07:59 AM
Just to throw my two cents in, I'm not going to get into the ethics of weather we should, but mearly weather we could.
Simply put, yes we will reach a kind of immortalitly. Achieved through a combination of concious transference and cloning. If we look how much our
technology has advanced this past century, then we see the rise of the "computer" to becoming the thing that now sits in front of you, holding more
proccessing power than machines that put man on the moon. So when you see how much computer technology advances in a meare year, it's just obvious
that at sometime soon, we will have developed AI, and the ability to put ourself into machines.
Onto cloning, If i'm correct, man first learned about DNA etc in the 20th century, and yet towards the end of it we had created a living breathing
creature using, not nature but our own technology. (Dolly the sheep) So if i'm very generous with time here, then it's not unfeasble to say we can
clone and grow humans in another 100 years. Then (generously again) we can say that in another 100 years after, man will have the ability to create
human clones as a blank canvas. (without mind or conciousness).
So simply you just need to combine these to facts to realise that immortality of ones mind will be possible in time. But as to weather it should be
ethicly possible, well thats an argument no one can every win, as we are all indivduals, so therefore will all have slightly varied opinions on the