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Are we caught up in our own web, with all tis information.

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posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 07:41 PM
Little grey aliens, that are not aliens but actually robots programmed to steal bovine DNA, as its very similar to homosapien DNA, the angels that fell from heaven and then the angels that came to send messages of peace. Eight foot tall nordics with blue eyes. The illuminati etc etc. I could go on for ever. ETs, IF they exist, which im sure they do given the available data of the universe, would not come here to destroy us. WHY would they, and dont give me all that crap about them being alien and with intentions we dont understand etc etc. Rubbish, as humans and a species that is advancing very well we can already see that our future is destined to be one of amazing possibilitys. I cannot see why an entity would want to interfere in any way. I would summise that within two to four hundred years we wil have the ability to travel at velocitys that are now Star Trekish, coupled with this the advancements in every other field which are inceasing exponentially. We should actually start a forum to discuss a means of making contact (if theyre already here) or an alternative means of propulsion. BUt we dont, we just drone on with new stories and conjecture most of which is bull. Do something rather than what ive just done - read and write. You all have amazing power use it. GREAT site though ( need to see more work, wheres the books etc etc)

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by tombath
Little grey aliens, that are not aliens but actually robots programmed to steal bovine DNA, as its very similar to homosapien DNA, the angels that fell from heaven and then the angels that came to send messages of peace. Eight foot tall nordics with blue eyes. The illuminati etc etc. I could go on for ever. ETs, IF they exist, which im sure they do given the available data of the universe, would not come here to destroy us. WHY would they, and dont give me all that crap about them being alien and with intentions we dont understand etc etc. Rubbish, as humans and a species that is advancing very well we can already see that our future is destined to be one of amazing possibilitys. I cannot see why an entity would want to interfere in any way. I would summise that within two to four hundred years we wil have the ability to travel at velocitys that are now Star Trekish, coupled with this the advancements in every other field which are inceasing exponentially. We should actually start a forum to discuss a means of making contact (if theyre already here) or an alternative means of propulsion. BUt we dont, we just drone on with new stories and conjecture most of which is bull. Do something rather than what ive just done - read and write. You all have amazing power use it. GREAT site though ( need to see more work, wheres the books etc etc)

Maby you should cool it abit with the caffeine alright?I can`t seem to understand much of what you said.Its all too confusing.

Slow down,put your sentences into more understandable structures and please use paragraphs!(it gives the eyes abit of a rest and allows us to keep on track with where we were reading!).

And do yourself a favour and leave this forum if you do not like freedom of speech and belief.Respect for ones opinion is respect for ones self.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 11:27 PM
I'm not sure if it relates to what your saying, but its possible they may not interfere with our world because of sociological reasons. If we were aliens and found another civilization on a planet light years away, ofcourse we'd want to say "hello" and give our cultural symbol for the "hello". Though we should never do that, if feasible, because of the danger of sociology/psychology/etcetera. If we were to find a civilization on another planet we'd need to throughly investigate that civilization to know them better than we know our own civilization so that we would know the right time to intervene and say hello. We'd need to study them for over a millienia to get a basic understanding of everything about that civilization. If we just went in and said "hello" that could cause a havoc on any civilization.-----You must try to think like an alien to understand an alien's intentions. (Just kidding, but kinda serious at the same time)


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