posted on Nov, 21 2017 @ 09:20 AM
I think a part of the problem may simply be the human sex drive. If differs in intensity from person to person.
Those that are partaking in these practices probably have stronger sexual urges than many, and so those with lower drives simply can't understand
Not everyone within such circles take part, but the ones who do can't resist. Even those with stronger urges that do not initially agree with many of
the things that go on may end up becoming somewhat desensitized after being exposed to it for long enough.
Many probably go through the same problem as those addicted to porn. What they started off viewing begins to no longer excite them so they need to try
a new area of pornography. They end up running out of things that turn them on so they keep trying to find new things, which usually ends up being
harder and darker areas of porn. It would be no different for people who have enough power to actually do the things that others can only watch. They
will constantly search for that next thing that will excite them, which will inevitably lead to more perverse sex.
Drugs would be another comparison. Sex itself come become like a drug to many.