posted on Nov, 20 2017 @ 12:47 AM
Lots of terrible advice here. Don’t bother with cameras, EVPs or especially mirrors. Trying to incite or provoke it will only make it worse. You
don’t need to prove this to any of the naysayers if you know what you are dealing with.
It sounds like a typical haunted house. If there is activity specifically involving a girl being touched, then you should really just move out if
you’re just renting. But if you own the house and don’t have much options then some people do have success in dealing with this kind of situation
with a professional ghost investigation team equipped with a psychic; at least you’ll understand what the entity is up to. But even then, you
should probably just move anyway.
Take it from me: I’ve experienced this kind of stuff of varying degrees over the years and most of the time it is confined to the building. It’s
very rare that a hostile entity would follow you.
Sometimes stuff just comes in and out randomly. I know my current place isn’t haunted, but a group of us clearly heard a door open and close by
itself one night months ago. I know it was paranormal because I’ve experienced that before in a seriously haunted place, but that was like a one
time thing and it seems to have come and gone. Worrying about it only invites more of it.