posted on Nov, 18 2017 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to:
Ophiuchus 13
I feel one doesn't need to include energy expelled towards whether someone else needs, wants, or is oblivious to the oneness that all life shares into
their own desires to either support or not offer support to all other forms of life outside of their own energy.
I view it as I view Ohm's Law... Voltage (Potential) = Amperage (Capacitance/Heart) X Resistance (Ego). It's a pretty simple concept, and humans are
operating by way of electrical neurological connections similarly, so it makes it easy for me to not go through life connected to the ego of other
life forms. If potential remains constant and resistance increases, the capacitance will naturally and accurately decrease.
This natural balance to life and electron flow then creates an awareness within myself... that my energy only keeps a base foundation of keeping a
path that pecks away at resistance, with the efforts to shift the physical being to higher plateaus of both capacitance and potential. So as I think
about this I conceptualize that workers of light are to absorb resistance, return to the place of which reflection occurs, and turn the dark into
light... without speaking of this to others... without judgement of where or how another energy field is experiencing life at in the current moment of
time... without prejudice... with nothing but a love and sense of oneness for all life forms equally.
The Earthly experience tends to lead most people to feel as if we are physical beings that are having spiritual experiences throughout life. I feel
when people live there lives as what humans really are, that humans will treat all others as they would want their own child treated... as spiritual
beings that are physical experiences throughout life.
I do not feel we are slaves to the unknown. I feel that all life is frequency... frequency of which has different capacitance output/input limits.
The reasons there is always the 'unknown' in life is due to the limits of capacitance. When frequency turns back in on itself to perpetuate rhythm,
life is experiencing its thresholds that operate within the constraints of the dimension... creating the 'unknown'. Higher vibrations of frequency
can and do mingle through all life frequencies... it's just that the lower bands of frequency aren't able to fathom the operating levels of
frequencies that swing beyond a band of which is imagined as 'God-like' in the 3rd dimension.