posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 01:34 PM
Some people will say what I'm about to say is more Philosophical than Political, but really the two are linked in this case.
Current Political Idealogies are flawed, they support the idea of Individuals without respect for Society.
This leads to a Society where people don't respect the consequences on their actions, such as violence towards those who disagrees with them.
Past Political Idealogies such as Fascism and Communism are also flawed, they support the idea of Society and reject the concept of
This leads to a Society where individual thought is shunned and destroyed in favour of an all powerful, mass propaganda spreading state.
What we need is a way in which the Individuals contribute and envolve the Society, working to better it along with themselves, thus
creating a goal for Society, rather than conflicting with it.
Its difficult to put across what I mean in words, the thought occured in my head earlier today, I was thinking about what was the problem with past
and current Societies in a basic structure, hopefully someone understand what I'm trying to say better than me.