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Hail Gaius Julius Trumpus!?!

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posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 12:43 PM
Hail Gaius Julius Drumphus!?!

A year ago when seeing the "Deep State" (Intelligence Community) actively working with their MSM & Two Party cohorts to usurp the election results, the potential emerging pattern was already compelling me to go here.

Even in contemplating that even if Trump is the "real thing" (not a NWO stooge) that this pattern from history could happen to play out: the transition from the "Roman Republic" (democracy) into the full blown "Roman Empire" (monarchist military dictatorship) even if that wasn't a predetermined conspiratorial intention.

originally posted by: purplemer
The thread was titled The Calm before the storm and it talks about the purging of some very powerful criminals from the establishment. In order for this to occur QAnon has suggested that they will have to use the military and that Martial law may need to be implemented. If you have not read it heres a link below.

Today in seeing these words about this whole "QAnon" ordeal that has been garnering a captive audience of late I can longer hold my tongue on this warning from history I'm delivering today.

What's important here is that many of the fans of this supposed 'person' seem to want to believe that its an individual literally inside Trump's inner circle. I've glanced at this "Q" topic but haven't put much mind to it as it cant even be ascertained post from this 'source' are even all from the same person; that it isn't just some meme of a character 'half the Internet' are all taking part in at this point. That was my impression anyways, but seeing these words today I can no longer sit idle.


Who could deny that forever the United States has been openly compared to Rome? It's hard not to have it smack you in the eardrums when speaking in terms of our historical place in the world. You can hardly even watch a documentary about Rome without Rome's ever lasting influence of Western Civilization. The same can be said of Greece, one of Rome's key influences. Now a lot of people look at what the Roman's achieved and get some romantic notions of US being torn from their cloth. However, if one actually takes a good hard look at the brutality and butchery they perpetrated on the world themselves included one might rather opt to hold up Greece as our spiritual predecessor (too bad they leave just as much to desired when you get down to the reality being their facade as well).

The evolutionary parallels of Rome vs. the US are closer than one might thing, outside of the whole military imperialism posturing type topics we could go on for pages about. I speak to their happenings and their timeline of affairs here. Not too much different beyond being stretched out a bit in timescale: Rome began as a monarchistic city-state around 753BC as the "Roman Kingdom". In 509BC it sort of adopted the Greek's "democracy" in becoming the "Roman Republic". These were troubled times with raids from marauding barbarians, but around 400-300BC they finally got their militaristic affairs organized and quickly began pushing towards annexing everything beyond them with their political hierarchy them built upon their military insights. They were yet a backwoods for some time, but by 264BC they were ready to take on the pre-existing regional naval superpower (empire), Carthage, in the "First Punic War".

The US came about by different means, but it began as an monarchist outpost and remained for hundreds of years. It grew outwards slowly during that time. Then it organized into a "republic" with an organized military to cast aside its monarchist roots, and then offered "democracy" to its citizens. Then brushed against and battled with the nearby "marauding barbarians" and other nearby states & naval superpowers from afar for another 100+ years. Eventually, after the Spanish-American War saw US expel the last remaining European superpower from the Western Hemisphere, along came the World Wars where like for Rome to truly shine it had to replace its forebear regional superpowers in the Mediterranean thus becoming absolutely unrivaled for hundreds of years to come, now the US has completely replaced all said European "Colonial" superpowers across the entire planet.

Of course in the modern age occupying nations isn't how best to maintain an empire (that's the measure of last resort), so we all get to delude ourselves over our very own nature, but don't kid yourselves folks: Superpower = Evil Empire.

It's a funny thing the old "barbarian" term as best highlighted by the history of the Romans. Even though Carthage was the preeminent advanced sophisticated civilization by every measure until their falls, the Romans always called them "barbarians" as if they were some haggard looking primitive style Vikings sorts. Then in 146BC they finally conquered them, and what went down in the capital is what I would call "barbarism" (histories first recorded genocide where they slaughtered and scorched 450,000 Carthaginians after they had been under siege for three years).

Look up that history if you have any romantic ideas about being a Roman. Now immediately after the war had concluded and the spoils were aplenty, the troops and much of the other Roman citizenry all got the shaft by the elites whom did outright land grabs of all the farmlands to put the remaining 50,000 Carthegenian slaves to work on them. This is where the "Bread" from the term "Bread & Circuses" came into play as they had to feed the newly emerging underclass the move created, while the existing concepts of "Circuses" was ramped into overdrive to keep them entertained (primarily by putting all the newly pouring in en masse slaves into gladiator arenas). Keep the screwed over and our masses fed with bread and entertained with games to keep them from rioting was s stroke of genius.

Now this didn't come without opposition within the ranks of the elites. One Tiberius Gracchus saw what was happening and had both the clout and the cahones to take the senate head on in enacting a measure to start giving people their farms back. He managed to out maneuver them, but not before they trumped up a counter-movement insinuating he was trying to make himself king. It was mob versus mob in the streets as the senate poured out after Tiberius, ran him down and gave him a good old fashioned death via gang beat down. They got away with it too, in the open, despite him being born nobility, as well as a war hero, and elected official and a hero of the people. None of that prevented him from a proper burial. Instead his body was dumped in the river.

From there the senate was exposed but pressed on against their fellow countrymen. It's no wonder during Spartacus' Slave Rebellion many of those who joined his flock were in fact locals of the peninsula including Romans. If only Spartacus had won we'd live in a very different world. You'd think they might have reconsidered their position on slaves following that catastrophe, but instead they doubled down as how could they go on both building their empire and screwing over the masses without slaves and circuses.

edit on 15-11-2017 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 12:45 PM

This all paved the way for Julius Caesar's usurpation of the senate. Fighting the corruption of the senate was central in his platform of sparking the civil war that lead to full blown dictatorship that lead to the likes of Caligula & Nero.

The irony of the whole affair is the aristocracy needed to be overthrown, its just too bad it went from bad to worse. Even if Caesar wasn't a tyrant (whom bragged about slaughtering a million barbarians, and enslaving a million more), it still got worse and worse in terms of hardcore brutality with each successive new emperor for many years to follow. That's the real bitch about dictatorships, as even if a saint enacts the arrangement those who follow inherit all of that power and that will inevitably land a true monster at the helm.

You'd think the US whom so loves to reflect on Rome would heed these warnings, instead each successive POTUS we find them stacking ever more dictatorial power stakes to the position. When Bush was doing it some did warn that all his increments would be in place moving forward to the next guy, but Republican's ignored if not applauded it as it made some of them feel all empowered, I suppose. So then when Obama was doing the same BS we found Democrat's completely ignoring how how moves were stacking on top of the power metrics Bush had set in place. Then last year we saw total hysteria over Trump's rise from the liberal crowd, and despite this right up to the very end they fought and rioted in support of Obama setting up a DOD run de facto Ministry of Propaganda. I even pointed it out how Obama doing that the night before Christmas less than one month before Trump was to take over, yet was scoffed at.

Meanwhile we all watched the Intelligence Community in lockstep with the Democrat & Republican Party's all across the MSM fomenting a trend of the public showing outward support of literally removing him from office even before taking office. This kind of logic really is something, as the precedent here is talking about open support of a coup d'etat run by the Intelligence Community. As if they're to be trusted...

How many foreign governments have they overthrown again; how many MILLIONS of people have died because of the never ending LIES they spin upon the Congress and The People in their never ending pursuit of global imperialism?

Now if they had, or if they do push onward in such a pursuit it creates a situation where to restore order and destroy this corruption it would require a martial law situation; suspension of the Constitution. This goes regardless of if it were Trump or if it were the Ruling Establishment enacting it. More like we'd see an internal conflict within the military & intelligence apparatus; their own sort of mini civil war (which could indeed already be happening). Then we could expect to see this erupt into a hot civil war between commoners in the streets. And plenty of other implications too.

And all of that assumes Trump isn't actually a crony, that the entire ordeal wasn't a planned operation from the get. Which wouldn't surprise me quite frankly, for a variety of reasons, although my general position on Trump being a fake crony (which had been suggested a plenty last year) is that the damage the whole game has done in exposing the entirely crooked Two Party + MSM + IC System for what it is in this process is too incredible a gamble for these interests to attempt, would be the Occam's Razor.

But then again, when you know what I know the desperation we've seen pouring out of that apparatus to stop The People is to be expected given the rise of the Internet and its potential to empower US in conquering them once and for all.

edit on 15-11-2017 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 12:50 PM
You got a publisher for this short story yet?

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

That supposed to be Caligula, right? You're confused...Yes?

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 12:55 PM
It's Maximus Donaldus Trumpus.

Get it right.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 12:59 PM

That's it for the main body.

I had intended to work the Fasces into it but typed past that point and didn't want to go back and mess up my flow.


Note the Fasces, the symbol the Romans adopted as they pulled themselves out of the muck.

The fasces lictoriae ("bundles of the lictors") symbolised power and authority (imperium) in ancient Rome, beginning with the early Roman Kingdom and continuing through the republican and imperial periods. By republican times, use of the fasces was surrounded with tradition and protocol. A corps of apparitores (subordinate officials) called lictors each carried fasces before a magistrate, in a number corresponding to his rank. Lictors preceded consuls (and proconsuls), praetors (and propraetors), dictators, curule aediles, quaestors, and the Flamen Dialis during Roman triumphs (public celebrations held in Rome after a military conquest).

And now see how this is a prominent motif employed by forces within our very own government for a long long time now:

And yes, it is where Mussolini derived the term "Fascism" from:

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: DanteGaland
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

That supposed to be Caligula, right? You're confused...Yes?

I can see the T-shirt now. I hope it's not too expensive. I want mine in royal blue.


posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: DanteGaland

That's how I spelled it.


edit on 15-11-2017 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 01:05 PM
Here's more about Rome's revolutionary hero, Tiberius Gracchus:

And his murder (actual video):

edit on 15-11-2017 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: neo96

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Excellent post! The U.S. does indeed share many similar/exact ideas and policies of Rome. Scary to think about, all of this going on, internally, but very exciting as well. I want to believe that we are in for great (positive) change, after we swift through the chaos that comes first.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 01:09 PM
Well, I see how your mind works. That was quite....innersting to say the least. I don't dispute many of your connections to history and the present situation of the US government and it's seeming imperialism. Are we heading for what you basically call, a revolution? Quite possibly. Is it imminent? No way. Still too many puzzle pieces with enough power to continue their struggle. As far as the future of the US? Can't possibly predict.

The US and Rome are so very different. Firstly, there are many more super powers in the world today. The Iran/Iraqi War between themselves has killed over one million people-more than the US Civil War. Factor in nuclear powers and and we are dealing with the threat of destruction never even imaginable in Roman times. That threat does stabilize the major powers in modern times.

Very interesting historical piece and very well presented; very scholarly but not likely.
edit on 15-11-2017 by Justso because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: face23785
You got a publisher for this short story yet?

Totally agree!

Thoroughly enjoyed that read and well done IIB!

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 01:13 PM
"...and I leave symbols to the symbol minded..." --George Carlin.

Mostly a bunch of distraction, symbolism is adopted by succeeding empires down thru the ages because greedy people want to replicate the same thing, and they want to be the ones to run it.

its about greed, power and control.

Those are the real we endure down thru the ages, not 'bundles of reeds'.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: iTruthSeeker
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

I want to believe that we are in for great (positive) change, after we swift through the chaos that comes first.

"Ordo Ab Chao"

Latin for "Order out of Chaos"

I'm sure I've heard that attributed to some secretive group somewhere....
edit on E30America/ChicagoWed, 15 Nov 2017 13:18:48 -060011pmWednesdayth01pm by EternalShadow because: autocorrect BS

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: face23785
You got a publisher for this short story yet?

Well this did roll right off my tongue given the work I've been doing on my epic historical film, The Darkest Patterns, which in order to lay out mankinds future the patterns across our entire history are where to look. Damn thing has drawn out into the ultimate telling of Humanity's Saga, and the past week I've been trying to wrap up the ancient eras (which is involving gathering up and reviewing chopping into a million little slivers and editing it all to hell (following a strict chronological layout) damn near every documentary and movie that exist on each main subject set as I go...... Although I mostly intend to let the patterns themselves do the talking as nobodies trying to hear me the whole time nor would it be half as cool and watchable, any other way......

edit on 15-11-2017 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: intrptr

That's one tiny symbol, that happens to herald a lot of meaning. The whole damn DC "Mall" is one giant monument to Greece & Rome.

What's interesting however is Carthage is the other place to look in understanding the true imperial designs of the current American Empire. They were more a naval trade federation than a stormtroopering behemoth. But Carthage is mostly unacknowledged given how Rome obliterated them off the face of the earth, and mostly eradicated anything they ever wrote, so that only they could steal all the credit for what Carthage pioneered before them.

In contrast, they absorbed Greece her advances and her peoples without total eradication. Greece was a big deal but they werent the true prize of the era. Dominance of the entire Mediterranean was the big part Rome wanted to pretend was their innovation, but it was Carthage's baby so they had to go.
edit on 15-11-2017 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: intrptr

That's one tiny symbol, that happens to herald a lot of meaning. The whole damn DC "Mall" is one giant monument to Greece & Rome.

We also use the roman lion in the MGM movie trademark, the eagle, fluted pillars, roman coliseum, Gladiator sports, the capitol dome, currency, the senate, blah, blah.

Did you know the width of train tracks in the uS is the same as the width of chariot wheels?

Empires beget Empires.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: intrptr


Their network of far and wide roads infrastructure innovation was definitely Rome's baby. Didnt know that about the measurements.

Its also interesting how the "Mile" was the Romans land unit of measure, and we've stuck to it despite most the rest of thw world going Metric.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Always had a feeling that the fascist were really bundles of sticks

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