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Why I am sad!

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posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 09:29 AM
I have a burning obsession inside me to find out the truth and source of where I have originated from,
To find out why my ancestors where so focused on a goal that has been forgotten. It saddens me that we are no
Longer a smart race. Our goal as humans in this day and age is to earn money and provide for OURSELVES!

Where did we go so wrong? Why do we know longer share common goals? Why do we no longer share at all? I am 23 years old
and I have already had enough of life. I am not depressed nor will I ever take my own life.

I just don’t want to live in a time where everyone is so selfish because they want to be “someone”

That’s not me I want everyone to be loved everyone to share love and us all work towards a common goal.

Not Work 9-5 to a system that doesn’t care about us, why are we still abiding by this madness? Why haven’t we thrown this
System out the window? Because it’s not working.

We have all lost our minds and forgot about why we are here on Earth. We aren’t here to help prop up the big companies and banks
So why are we wasting our lives away? The most common thing said on a death bed is I wish I had done this or done that.

Don’t wish just do! Saying yes will change your life!

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: brandonforsyth11

So you're 23? Hmmm.

Basically you need to realize that everything you want, is actually everything you are claiming you don't want.
This is exactly what you said :

"I just don’t want to live in a time where everyone is so selfish because they want to be “someone”

That’s not me I want everyone to be loved everyone to share love and us all work towards a common goal. "

So on one hand you don't like the idea of fighting to be 'someone', yet on the other hand you want to be 'someone' who loves, is loved, and works to better humanity.

The problem is that you cannot just be 'someone' automatically, no one knows who you are yet. You need to get out there and create and contribute in such a way that you can express your talents and then you will gain notoriety among people and become someone. Through this you can share with them your love and they will love you too. This is an opportunity to teach them things and to learn things from them. This will better humanity in a practical 'right now today' way.

So actually you need to realize you are contradictory and just embrace the reality you are in instead of rejecting it.

If you don't want a 9-5 job but still need to pay the bills, you can have a 4 to 12 or a 12 to 8 job for the time being. Better yet you can create your own income source by being entrepreneurial and by making investments.

Point is, as much as we all dislike it, money is a huge problem in all of our lives and rather than rejecting it you should just think about how to get a lot of it so you can worry about other things like helping people with it and loving and sharing (instead of worrying about where you are going to eat or sleep at tomorrow).

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 09:56 AM
At 23 you have freedom to make choices.

Wait until the world has ground you down emotionally, financially and spiritually in about 50 years.
A couple of nasty divorces, bankruptcy and alcoholism.

You have no idea how much I envy you.

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 10:07 AM
AT 23 the only thing that mattered to me was chasing girls.

Sure money can be a nice thing to have.

Having a lot of stuff.

But THAT isn't what LIFE is all about.

There's so much more to it.

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: brandonforsyth11

At 23? You have to pay/buy your phone, comptr, service, rent or mortgage. car loan, gas and maint. for all... and you have to eat/buy food, pay all your other bills to get thru this month.. and next month, next year, and for the next 10-20-30 years. Over and over.. it never stops.

People are absorbed with just LIVING, and making more to KEEP it coming in.

With all that going on? The world is too committed to life, toys, marriage, apartment- homes, credit cards, buying food, clothes and every other thing needed to get thru today.

Unless one lives with mom and dad, eats their food, has no bills etc, etc... The world is way too busy to stop and change the status quo. We can't!

Little Jannie has soccer practice, dinner has to be made, and a million other time and effort occupying things needed to keep going... Let alone change thing to a "kum-by-ya" society.

At 23? You've no clue I'm guessing yet. Welcome to the real world. 'Nice to dream...

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Point is, as much as we all dislike it, money is a huge problem in all of our lives and rather than rejecting it you should just think about how to get a lot of it so you can worry about other things like helping people with it and loving and sharing (instead of worrying about where you are going to eat or sleep at tomorrow).
Two approaches to the problem . 1 work work work or 2 learn how to not work as much . Its actually a good thing to not keep up with the Jones's and to find a comfie warm dry place to exist . I think we really miss the reality that the more stuff or things we have to more we become slaves to it . Assets are really burdensome and are liabilities ...

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 10:27 AM
I hate to be 'that guy'....

Mods, please move to appropriate forum?

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: brandonforsyth11

There is pretty compelling evidence to suggest that humans have struggled to provide for themselves as long as we have been around. From hunting, through agriculture and into industry.

What have changed, perhaps, is that this subsistence now is what is supposed to infuse our lives with meaning. Our materialist philosophy has little to offer in terms of meaning, and this is causing distress.

We really are more than just molecules and chemistry.

So, to satisfy the body, we might labour and toil, but to satisfy the soul (which we largly deny in our society, because we cannot weigh it) we need to look elsewhere.

Humanity has always known this, but lately a lot of us seem to have forgotten.

edit on 13-11-2017 by beetee because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

I think we really miss the reality that the more stuff or things we have to more we become slaves to it . Assets are really burdensome and are liabilities ...

When I lost everything in 08, the shock was almost unbearable, then one day fly fishing on the San Juan because I had nothing else to do, I had an epiphany....I was at that moment doing what I always wanted to do and realized I had a marketable skill and turned my passion into a business teaching others.

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 10:46 AM
MuzzleFlash my dear kindred spirit! I have been saying what you have said until I'm blue in the face.
I've told multiple young people how to get a college degree without debt. They don't want to hear it. A lot of people would rather spend hours complaining about how much student loans are and how crappy the world is. Too many people think money is evil instead of how it can help. Money is neither evil or good, it is a means of trade.

I love your advice about jobs. Our ancestors would have killed for a 9-5 job. I wish some people could go back in time and see how it was. Fortunate for me I've had a lot of people live over 100 years in my family. There have been stories passed down. Times were never easier or better, they were just different. Maybe our ancestors didn't need to sit in a cube, but fetching water in pail a thousands times over was not fun either. My dad told me stories about how they were poor and had to collect coal from the railroad tracks to heat their house.

There has also never been a time in history where people weren't selfish, if there was it sure wasn't in the history books!

brandonforsyth11 : if there is one bit of advice I have for you, you have the greatest gift of all, youth & time. Don't squander it!

edit on 13-11-2017 by JAGStorm because: spelling

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: olaru12

My husband and I also lost everything in 08. It was the best thing that ever happened. It made us realize that no matter what was thrown at us we would always be ok.

In addition to physical items, when you go through a total loss, like death, divorce, job loss, you find out real quick who your real friends are. It was pretty eye opening to us!

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: brandonforsyth11

I hear you. And in the midst of all the responses offering bleak views, I say this to you:

You have the right idea. Don't change because others try to convince you that suffering is the norm in life. It's not our natural state. Your perception is everything

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 11:01 AM
Have you ever considered that past civilizations fell ultimately because of the same paths we are now on?

The failure in humanity has always been the same, divisions and failure to establish collective balance between strength and weakness. You can't change the world without changing the inherent flaws within us all.

We love but we hate, we are good but we are evil. We are weak but we are strong. Each in perpetual conflict with the other. Always leads ultimately to the same outcome when the balance shifts to one or the other.

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: olaru12

There is a old story of a colonial officer trying to reason with the natives about work ethics . The officer said they should work 40 to 60 hours a week so they could go hunting and fishing on the weekends . The Natives just laughed and continued fishing .

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: brandonforsyth11

The entire human race is ultimately the sons and daughters of the same great great great...grandparents.

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: brandonforsyth11

This book will straighten you out:

You just need to access the appropriate archetypes to find happiness and success in life.

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: brandonforsyth11

Going into the dark to come out into the light:

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: brandonforsyth11

Welcome to ATS Brandonforsyth11.
I am not surprised that you are sad - I am sad now as well after reading some of the responses that you received.
Sorry that you are sad.

Here is a gift to help lift the spirit.

edit on 13-11-2017 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: brandonforsyth11

Here's my 2 cents, because I can relate to where you are at and what how you're feeling.

Finding happiness in our lives is very important, but with the advent of our fiat currency system that seems to drive everyone's lives we lose touch of our humanity, compassion and purpose, because many people trade time just for dollars.

Although dollars can make being miserable more comfortable, at the end of one's life, all they'll have to show for it is the time they traded for money, missing so much of what life is truly about, and being left with just the misery and money as the milestones for their collective lives.

Money is important, but it shouldn't drive your life unless coupled with some happiness.

I remember working with an engineer years ago, on a job, although he was a dedicated worker and made a very handsome salary he was one of the most miserable human-beings I've encountered. He was on his 3rd wife, and had a son with her, at the time his son was 9 years old.

I was still single then, and it was more than 25 years ago. I remember this man telling a group of us a story, that absolutely had me question everything in my life, and what my future would hold for my family life eventually.

It was Father's day, and we were all sitting around having coffee before work (6am) start-up meeting. Mike was his name and he started in with "My son yesterday asked me if I could take fathers day off, because he wanted to go to the zoo, and I looked at him and said, are you going to pay my paycheck if I take Father's Day off?"

I honestly was waiting for his punchline, because I thought no one could be that callous, especially a 9 year old child that was asking for just one day, to spend with his dad, on Father's Day. The song the "Cat's in the Cradle came on the radio later that day and I actually had tears in my eyes.

I vowed then that day that if I ever had a child he/she would be the most important thing in my life, and regardless of what was going on in life they would be #1.

With that being said children mimic what their parents do, so it's important to be happy in what you are doing and choose a lifestyle that encompasses character building. Currently our world is in need of people that find peace and happiness within themselves, and are able to be role models for the younger generation.

Awareness on a global scale is kicking into high gear, and many people are questioning who they are, and what life is really about.

On a sheet one sheet of paper write everything that makes you sad down, then on the other sheet write everything that makes you happy, if you need more paper then use as many as you like. Do this for 7 days by adding things to your list, and thoughts, eventually you will be able to see what makes you happy in life, and can focus on a lifestyle/career that encompasses those things you wrote down. It will take some effort on your part.

I think one of the most tragic things in our society is that we put so much emphasis on a career that will make a certain dollar amount, instead of looking at how we are individually wired, then coming up with a life-plan for ourselves.

I believe our society would be much happier if we were truly honest with ourselves, and used our intuitions to find our life purpose.

I hope my babble was of some comfort, because you have something very precious on your side right now, and that's time, so be kind to yourself, and look within.

Peace and good luck to you,


edit on 13-11-2017 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: brandonforsyth11

i reccomend you invest in a house/property as soon as possible. the best investment you can make. my house will be paid off in 9 more payments, i'm 42 will be 43 when its done. would love to cut back to a part time job then but im gonna work another 7 years investing in my retirement. been living like a poorman last 18 years, will pay off big time if i can stick it out for anther 7.

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