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Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

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posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: Spider879
a reply to: JBurns

I'm gonna ask again, who the fk!! created Dylan Roof, since some of you guys wanna go party line on this, while we are at it ?? the freakin Alt Right turned out to be gaddamn torch bearing Nazis.I called it right nearly 2yrs ago while many poo pooed me to death.

It sure appears a devil worshiper or one worlder doing their agenda that would go to a house of worship and assassinate people living the love and walking the walk. Only idiots want to kill innocent people.

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: tabularosa
I am a progressive, liberal, or whatever you want to pigeonhole me as. Yet I do support violence, segregation, etc. I do support that which benefits all people in America (and globally, for that matter), peace, and tolerance. Those who continue to bash the left or the right or whoever are but falling into the mindless trap of the elite, the division game played by both Democrats and Republicans alike as proxies to their corporate sponsors. There are far more voters outside of the two party system, thus collectively we have the power to bring establishment politics to its knees. Keeping us divided is but a win for the wealthy. I'm tired of this personally, and would like to see our government represent all people and protect our individual rights. I cannot do it alone, however. Pajama people, wake up and join me in a revolution for the working class.

That you are describing at the end ARE the words the Unions and the Soviet Union used. I would say wake up and smell the tyranny instead!!! Justice and liberty are what makes the world right. The rinos and demoncrats are trying to destroy the goose that laid the golden egg. We should export our prosperity and if we are doing well the rest of the world rises with us. Notice that unemployment is at a low we may have never seen before now and prosperous working class spend money that helps the prosperity of others. Wake up to the fact the D's and R's probably work for Soro's Puppet masters too.
edit on 13-11-2017 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: Spider879

Dylan Roof was an extremist, radicalized by neo-Nazi BS. I have absolutely nothing to do with that, and I abhor everything those individuals believe in.

The alt-right is not part of the neo-Nazi or KKK idiots (those groups = the idiots, not insulting anyone!). The alt-right is an umbrella term accompanying groups like the tea party and those who stand against the establishment. The term you are looking for is "extreme right" which is the groups of extremists spouting their BS (just as the left has an extreme left). Alt is simply an alternative to the right's establishment Republicans. Most alt-righters are libertarians, classical liberals and moderate conservatives with some mixture of all the above and more.

I can't stand neo-Nazis or KKK or whatever else and Dylan Roof is a godless fool who deserves everything he gets. Hopefully a needle in his arm.
edit on 11/13/2017 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/13/2017 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: Spider879
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

Yes Wide Eyes, context and history in your world played no part, and what does it feel to be "White"??? donno but in general , life without being an auto suspect must feel relatively good..

You do know that white people from all white neighborhoods where they are frick'n thugs like in the Projects are treated the exact same way. The LEOs kill those punks more than the black people in numbers but that is lost in the debate because white people know they basically went all stupid and arrogant when they were pulled over. We call it "suicide by cop" because they know the cops don't play. If they say freeze and you reach anywhere but up in the air they use hot lead to make you not dangerous anymore. White, black, native American, Chinese, Hispanic or Russian, if you don't follow instructions and reach anywhere but up, you are getting it.

Most if not all of the people getting killed by LEO's were being asked to obey basic instructions to eliminate their threat level to do harm to themselves and others.That does not make the LEO guilty of racism.

The 0.01 % of these borderline cases have me in disagreement with Black lives matter (more than cops lives) because we all will support charges and serious jail time or worse. Obeying the laws makes this problem go away.

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 06:38 AM
Why are they pushing segregation like this in the U.S.? Seems like the mainstream media wants to go back to the first half of the 20th century, with black racists on the left pushing hard for it.

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Well my little girl of 11 is best friends with another little girl called Zara who is coloured and she does not seem to have an issue.

Just keep in mind "We are all Jock Tamson's Bairns" and the same on the inside.

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Colored is not a word anyone should be using to describe a person! Im not saying you are being intentionally racist, but really! Historically the word is linked to segregation and the jim crow laws. And people wonder why patents have to have that talk.with their kids!

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Wulfrida

You can entertain as much politically correct bullcrap as you wish.

You obviously have problems understanding context or meaning.

"coloured, having a colour or colours, especially as opposed to being black, white, or neutral."

Far as I'm concerned COLOURED is perfectly acceptable to describe anyone, but the wee girl is BLACK which is also perfectly acceptable terminology or adjective pertaining to the person in question.

Get off your PC soapbox as your madness simple does not wash with me I'm afraid.
edit on 14-11-2017 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

It's not a matter of politically correct. Its racist. That girl should be nowhere near someone who calls her colored.

Let me guess, ya have a confederate flag, dont you?

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: Wulfrida

Aye in Scotland i have a confederate flag ya fool. LoL

Go spout your PC verbal diarrhea someplace else.

People are people and COLOUR is an adjective with respects to the context it is being discussed.

Maybe i should not call them "Little" or "Girls" also, would that satisfy your PC rhetoric bullcrap?
edit on 14-11-2017 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

It is, I suppose a variation on the white persons defence of their racism by saying that they cant be racist, as they have a black friend.

Noone likes to think they didn't earn their position in society, or their hard work was not solely responsible for their health, wealth and success. Fact is people who are not white earn less, have worse health and experiences of healthcare, are more likely to go to jail, and far more likely to be shot at for the offence of walking or driving whilst brown.

Words have meaning, history, context. The word colored to describe a human being comes with baggage, the same baggage as that rebel flag, the same danger. The use of it, by a white person says something about their views and safety. It doesn't say let my kid play with theirs.

You disingenuously tell me what colored means. I know what it means in this context, you clearly dont.

And oh, you use a u in the word color? Doesnt make ya right or better.

I get it, most poor whites use their personal struggles as proof to deny their privilege.

Fact is parents with kids who don't have white privilege just want their kid to be ok. There are too many examples of shoot now, ask later. I dont want an apology from a cop. I want a live kid, so damn right ill warn them.

And noone in my family is going to bow and scrape either. I see signs of hostility, my kids will stay away. Im protecting them. That need to protect is universal, surely you can see that.
edit on 14-11-2017 by Wulfrida because: Typo

edit on 14-11-2017 by Wulfrida because: Typo

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Andy, dear, I cant see your location now can I? But not being clairvoyant makes me a fool?

This is a US based site, buddy. So get over your bad self.

You wave the term political correctness around like a weapon. It's not. It's your excuse.

You have no guns, now, Braveheart?

We do. And we have to protect our kids accordingly.

You had no jim crow laws, did you. We did. Colored was the word used on those signs. I cant work out how to insert picture, but google them.

I suspect.colored is as racist a term on Scotland as it is in the USA.

Why are angry? Are you unwell? Poor? Drunk?

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: infolurker
Yeah I don't see how any of this has to do with "the progressive left"

It's on opinion piece on race. Probably from someone who watches a lot of tv. Racism is always on a downward slope, same as crime and war. But 24 hours news makes it seem like it's happening a lot more than it used to. It's just an illusion caused by the fact that we all have cameras now and everything is posted online.

However there is one point I would like to make about segregation. The south was forced to de-segregate their schools, the north wasn't. It was assumed that it would just happen in the north, it didn't. New York is filled with segregated schools(not necessarily on purpose) but either way it's some sh*t democrats should fix

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: Wulfrida

Well my kids are just fine thank you very much and understand that colour is not an issue and even how adjectives function pertaining to the English language.

They also need protection from PC bullcrap and require the ability to say what the mean without moronic buffoons attempting to pervert or subvert there meaning for there own leftwing nonsensical agenda.

Kids are kids, black, white, pink, or purple. The only idiots that care are the racists and PC counterparts in the opposite direction.

As to your confederate flag bullcrap, well i did like the Dukes of Hazard as a wean, guess that would make me racist following your most illogical train of thought?

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: Wulfrida

Nope, but the use of the letter "U" in the word Coloured makes you rather foolish for thinking i was a Southern American through.

Think most literate people understand the difference in our spelling techniques.

ATS is for everyone or do you disagree? Because that could be interpreted as rather racist. x

And the word COLOURED is not in any way considered racist over here, unless of course, you are a moronic PC buffoon, but we tend to just ignore them.
edit on 14-11-2017 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Andy, you are Scottish and clearly derive a lot of your self worth and identity from that.

You have no idea what it feels like when your neighbor starts to fly the.confederate flag. Believe me, you.worry abour your kids playing outside if they arent white.

Again with this shield of anti pc to justify racism. Im not politically correct. I have no time for any politics of any kind. But refusung labels like colored never hurt anyone. Vice versa isnt true, not even in merry olde.scotland.

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: Wulfrida

Let's just say my children can play with whomever they wish.

Racism pointless as i plainly pointed out in my first post in this thread before you seem to have taken issue with a simple adjective.

Black people are black and white people are white but the colour of there skin is neither here nor there which does not mean it cannot be discussed in a manner that is not derogatory, simple as that or do you disagree?

Labels are for idiots that identify with such especially so whilst pertaining to people. Handy on the side of a tin all the same.

Using an adjective to describe the colour of a person is not racist unless done so in a derogatory manner but somehow i imagine you will fail to get your head around that concept.

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

The u which you added in your edit?

Besides, using see and british spelling means nothing, you could be anyone, anywhere..abd if you think I scour posts for linguistic signifiers, im afraid you are suffering delusions of grandeur.

I dont care if people disagree, but letting racism go unchallenged, isnt going to happen.

That said, im way too tired for this crap. Nothing will ever change, especially when a group of white men, with white kids get fragile and hurt over non white families in the USA hAving a chat with their kids about how to maximize their chances of surviving an encounter with law enforcement, and why they cannot associate with Andy's kids because Andy uses the word colored, or whatever the (rebel) red flag is.

Its way too accepting of racism, and male in ats. Im sadly out. See ya.

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: Wulfrida

"The u which you added in your edit?"

Yes well i tend to fix what i perceive to be spelling mistakes when i come across them. I try not to spell colour without a U as im Dyslexic and it kind of screws with my interpretation of the word.

So now you are sexist towards white males on ATS???

As well as suggesting ATS was predominately for US citizens, your on a role here methinks. LoL

Never mind though since you are away.


Take care, don't let that sexist door hit you on the behind on the way out.

edit on 14-11-2017 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Wulfrida

I'd say the issue that some have with your proposed notions is that it can minimize and distract from incidents of actual racism. Completely eschewing discourse of actual racism in favor of expending effort on personal perception.

Here, we have numerous posts that focus entirely on a word rather than the very real racism portrayed in the OP. When this happens over longer periods of time, and in larger and larger groups, it can and does result in the fight against racism focusing solely on items that are not inherently racist.

This could be indicative that there are so few incidents of actual racism that the jump has been made to ascribe the inherent unfairness of existence to some kind of prejudice. With that foundation for the "fight," perceived racism will never, ever be removed. In fact, it will be perpetuated by the very people fighting against it in a very vicious cycle based in victim mentalities and inaccurate attributions.

That said, we can and should work on the factors that precipitate the lack of fairness even if they have nothing to do with racism. Approaching the situation with the intent of all peoples having equal merit, rather than specifics, can end up solving the issue to heights impossible with the current paradigm.

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