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For those of you who are interested in going down QAnon's Rabbit Hole

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posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye
a reply to: ProjectNine

"what goes from 38°4437.57N 104°5048.40W to 39.8561° N 104.6737° W?"

The problem with the coordinates is the first set is in Degrees/minutes/seconds and the second set is in decimal format.

Google Lat Long converter and change the second set of numbers to the Degrees/minutes/seconds format. It’s easy, I just happen to be on my phone and it’s not as easy.

I think you’ll find it runs on a north/south line, probably Cheyenne Mt

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: UndeadWarrior

LOL - your thought processes are pretty amusing... you are "literally all of us" in that post (msm meme)

There's no doubt some of what has been referenced has been TRUE.. however, it's information we already knew.

I have read everything Q has said to date.

But let's focus on Q's central THEME. Patriots (loyal to the president & the nation), with NSA / Military Intelligence working on their side VS satanists (loyal to their Globalist agenda) with the CIA on their team.

On multiple occasions Q says his "leaks" about this internal conflict within the US Gov are the biggest data drop in history.
Yet there has been NOTHING substantial to prove any of this is actually going on... and the rest of what he talks about, references things WE ALREADY KNOW OR HAVE SUSPECTED.. so this Q character could really be nothing more than a massive troll.

I guess in time we will see.

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: pale5218

originally posted by: MotherMayEye
a reply to: ProjectNine

"what goes from 38°4437.57N 104°5048.40W to 39.8561° N 104.6737° W?"

The problem with the coordinates is the first set is in Degrees/minutes/seconds and the second set is in decimal format.

Google Lat Long converter and change the second set of numbers to the Degrees/minutes/seconds format. It’s easy, I just happen to be on my phone and it’s not as easy.

I think you’ll find it runs on a north/south line, probably Cheyenne Mt

Ha, yes...I already figured all that out.

I converted the coordinates in decimal format to degrees/minutes/seconds...that goes to the Denver International Airport.

And, yes, the second set is degrees/minutes/seconds..except they are missing the apostrophe. When you add it in, you get the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force station.

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: 0racle
.. so this Q character could really be nothing more than a massive troll.

I guess in time we will see.

Not to 'speak for everyone,' but I do believe everyone (or nearly everyone) understands this and that it all remains to be seen.

That's not good reason to stop discussing it.

Moving on now?

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: Mandy555

This whole thing just gets weirder by the second. Now I kinda want to go check out out.

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: MotherMayEye

how is pointing out the difference between Q's inferences and Q's references saying we should stop discussing it?
edit on 13-11-2017 by 0racle because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 02:17 PM

That is all

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: tigertatzen
a reply to: Mandy555

This whole thing just gets weirder by the second. Now I kinda want to go check out out.

If you do, keep in mind who owns it -- the City and County of Denver -- and consider all the terrible thematic art inside.

One of the murals shows a dead slave woman (in chains), a dead Native American woman, and a dead white girl holding a Bible. That's just the tip of the iceberg.

And people think statues of Confederate soldiers/leaders are scary & offensive and should be torn down.

edit on 11/13/2017 by MotherMayEye because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: 0racle

Perhaps I misunderstood your point. If you just wanted to inform us that 'Q' could be a troll/hoaxer/LARPer...then, thanks. But I think we nearly all understood that already. No reason to discuss it to the detriment of the thread.

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: 0racle
a reply to: UndeadWarrior

LOL - your thought processes are pretty amusing... you are "literally all of us" in that post (msm meme)

There's no doubt some of what has been referenced has been TRUE.. however, it's information we already knew.

Can't pull myself away lol.

I'm kinda trying to be amusing with my thought process...
Not sure I get your "literally all of us" reference?

What about us

I didn't know most of that information prior to the Q stuff! I heard about the SA corruption stuff, the rest trickled down thanks to the Q related postings(though none of it is surprising or shocking).

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: KansasGirl

originally posted by: liveandlearn
a reply to: KansasGirl

It is QAnon and I no longer see Trump as a follower. Originally it was both POTUS and Donald J Trump@real Donald Trump. Then just one, now neither. Need to take screen shots next time.

I haven't been able to find QAnon on Twitter as an account- only people posting with hashtag QAnon.

Think twitter is shadow banning. Here is QAnon twitter

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: UndeadWarrior

originally posted by: 0racle
a reply to: UndeadWarrior

LOL - your thought processes are pretty amusing... you are "literally all of us" in that post (msm meme)

There's no doubt some of what has been referenced has been TRUE.. however, it's information we already knew.

What about us

I always read and rarely post. And my favorite way to read is to find a random topic, start at the first post and sift my way through everything that follows. I'm talking following links, enlarging pictures, listening to songs and...watching videos. No matter why whomever post the subject matter to begin with. I have to say...after watching that Pink video...holy smokes. Can we all remember that when she happens to "overdose" in the near future?

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 05:42 PM
Could someone possibly clarify a few things from the whole "Q" topic for me?

1) what is the significance of the +++ symbols in Q's posts? Are they symbolic towards anything or have a technical purpose?

2) Q mentioned multiple times something about "referring back to the graphic" what graphic? Any links available?

3) I understand the what the acronym LARP or LARPing stands for, but what does it mean when someone is LARPing when referencing an internet forum? Is it basically a shill or troll? If so, what are the differences between a shill, a troll, and a LARP?

4) Obviously there is a TON of info and different narratives surrounding the Q topic. I've looked at 4chan, some YT vids, even some PDF's available in the questions being asked. There's a lot to take in, and you're left to your own interpretation of what the questions mean. For argument's sake, let's say that there's some accuracy in the questions Q is asking. What would be the one thing to come from the Q topics that would cause you to automatically validate the rest of their topics?

I've been casually reading through a bunch of the "Q" stuff on here and Twitter over the past few days. Some of it is confusing, some crazy, some is very interesting, but all of it has been very entertaining. Regardless of how this all turns out in the end, it's been fun to speculate over.

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: RainyState

For the graphic, if you go to pol, the catalog then Calm Before The Storm it will take you to the tread. The graphic will be listed in the first section. It is all pertinent post made by Q. It is hugh. i have it saved but it comes up with prohibited address

You will also find summeries

edit, sometimes they call graphic 'Q Map'
edit on 13-11-2017 by liveandlearn because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: MotherMayEye

i was simply clarifying precisely why Q could be a troll... I read this whole thread & didn't feel it had been made explicitly clear what differences is between the truth Q presents & the potentially misleading narrative he wants us to buy...

Lets say everything Q says is true.. & he is a genuine WH insider... what exactly is the point of telling people this stuff???

Because its such a serious situation that he wants us to be prepared for the potentiality of a unprecedented political crisis? / civil unrest (or all out war??) ... Just trying to analyse this phenomenon "Q"

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: pale5218

think the second set might be numbers that turn into letters.

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: 0racle
a reply to: MotherMayEye

i was simply clarifying precisely why Q could be a troll... I read this whole thread & didn't feel it had been made explicitly clear what differences is between the truth Q presents & the potentially misleading narrative he wants us to buy...

Lets say everything Q says is true.. & he is a genuine WH insider... what exactly is the point of telling people this stuff???

Because its such a serious situation that he wants us to be prepared for the potentiality of a unprecedented political crisis? / civil unrest (or all out war??) ... Just trying to analyse this phenomenon "Q"


He's not telling us it's going to end in some kind of crisis.

Whoever he/she is, the implications seem to be that the good guys are in the process of taking down the hidden power structure. He has been explaining the implications of the Saudi purge, and it seems the Rothschilds are next, and then Soros.

First the money. Saudis.

The banks come next. Rothschilds.

Follwed by the media. Soros.

Taking the slush fund away had to be the first step, and that's what we just saw. He's also implying that China seems to be in our corner, along with the NSA, and the Military. Hell....probably *gasp!* Russia.

This is what it looks like from 40,000 ft.

It's going to get really good when he gets closer to the ground.

I don't know if it's true. I don't care if it isn't. Whoever Q may be, he's good. Very good. This has been a tremendous ride.
edit on 13-11-2017 by TomLawless because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 06:45 PM
Just in case some of you folks haven't seen it, here is the smartsheet.

It's a complete, and frequently updated chronology of Q's posts, along with possible answers.

It's a terrific reference.

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: TomLawless

He has been explaining the implications of the Saudi purge, and it seems the Rothschilds are next, and then Soros.

Yes, I get that, but pragmatically I don't get why he is telling US... the people... if it's going to happen... let it happen... and we can all watch in amazement later....

Why would a person like Q be teasing us?

That is what I don't get...
edit on 13-11-2017 by 0racle because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: RainyState
Could someone possibly clarify a few things from the whole "Q" topic for me?

1) what is the significance of the +++ symbols in Q's posts? Are they symbolic towards anything or have a technical purpose?

This is what is seen as verification that president Trump is at least aware of, if not involved with Qs activity

3) I understand the what the acronym LARP or LARPing stands for, but what does it mean when someone is LARPing when referencing an internet forum? Is it basically a shill or troll? If so, what are the differences between a shill, a troll, and a LARP?

A shill is generally someone who is paid to post on a particular topic be it political or to endorse a product or service. A troll is someone who pops into a discussion and throws around random, often unrelated, drivel and insults and behave in a more or less uncouth way, and a LARP can includes shills and trolls though they may be organically attracted to a LARP rather than targeting it specifically; though there are examples of this.

4) Obviously there is a TON of info and different narratives surrounding the Q topic. I've looked at 4chan, some YT vids, even some PDF's available in the questions being asked. There's a lot to take in, and you're left to your own interpretation of what the questions mean. For argument's sake, let's say that there's some accuracy in the questions Q is asking. What would be the one thing to come from the Q topics that would cause you to automatically validate the rest of their topics?

Probably the bigges thing would be Huma Abedin and John Podesta indictments being unsealed. We know that there are an absolute unprecedented overabundance of sealed indictments in the D.C. jurisdiction at the moment; whether or not any of them have to do with Mueller's investigation remains to be seen, but we do know Gates, Manafort and Papadopolous have had indictments brought against them so there is a very high probability that at least some of the newly filed, sealed indictments are from his investigation.

Q has specified dates for Abedin and Podesta, but to date none (other than the three mentioned above) have been reported. If there are indictments for these two eventually unsealed, that would validate Q to a high degree of certainty; for me anyway.

As of the present, it's a fun gedankenexperiment.

I've been casually reading through a bunch of the "Q" stuff on here and Twitter over the past few days. Some of it is confusing, some crazy, some is very interesting, but all of it has been very entertaining. Regardless of how this all turns out in the end, it's been fun to speculate over.

The best resource, IMHO, is the spreadsheet that some anon has kindly volunteered to maintain.

4Chan can be hell to decipher but if you're able to filter the dross there's more than a few nuggets to be found.


a reply to: 0racle

Because its such a serious situation that he wants us to be prepared for the potentiality of a unprecedented political crisis? / civil unrest (or all out war??) ...

I would assign a medium to high probability that this is a fair percentage of the motivation for Q's actions.

If what Q says is true, then we will indeed witness events of historic proportions and all of the above could be in the offing for us.

edit on 13-11-2017 by jadedANDcynical because: (no reason given)

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