I have wondered this for a while, and I have asked myself many times how does a man like Trump get to become President and remain relatively unscathed
and not get impeached? Especially when you consider all the things thrown in his way, and the career and life he has had which has helped him to be
President in some sort of predestined way.
The man is, as many will agree, a very controversial character. But we also live in very troubled times right now. The 'more of the same' approach led
by the middle of politics in the centre ground has lost its way, and the political climate is now a different one altogether. The answers to many of
the global problems we now face have not been solved by centrist policies, and in search for new ways to tackle these problems, America has chosen
Trump. Or has something else?
I say something else because I have watched and observed like many people have, all the problems growing in the world, and through the midst of these
troubles comes along Trump, the unlikeliest candidate for President. Most people thought he didn't stand a chance, and yet here he is - the President
of the United States and the world's most powerful man.
I ask myself what is the purpose of Trump in all this, especially in the context of the Bible and some of the prophecies. Is he truly a man serving
a purpose for God? Is he a man masquerading as a messiah to evangelical Christians? And how does such a controversial man fit into that plan if he is
serving God's plan?
Then I remembered there was King Cyrus. A King who served his purpose for God, and who was a controversial man as well. Then I also remembered how
in Revelation it describes a Third Temple having to be built before the Second coming of Christ can happen, and as well that the Jews are still
waiting for someone to fulfill their prophecy of the Third Temple.
So it occurred to me, that is it just coincidence that America's relationship with Israel is also stronger than ever before, where if you remember at
the end of Obama's tenure, the relationship with Israel was at an all-time low? And how Trump also visited Palestine when no other President would?
And Trump, a man who is a great builder of things, has already expressed a desire to build an Embassy and help create peace..? Does this all seem
totally just coincidence and no bearing to the things I mentioned or is there a greater power going on at play here?
So I guess, in conclusion, is Trump instrumental in helping create the 7 year peace treaty and the Third Temple as described in the Bible? Is he being
used by God to serve this specific purpose?
edit on 10-11-2017 by Mnb72 because: (no reason given)